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GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC GOES USERS’ CONFERENCE III: Discussion Highlights.

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Presentation on theme: "GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC GOES USERS’ CONFERENCE III: Discussion Highlights."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC GOES USERS’ CONFERENCE III: Discussion Highlights Air Quality and Fires Deborah Mangis et al.

2 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 1) Needs for Data and Product Distribution Tropospheric ozone: 15 minute updates 0-500ppb +/- 5ppb Tropospheric ozone: 15 minute updates 0-500ppb +/- 5ppb EPA requires O 3, SO 2, CO, NO 2, H 2 CO, PM 2.5, aerosols, dust, smoke, sulfates, etc with temporal resolution of at least hourly, ABI,47 EPA requires O 3, SO 2, CO, NO 2, H 2 CO, PM 2.5, aerosols, dust, smoke, sulfates, etc with temporal resolution of at least hourly, ABI,47 Retask scan mode rapidly for disasters: fires, homeland defense. Lag of 15-30 minutes assuming associated procedures. Retask scan mode rapidly for disasters: fires, homeland defense. Lag of 15-30 minutes assuming associated procedures. Some users need real-time, full resolution data for operational and research purposes. Some users need real-time, full resolution data for operational and research purposes. Access to original raw data for reprocessing. Access to original raw data for reprocessing. Focus groups to refine needs for environmental archive needs and reprocessing. Focus groups to refine needs for environmental archive needs and reprocessing.

3 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 1) Needs for Data and Product Distribution (Continued) End users (air quality managers, fire managers) need air quality and fire products in near real-time after time of satellite acquisition. Fire community wants fire detection and imagery dissemination as quickly as possible. 2km resolution at a minimum and high saturation temperature in 3.9 um and 11 um bands on ABI. End users (air quality managers, fire managers) need air quality and fire products in near real-time after time of satellite acquisition. Fire community wants fire detection and imagery dissemination as quickly as possible. 2km resolution at a minimum and high saturation temperature in 3.9 um and 11 um bands on ABI. Cross-platform data requests: example NPOESS and GOES. Cross-platform data requests: example NPOESS and GOES. EPA and Forest Service want true color imagery (0.47, 0.55, 0.65 on ABI). Aerosol and smoke tracking, burned area monitoring, rapid production and response. EPA and Forest Service want true color imagery (0.47, 0.55, 0.65 on ABI). Aerosol and smoke tracking, burned area monitoring, rapid production and response. GOES rebroadcast (GRB) flexibility. GOES rebroadcast (GRB) flexibility.

4 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 1) Needs for Data and Product Distribution (Continued) Water vapor, temperature, winds, solar radiation, with a vertical resolution of 100-500m or better. Finest resolution in boundary layer. Horizontal resolution of 4-12 km. Temporal resolution of an hour or better. Surface characteristics: temperature, moisture, radiative flux, land-use cover, deposition flux. Clouds: base and top heights, type and optical depth, properties (ice, water, microphysical). Chemical properties: 2-4 layer vertical resolution in PBL. 4km horizontal..47 on ABI, HES-CO and Ozone, UV Sounder. Water vapor, temperature, winds, solar radiation, with a vertical resolution of 100-500m or better. Finest resolution in boundary layer. Horizontal resolution of 4-12 km. Temporal resolution of an hour or better. Surface characteristics: temperature, moisture, radiative flux, land-use cover, deposition flux. Clouds: base and top heights, type and optical depth, properties (ice, water, microphysical). Chemical properties: 2-4 layer vertical resolution in PBL. 4km horizontal..47 on ABI, HES-CO and Ozone, UV Sounder.

5 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 2) User Community Training Build product prototypes to excite the user community at all levels. Build product prototypes to excite the user community at all levels. Workgroups to demonstrate the products to the user stakeholders. Workgroups to demonstrate the products to the user stakeholders. Web-based and tele-training tools. Web-based and tele-training tools. Technical training for a wider variety of users than are currently served. End users and developers need training too (e.g. air quality modelers vs. weather forecasters). Technical training for a wider variety of users than are currently served. End users and developers need training too (e.g. air quality modelers vs. weather forecasters).

6 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 2) User Community Training (Continued) A public relations mission is required. GOES-R and NPOESS are like the moonshot for NOAA. A public relations mission is required. GOES-R and NPOESS are like the moonshot for NOAA. Start now with a sustained effort based on current products and introduce product prototypes to introduce GOES-R to GOES-R users. Start now with a sustained effort based on current products and introduce product prototypes to introduce GOES-R to GOES-R users. Feedback is necessary at every step. Feedback is necessary at every step.

7 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 3) NOAA/NESDIS Preparation for GOES-R Keep users updated and involved on GOES-R: capabilities, channels, and algorithm development. Keep users updated and involved on GOES-R: capabilities, channels, and algorithm development. A dialogue with feedback between NOAA/NESDIS and stakeholders (EPA, researchers, end users) is required. Includes big picture discussions and also at level of radiometric details. A dialogue with feedback between NOAA/NESDIS and stakeholders (EPA, researchers, end users) is required. Includes big picture discussions and also at level of radiometric details. Encourage participation by participants in GOES-R planning in end user/stakeholder conferences such as AMS Fire Conference. Present what can be done with GOES-R and ask what user needs are. NOAA travel policies need to change to allow those involved with these issues to attend conferences. Encourage participation by participants in GOES-R planning in end user/stakeholder conferences such as AMS Fire Conference. Present what can be done with GOES-R and ask what user needs are. NOAA travel policies need to change to allow those involved with these issues to attend conferences.

8 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 3) NOAA/NESDIS Preparation for GOES-R (Continued) Focus groups for specific goals (air quality and fires, for example) Focus groups for specific goals (air quality and fires, for example) Request that GOES program office establish requirements traceability so that tracking of trade- space is more accurate. Definition of negotiable points, which requires dialogue with users such as EPA, air quality managers, fire managers, and others. Request that GOES program office establish requirements traceability so that tracking of trade- space is more accurate. Definition of negotiable points, which requires dialogue with users such as EPA, air quality managers, fire managers, and others. Leverage NPP synergy and experiences for GOES-R preparation. Leverage NPP synergy and experiences for GOES-R preparation. Regular, periodic communication with users. GOES- R users forums that are problem focused: air quality, fires, etc… E-mail, bulletin boards, newsletters – whatever forms and venues are necessary. Regular, periodic communication with users. GOES- R users forums that are problem focused: air quality, fires, etc… E-mail, bulletin boards, newsletters – whatever forms and venues are necessary.

9 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 4) GOES-R Risk Reduction Risk in this sense is whether products will be useful to users and available. Satellite technology issues are separate. Risk in this sense is whether products will be useful to users and available. Satellite technology issues are separate. Take advantage of existing organizations like Virtual Center for Satellite Data Assimilation. Take advantage of existing organizations like Virtual Center for Satellite Data Assimilation. GIFTS as a prototype in space to assist with numerical weather modeling, algorithm development, and data flow and dissemination components. Work with user groups to develop algorithms, products, etc using existing data. GIFTS as a prototype in space to assist with numerical weather modeling, algorithm development, and data flow and dissemination components. Work with user groups to develop algorithms, products, etc using existing data.

10 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 5) User Readiness Timeline Timeline does not address user readiness. It is a timeline for satellite launch and dissemination. Timeline does not address user readiness. It is a timeline for satellite launch and dissemination. Add simulations to timeline. Add simulations to timeline. Algorithm/product development is not on timeline, just validation. Algorithm/product development is not on timeline, just validation. User input for sensor requirements: now, it is lacking. User input for sensor requirements: now, it is lacking. User input for algorithm requirements: now and ongoing. User input for algorithm requirements: now and ongoing. User input for systems operations (which may impact sensor design): now. User input for systems operations (which may impact sensor design): now.

11 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 5) User Readiness Timeline (Continued) Launch ABI when it is ready, launch GIFTS when available. Launch ABI when it is ready, launch GIFTS when available. Field campaigns for sample data to do field validations. Useful as a “sales mechanism” for instruments and algorithms; to illustrate what is needed to achieve goals. Particularly important for HES. Example: Air quality. Campaigns also serve user education, advanced algorithm development, and validation in post 2012 time frame. Field campaigns for sample data to do field validations. Useful as a “sales mechanism” for instruments and algorithms; to illustrate what is needed to achieve goals. Particularly important for HES. Example: Air quality. Campaigns also serve user education, advanced algorithm development, and validation in post 2012 time frame.

12 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 6) Other Issues Customers want GIFTS as risk reduction. Customers want GIFTS as risk reduction. Customers want NPOESS-GOES synergism as risk reduction. Customers want NPOESS-GOES synergism as risk reduction. CLASS-like system for operational products. Difficulty is very high in bringing together geo and leo data. Customers are responsible for bringing the products together. Customer should be able to ask for cross- platform, fused products and receive them from a single access point. Simple, single user interface. CLASS-like system for operational products. Difficulty is very high in bringing together geo and leo data. Customers are responsible for bringing the products together. Customer should be able to ask for cross- platform, fused products and receive them from a single access point. Simple, single user interface. GOES mission as it is practiced by the users goes beyond the original mission of weather forecasting. GOES mission as it is practiced by the users goes beyond the original mission of weather forecasting.

13 GOES Users’ Conference III May 10-13, 2004 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 6) Other Issues (Continued) Water quality is an emerging use and constituency. Water quality is an emerging use and constituency. Non-traditional users and uses (example: fires) continuously appear. Non-traditional users and uses (example: fires) continuously appear. Calibrated radiometric data, inter-satellite calibration, and stability are concerns. Calibrated radiometric data, inter-satellite calibration, and stability are concerns. Integrated ground and satellite observation systems. Integrated ground and satellite observation systems. Travel funds for NOAA employees to travel to conferences should be available. Travel funds for NOAA employees to travel to conferences should be available. NOSA should prepare for integrated systems. NOSA should prepare for integrated systems.

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