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Lesson 5: Who is Jesus Christ? Confirmation Class Living Hope Lutheran Church.

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1 Lesson 5: Who is Jesus Christ? Confirmation Class Living Hope Lutheran Church

2 Christ’s Person  John 3: 14-18  Matthew 17: 5  Matthew 1: 23  Luke 2: 11  Matthew 16: 16  John 20: 28  He is called God.

3 Christ’s Person  Jesus= Savior  Christ= Anointed One (Greek)  Messiah= Anointed One (Hebrew)  Lord (Jehovah)= “I Am”  Immanuel= God with us

4 Christ’s Person  John 1: 1-2  Matthew 28: 18-20  John 1: 43-51  He is Described as God (eternal, almighty, all-knowing, unchangeable)

5 Christ’s Person  Matthew 9: 1-8  He Acts Like God (performs miracles, forgives sin)  Therefore, Jesus Christ is True God.

6 Christ’s Person  I Timothy 2: 5  Matthew 21: 9  A. He is called man (Son of Man, Son of David)

7 Christ’s Person  Luke 24: 39  B. He is described as a man (flesh and blood, He grew)

8 Christ’s Person  Matthew 4: 2  Mark 4: 38  John 11: 35  John 19: 28  Matthew 26,27  C. He acts like a man (hungry, tired, wept, thirsty, suffered, died)  Therefore, Jesus Christ is also true man.

9 Christ’s Person  Colossians 2: 9  3. Jesus is God and man in one person.

10 Christ’s Person  Incarnation= God taking on human flesh, becoming man.

11 Christ’s Person  Galatians 4: 4-5  A. As man, Jesus:  1)Lived a perfect life under the Law in our place.

12 Christ’s Person  Mark 10: 45  A. As Man, Jesus:  2) suffered and died for sin in our place.

13 Christ’s Person  Psalm 49: 7-9  John 1: 29  B. As God, His perfect life and his death counted for everyone.  C. The God-man Jesus is our Redeemer (one who buys back).

14 Christ’s Person  Matthew 1: 23  Through the virgin birth God got into the world the Savior we all need, one who is both God and man.

15 Christ’s Office (His Official Position)  Acts 10: 38  1. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit at his baptism.

16 Christ’s Office  Matthew 3: 15  Christ was anointed to be our:  High Priest  Our Prophet  Our King

17 Christ’s Office  John 1: 29  Hebrews 7: 27  A. As our High Priest, Christ  1) offered himself up as the once and for all sacrifice

18 Christ’s Office  I John 2: 1  I Timothy 2: 5  A. As our High Priest, Christ  2) pleads (intercedes) for us before God.

19 Christ’s Office  Matthew 17: 5  B) As our prophet, Christ  1) made known the message of salvation personally while on earth.

20 Christ’s Office  John 20: 19-23  B. As our prophet, Christ  2) makes known the message of salvation today through Christians.

21 Christ’s Office  Luke 17: 21  C. As our King, Christ  1) Rules in our hearts

22 Christ’s Office  Ephesians 1: 22-33  C. As our King, Christ  2) rules the whole universe for our good.

23 True or false  Since Jesus has offered himself as the sacrifice for all the sins of the world, we call him our prophet.

24 Agree or disagree  Jesus needed to be true God in order to suffer and die in the place of us who deserved to suffer it for our sins.

25 For Next Tuesday…  Memorize:  I Timothy 2: 5  1 st Article of the Apostles’ Creed with meaning up to…

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