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1 Prepared by Mohammed Almhuemli Nicholas Ferlita Irving Ho Nirav Shah.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Prepared by Mohammed Almhuemli Nicholas Ferlita Irving Ho Nirav Shah."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Prepared by Mohammed Almhuemli Nicholas Ferlita Irving Ho Nirav Shah

2 Executive Summary Introduction Features & Benefits Materials And Cost Analysis Development & Process Design Model Problems Yet To Be Completed Conclusion 2

3 The Tracking Solar Panel project will proficiently absorb/collect sunlight and produce a more efficient system of power generation in comparison to a fixed system. The current fixed system is either flat or at a fixed angle. The fixed photovoltaic panels are inefficient because they cannot track the motion of the sun which moves from east to west. 3

4 Motor Controller System Compare 4 samples of lumen Capture more energy Save money for customers

5 How It Tracks 1 st : Comparing 4 photocells to find the highest luminance to track the sun’s rays. 2 nd : The motors would rotate the panel in the direction of the photocell that shows more luminance. 3 rd : The motors would stop when all 4 photocells have reached the same amount of luminance. The entire system will be completely self sustainable. 5

6 Provide a clean source of energy Offer a cost-effective product over time Provide energy to off- grid areas More efficient than a fixed solar panel 6

7 7 Figure 3: Materials and Costs Table QUANTITYMaterialsTOTAL PRICE 1Auduino$50.00 4XLR Female Adapter$2.00 10Photo Resistors$4.20 1Solar Panel$250.00 1Deep Cycle Battery$100.00 1Voltage Regulator$25.00 11500W Inverter$150.00 1Battery Casing$15.00 2Motor with Driver$70.00 Total Material Cost$666.20

8 Gantt chart outlines work schedule 8

9 9

10 Initially used panel too big and heavy Servo motors were not strong enough Coding challenges with regards to Arduino 10

11 11 Construction of Tracking Frame Finalization of Coding System Testing Presentation Poster Final Report

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