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School of junior scientists at MC2 Chalmers University of Technology Microtechnology and Nanoscience Dept.

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2 School of junior scientists at MC2 Chalmers University of Technology Microtechnology and Nanoscience Dept.

3 Why we are doing this? Scientists?!!! We want to have more brilliant talented students that will become excellent researchers... Science?!!!

4 MC2 trip Digital electronics Fabrication processes Mobile communication Superconductivity Micromechanical sensors Quantum computing ! Fall 2004 Spring 2005 Photonics

5 Chalmers University of Technology Microtechnology and Nanoscience Dept. Certificate of Completion is hereby granted to: to certify that they have completed to satisfaction School of junior scientists at MC2 Granted: 7th of June 2004 Prof Stefan Bengtsson

6 129875303875x 476545666 = 61891513182064255750 < 1 sec Inside computer knows only ”0” and ”1” 01234 011011100 3+3 = ????? in binary coding Hint! 65 57 122 + Is it difficult? Hint! 10 100 +

7 Feed-back from the schools enthusiasm for teaching; clearly-stated goals; commitment for quality open and participative pupils' involvement in the seminars listening to the pupils opinions and valuing their questions efficiency of the seminars in terms of level of understanding vs. time and efforts spent encouraging initiative: rewarding and praising good performance and not accepting poor performance

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