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Lemmings and Chickens. Lemmings Small rodents usually found in the Arctic 3-6 in. long Solitary Meet only to mate.

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Presentation on theme: "Lemmings and Chickens. Lemmings Small rodents usually found in the Arctic 3-6 in. long Solitary Meet only to mate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lemmings and Chickens


3 Lemmings Small rodents usually found in the Arctic 3-6 in. long Solitary Meet only to mate

4 Lemmings Migrate in Large Herds When their densities get too large

5 Lemmings Don’t Hibernate …They Migrate to Find Food Disney Video (probably most famous of lemming footage) White Wilderness - Lemmings MigrationCan lemmings swim?White Wilderness - Lemmings Migration Where do they live? Do they commit suicide? YouTube - Lemming Migration Along the Norwegian Coast. shorter and more scientificYouTube - Lemming Migration Along the Norwegian Coast.

6 Lemming Colors

7 True or False: Lemmings jump off cliffs when they migrate

8 Extra Credit Find a online article that agrees or disagrees that lemmings “commit suicide.” Copy the article. Write a small summary (4-6 sentences) and staple it to the article. 5 extra credit points possible YOU MAY NOT USE A WIKI SOURCE.

9 Don’t Mean the Lemmings Game

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