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Telescope Sensitivity & Discoveries 10 8 16001700180019002000 Galileo Sensitivity Improvement over the Eye Year of observations Telescopes alone Photographic.

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Presentation on theme: "Telescope Sensitivity & Discoveries 10 8 16001700180019002000 Galileo Sensitivity Improvement over the Eye Year of observations Telescopes alone Photographic."— Presentation transcript:


2 Telescope Sensitivity & Discoveries 10 8 16001700180019002000 Galileo Sensitivity Improvement over the Eye Year of observations Telescopes alone Photographic & electronic detection 10 6 10 4 10 2 Huygens eyepiece Slow f ratios Short’s 21.5” Herschell’s 48” Rosse’s 72” Photography Mount Wilson 100”Mount Palomar 200”Soviet 6-m After Fig. 3.10 in Cosmic Discovery, M. Harwit 10 CCDs Keck, VLT, Gemini... HST NGST

3 InSb and “astronomical capability”

4 Size matters: CCDs & Mosaics 2kx2k UH4k NOAO 4k NAOJ MACHO UH8k SDSS CFHT12k MEGACAM VLT ST 24k x 24k

5 Gamma Ray Burster 990123 1 year Peak m V ~9 m z > 1.6  L ~ 4x10 6 in two weeks

6 NOVA #2212G: "The Doomsday Asteroid" (Second Repack) Broadcast Transcript PBS Airdate: April 29, 1997 ANNOUNCER: Tonight on NOVA. Massive rocks have pounded the planets for centuries, but humans have never witnessed an actual impact until nearby Jupiter was pummeled. Could it happen here? Could Planet Earth be the next target? GENE SHOEMAKER: It's been treated as a little bit silly. We're not really being silly. Comets really do impact planets. CLARK CHAPMAN: And a big one could come in at any time. ANNOUNCER: Look out! Here comes "The Doomsday Asteroid." NOVA is funded by Prudential. Prudential. Insurance, health care, real estate, and financial services. For more than a century, bringing strength and stability to America's families. And by Merck. Merck... E-mailE-mail | TV Schedule | Web Schedule | Teachers Previous Sites | Search | Site Map | Shop | Printable page PBS Online | NOVA Online | WGBH ©TV ScheduleWeb ScheduleTeachers Previous SitesSearchSite MapShopPrintable page PBS OnlineNOVA OnlineWGBH© Copied from web page on June 27, 2000

7 Energy-resolving Detectors TES (Transition Edge Sensor/SQUID readout) STJ (Superconducting Tunnel Junction/RF-Single Electron Transistor) 6x6 STJ 140160180200220240 0 20 40 60 80 100 Predicted QE Wavelength (nm) QE STJ Performance STJ spectrum

8 = 1.9° 0.15 T universe : z = 3 Now: z = 0 50 Mpc

9 KinneyBunner Riegler Weiler

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