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Cities of Vesuvius Materials and Construction in Pompeii and Herculaneum.

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1 Cities of Vesuvius Materials and Construction in Pompeii and Herculaneum

2 Remains of a column, Pompeii This image shows how many of the columns at Pompeii and Herculaneum were constructed. At the centre is a cylindrical core made from curved bricks, then a thick cement casing, then a final outer casing, which could be fluted or plastered then painted.

3 Detail from the doorway to the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii This fine marble carving of birds and insects among lush acanthus leaves is part of the decoration of the doorway to the Building of Eumachia opening onto the forum. It is now covered with perspex for protection.

4 Corner of a building, Pompeii Different materials have been used in this building - bricks and mortar on the corner, tufa blocks as decorative panels in the brickwork, with the bulk of the wall made from lava stones set in concrete.

5 Mills in a bakery, Pompeii These mills stand in one of the 30 or so bakeries that operated in Pompeii, many of which ground their own grain as well as baking bread. The mill stones were expertly made from hard basalt lava which came from local quarries or from quarries as far away as Umbria. The mills consist of two pieces: a conical block (meta) cemented onto a raised base, and a hollow- waisted cylinder (catillus), which fitted over it. Poles were inserted into holes in the sides of the outer cone and turned by a person or a donkey. Grain was poured in from the top and was ground between the two stone surfaces.

6 Plumbing in Pompeii Image A. Look closely at this image and identify the different materials used in the construction and decoration of this wall. What may have been the function of the pipes embedded in the wall? What evidence would you need to find to support your hypothesis? Do you think the wall should be repaired to cover the pipes as they would have been originally, or should they be left as they are? Give reasons to support your opinion.

7 Plumbing in Pompeii Image B. Compare this image with Image A. What similarities and differences do you see? Would you say these pipes serve the same function as the pipes in Image A?

8 Conservation efforts, Pompeii Scaffolding and roof erected over the remains of a two- storey building in Pompeii. In the lower right of the slide, a Perspex sheet has been placed over a painted sign.

9 Shop counter, Herculaneum This counter is typical of the counters found in many shops in Pompeii and Herculaneum. The six large pots are embedded in the counter, the surface of which is covered with pieces of different coloured marble. What did this shop sell? There have been different interpretations: hot food, wine, cereal (grains). What do you think? Consider: the size and volume of the pots the pots are fixed and cannot be removed there seems to be no way to heat the pots there is no way to drain the pots, so cleaning would be difficult. What evidence would you need to support your hypothesis?

10 College of the Augustales, Herculaneum This large hall, approximately 12 x 15 metres, was the meeting place of the Augustales, leading citizens responsible for maintaining the cult of the deified emperors. Four large columns support the major beams of the roof and define the perimeter of the skylight which illuminates the hall. The original timber beams, carbonised during the eruption, have been encased in glass.

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