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Using Children’s Literature to Make Math Connections in Reading, Science, and Social Studies CELEBRATE MATH!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Using Children’s Literature to Make Math Connections in Reading, Science, and Social Studies CELEBRATE MATH!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Children’s Literature to Make Math Connections in Reading, Science, and Social Studies CELEBRATE MATH!!!

2 I NTRODUCTIONS  Who we are:  Who you are:

3 L ET ’ S W ARM U P ! “ ee-ee-oo-oo-ah-ah-ah! (10) little chimps do the Cha-cha-cha”

4 G OALS  The research  The teacher’s powerful role  Making the Math connections science/social Studies literature connections  Designing learning experiences using children’s literature - Groups

5 T HE R ESEARCH – CHILDREN ’ S LITERATURE  Motivates children to learn  Provides a meaningful context  Math develops out of human experience  Fosters the development of number sense  Integrates math into other content areas

6 T HE T EACHER ’ S R OLE  Choose the books  Share the books  Provide the books  Make decisions

7 M ATH AND C HILDREN ’ S L ITERATURE : C ONNECTIONS  NCTM recommends the inclusion of literature in mathematics.  NCTE/IRA recommends promoting reading and writing across the curriculum and the productive use of literacy skills to cover a wide range of texts.  State Standards based on national standards

8 N OTEBOOK I N A H URRY !  Pocket Book  Brainstorm Uses  Let’s Try It!  m/watch/389244/instan t_pocket_notebook/ m/watch/389244/instan t_pocket_notebook/


10 C ONNECTIONS ???  Math  Science  Social Studies

11 L ET ’ S FORM EXPERT GROUPS !  Science and Math  Social Studies and Math  Reading and Math  Recorder  Reporter  Children’s Literature  Learning Experiences

12 L ET ’ S SHARE !!!  Science and Math  Social Studies and Math  Reading and Math  Children’s Literature  Learning Experiences

13 R ESOURCES  Math through children’s literature: Making the NCTM standards come alive by Brandon, Hall, and Taylor  Read any good math lately?: Children’s books for mathematical learning by David Whitin and Sandra Wilde  It’s the story that counts: More children’s books for mathematical learning, K-6 by David Whitin and Sandra Wilde  Math and literature: K-3 by Stephanie Sheffield  The Power of Picture Books in Teaching Math, Science, and Social Studies by Lynn Columba, Cathy Kim, & Alden Moe  (lesson plans)

14 T HANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN CHILDREN, MATH, READING, SCIENCE, AND S OCIAL STUDIES For more information contact: Joyce Shatzer Greg Gierhart Lynn Patterson WEBSITE:

15 A LBUQUERQUE T URKEY (sung to the tune of "Clementine") Albuquerque is a turkey And he's feathered and he's fine And he wobbles and he gobbles and he's absolutely mine. He's the best pet that you can get.. Better than a dog or cat. He's my Albuquerque turkey And I'm awfully proud of that. He once told me, very frankly he preferred to be my pet, not the main course at my dinner, and I told him not to fret. And my Albuquerque turkey is so happy in his bed, 'Cause for our Thanksgiving dinner... We had egg foo yong instead.

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