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State of Transportation: Atlanta, GA Chris Clark University of New Orleans 10 February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "State of Transportation: Atlanta, GA Chris Clark University of New Orleans 10 February 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of Transportation: Atlanta, GA Chris Clark University of New Orleans 10 February 2011

2 Currently ranks among top 10 US cities for: Annual Excess Fuel Consumed Annual Hours of Delay per Auto Commuter Annual Congestion Cost data/tables/complete_data.xls

3 Currently ranks among top 20 US cities for: Travel Time Commuter Stress data/tables/complete_data.xls

4 Length of Commute Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2005-2009 American Community Survey

5 Mode of Work Commute Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2005-2009 American Community Survey

6 Mode of all Trips Atlanta Regional Commission HouseHold Travel Survey, March 30, 2002

7 Time Wasted Due to Congestion data/tables/complete_data.xls

8 Effect of Congestion in ATL 22.6 miles per gallon* 21 miles per capita traveled every day** 18 pounds CO 2 produced every day * **

9 Atlanta Transit MARTA – Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Fulton and DeKalb Counties $495.7 Million Operating Funding 815 Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service (0.00023 per capita) 507 126 182 Buses Demand Response Light Rail Cars

10 Atlanta Transit Marta (per capita) – Served: 3,499,840 16.54 44.73 233.91 Annual Vehicle UnlinkedAnnual Revenue Miles Passenger Trips Passenger Miles

11 Atlanta Transit Cobb County Department of Transportation Authority (CCT) – Subcontracts to Georgia Transit Authority City of Atlanta $21.3 Million Operating Funding 101 Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service (0.00003 per capita) 101 Buses

12 Atlanta Transit CCT (per capita) – Served: 3,499,840 1.15 1.3211.86 Annual Vehicle Unlinked Annual Revenue Miles Passenger Trips Passenger Miles

13 Atlanta Transit Douglas County Rideshare (Rideshare) City of Atlanta $586,974 Operating Funding 62 Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service (0.00002 per capita) 62 Vans

14 Atlanta Transit Rideshare (per capita) – Served: 3,499,840 0.31 0.051.60 Annual Vehicle UnlinkedAnnual Revenue Miles Passenger Trips Passenger Miles

15 Atlanta Transit GRTA – Georgia Regional Transportation Authority City of Atlanta $17 Million Operating Funding 133 Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service (0.0004 per capita) 83 50 Buses Vanpool (Purchased Transportation)

16 Atlanta Transit GRTA (per capita) – Served: 3,499,840.85.53 12.96 Annual Vehicle Unlinked Annual Revenue Miles Passenger trips Passenger Miles

17 Atlanta Transit GCT – Gwinnett County Board of Commissioner City of Atlanta $12.7 Million Operating Funding 73 Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service (0.00002 per capita) 67 6 Buses Demand Response (Purchased)

18 Atlanta Transit GCT (per capita) – Served: 3,499,840 0.80 0.66 11.06 Annual Vehicle Unlinked Annual Revenue Miles Passenger Trips Passenger Miles

19 Atlanta Transit Marietta VPSI, Inc. City of Atlanta $3.2 Million Operating Funding 331 Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service (0.00009 per capita) 331 Vans

20 Atlanta Transit VPSI, Inc. (per capita) – Served: 3,499,840 1.33 0.266.90 Annual Vehicle UnlinkedAnnual Revenue Miles Passenger Trips Passenger Miles

21 Atlanta Transit CTRAN – Clayton County Board of Commissioner City of Atlanta $8.2 Million Operating Funding 27 Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service (0.00001 per capita) 19 8 Buses Demand Response

22 Atlanta Transit CTRAN (per capita) – Served: 3,499,840 0.45 0.62 4.85 Annual Vehicle Unlinked Annual Revenue Miles Passenger Trips Passenger Miles

23 Atlanta Transit BCID – Buckhead Community Improvement District City of Atlanta $775,746 Operating Funding 6 Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service (0.000002 per capita) 6 Vans

24 Atlanta Transit BCID (per capita) – Served: 3,499,840 0.03 0.040.07 Annual Vehicle UnlinkedAnnual Revenue Miles Passenger Trips Passenger Miles

25 Atlanta Transit Other Transit Systems not reporting EUS—Emory University Shuttles BUC—Buckhead Uptown connection Tech Trolley—GIT Stinger Bus System

26 What if Atlanta Transit Were Discontinued? 8,314,800 Hours: Annual Increase in Delay – 3 Hours per Auto Commuter 5,850,500 gallons wasted fuel 4,192,863 lbs. additional CO2 produced – 1lb for every person in Atlanta data/tables/complete_data.xls

27 Bicycle/Pedestrian 2007 Atlanta Region Bicycle Transportation & pedestrian Walkways Plan Determined Level of Service (LOS) for 400 miles of streets throughout 18-county MPO area including Atlanta Developed recommendations to improve LOS: – 80 mi LOS met – <5 mi Restriping Candidate – 300 mi Add Paved Shoulder – 275 mi Detailed Corridor Study Needed Balance under construction or lacking complete data

28 Bicycle/Pedestrian Atlanta Regional Commission Bike/Ped Taskforce Presentation, January 20, 2010

29 Funding Estimated $1.5-2 billion spent on transportation in the Atlanta region annually Federal – $1.1 billion federal obligated FY2009 – $110 to MARTA and other transit FY2009 State – Motor Fuel Excise Tax, 7.5 cents per gallon – Prepaid Motor Fuel Sales Tax, 3% on avg. retail price of fuel

30 Total State Revenue from Motor Fuel Taxes (FY 2010 value)—FY 2000‐FY 2009 $1,000.0 $900.0 $800.0 $700.0 $600.0 $500.0 $400.0 $300.0 $200.0 $100.0 $0.0 in $millions at FY 2010 value s_report_030510.pdf

31 Local Funding MARTA FY2009: – $102.85 Million Passenger revenue – $153.17 Million 1% sales and use tax Vehicle Registration/License Plate fees Regional Millage Rates Regional Vehicle Ad Valorem Tax Regional Income Tax Regional VMT Tax Parking Fees


33 MARTA Farebox Recovery MARTA Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY2009

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