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Pierce Elem. April 13, 2013. 18 TEAMS Coach Kernan and Coach McComas.

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Presentation on theme: "Pierce Elem. April 13, 2013. 18 TEAMS Coach Kernan and Coach McComas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pierce Elem. April 13, 2013

2 18 TEAMS Coach Kernan and Coach McComas

3 Some of the events are:

4  This even is designed to test student’s ability to think on their feet. They will be given materials to build a bridge which will support a tennis ball.

5 This event will: Challenge your knowledge of circuits using low voltage batteries Conductor, insulator, open circuit- terms you’ll need to know!

6  Each team will construct a clay boat from a wad of clay, then float the boat and put pennies and see how many pennies it will hold.

7 Each team will build a structure on top of the Pine Car Racer. The structure will be designed to hold and protect an egg as the car is rolled down a progressively steeper series of ramps and crashed into an immovable barrier.

8 Participants will use a variety of tests to identify unknown powders, match fingerprints and identify notes found at a crime scene. You will do experimenting with salt, flour, baking soda, limestone, sand and more!

9  Do you know a lot of science facts?  Try this even which requires team work, physical skills and science questions.  5 scientists will run a relay style obstacle course.  Topics to study will be given ahead of time but you don’t know what the obstacle course will require until the day of the event.

10  This is a new event.  A team of 3 scientists will work cooperatively to determine the path a light beam takes as it reflects off a series of plain mirrors.  Sounds tricky but fun.

11 Do you know a lot of science facts? Have you ever watched Jeopardy on TV? The nature of the game is to choose a category and a level of difficulty from the game board and view and listen to an answer to a question. The first team to respond with an appropriate question for the answer will be awarded the specified number of points and will choose the next topic and level.

12 You will build a catapult! You will launch tennis balls! There will be a target to aim for! Your catapult will have to be VERY accurate!

13 Tennis Ball Catapult

14 Have you ever built a rocket? In this event: Before the day of the event you will build a rocket out of a 2-liter plastic soda bottle The rocket that stays in the air for the longest duration wins All energy to launch the rocket must come from water/air pressure provided by a pump

15  Scientists/Meteorologists will test their knowledge of meteorological terms, techniques and events.

16  Hey, do you love studying about birds?  Students will demonstrate their ability to identify Michigan Bird wildlife and their habitat. Answers may be researched through the use of a field guide


18  The event is at West Maple Elementary  There will be two teams from Pierce consisting of fourth and fifth graders  ALL FIFTH GRADERS HAVE PRIORITY TO COMPETE IN SCIENCE OLYMPIAD BEFORE THE FOURTH GRADERS  You definitely WILL have a chance as a fifth grader!

19 Are you interested? Sign up soon so you get a favorite event.


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