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Americana Subtitle Goes Here Guiding Social Studies Experiences.

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Presentation on theme: "Americana Subtitle Goes Here Guiding Social Studies Experiences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Americana Subtitle Goes Here Guiding Social Studies Experiences

2 Social studies concepts help young children understand themselves and the world in which they live


4 Social Studies Subjects Community Living Cultures Holidays Current Events History Geography Government Ecology Change

5 Social Studies Goals 1. Children gain skills, attitudes and knowledge for living in a democratic society

6 –By learning to say the Pledge of Allegiance

7 Social Studies Goals 2. Develop respect for natural resources

8 Social Studies Goals –By learning to take care of their surroundings

9 Social Studies Goals 3. Develop respect for other people’s feelings, ideas, and property

10 –By learning the need and purpose of rules.

11 Social Studies Goals 4. Children learn self-control and independence –By developing self-respect and a positive self-concept

12 –By recognizing and discussing feelings

13 Social Studies Goals –By developing healthy ways of relating to and working with others.

14 Social Studies Goals 5. Learn about the roles people have in a community

15 –By trying out different careers

16 –By going on Field trips in the community

17 –By having resource people visit

18 Social Studies Goals 6. Learn to appreciate the past and its relationship to the present

19 –By celebrating holidays

20 –By discussing current events

21 Social Studies Goal 7. Children learn and accept that change happens

22 –By noticing change

23 –By sharing about family members

24 Social Studies Goal 8. Children learn to accept and appreciate people different and similar to themselves

25 –By learning about the world

26 –By sharing family’s cultural heritage

27 Social Studies Concepts Concepts are generalized notions or ideas formed from perceptions Perceptions are ideas formed about a relationship/object as a result of what a child learns through their senses Repeated experiences lead to concept formation.

28 Social Studies Concepts Concepts help children to organize experiences to make sense out of their world to communicate with each other


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