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Chapter 20 The Heart. Position of the Heart Mediastinum Pericardium Epicardium Myocardium Endocardium.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 20 The Heart. Position of the Heart Mediastinum Pericardium Epicardium Myocardium Endocardium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 20 The Heart

2 Position of the Heart Mediastinum Pericardium Epicardium Myocardium Endocardium

3 Heart Surface

4 Human heart

5 Heart Posterior

6 Heart Interior

7 Human Heart Interior

8 Surface of Valves

9 Valves

10 Circulation


12 Coronary Arteries

13 The Echo Image

14 Echo Images

15 Echo - Doppler

16 Mitral Valve Prolapse

17 Coronary Veins

18 Human Heart

19 Heart Tissue

20 Conduction System

21 Pacemakers Located in the right chest wall, a catheter is threaded through the subclavian vein, into the brachiocephalic vein, into the superior vena cava, then into the right atrium. The pacemaker overrides the impulse from the SA node.

22 Action Potentials

23 Action Potential – Ventricle

24 P= wave from SA node through atria QRS = ventricular depolarization T wave = ventricular repolarization P-Q interval = time from atria contraction to beginning of ventricular contraction. Q-T interval = ventricular depolarization to repolarization.



27 Note: Systole & Diastole

28 Heart Valve Locations

29 Cardiac Output CO = SV x HR SV = ml/beat HR = Heart Rate

30 Cardiac Output Affected By Frank-Starling Law / Marey’s Law Cardiac Reserve (Max CO – CO at rest) Contractility (hormones, drugs, sympathetic reactions, etc. Afterload (remaining blood in ventricles) Congestive heart failure

31 Regulation of Heart Rate Affected/Monitored by: Cardiovascular center (sympathetic and parasympathetic systems) Proprioceptors Chemoreceptors Baroreceptors Blood pH Hormones Ions Age, gender, temp, etc.

32 Nervous System Control


34 Risk Factors for CAD High blood cholesterol High blood pressure Smoking Obesity Diabetes mellitus Type “A” personality Sedentary lifestyle

35 Cardiac Catherization

36 Terms to Know Fossa Ovalis Coronary artery disease Arteriosclerosis Atherosclerosis PTCA Ischemia Myocardial infarction

37 More Terms Hypoxia Angina pectoris Coarctation of the aorta Arrhythmia Heart Block Flutter and fibrillation Bradycardia and tachycardia

38 More Terms Cardiac arrest Cardiomegaly Cor pulmonale Palpitation Asystole Endocarditis / myocarditis Mitral valve prolapse Auscultation

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