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Māra Tomsone Latvian Building Workers Trade Union President Organizing Practices and Perspectives: A North – South Sharing Röneberga, 16 June 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Māra Tomsone Latvian Building Workers Trade Union President Organizing Practices and Perspectives: A North – South Sharing Röneberga, 16 June 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Māra Tomsone Latvian Building Workers Trade Union President Organizing Practices and Perspectives: A North – South Sharing Röneberga, 16 June 2006


3 Average salary in Baltic states in 2006 (before tax) CounrtySalary EUR per month Latvia351 Lithuania400 Estonia500

4 Average salary in international companies in Latvia in 2006 (before tax) Company nameSalary EUR per month CEMEX328 Consolis Latvia471 Knauf571 NCC Konstrukcija654 SVR TERBELAT714 YIT Celtniecība1142

5 Countries having investments in Latvia (top five) Sweden Germany Estonia Russia The Netherlands

6 Multinational companies in Latvian building and building material production industry Company name in Latvia Owner countryNumber of TU members in Latvia Number fo employees in Latvia CONSOLIS LATVIJAFinland70240 NCC KonstrukcijaSweden3 No TU organization 130 SVR TERBELATFinland618 YIT CELTNIECIBAFinland1060 RUDUS LATVIJAFinland_100 DALDEHOG LATVIASweden_40 CEMEXMexico105194 KNAUFGermany80152 IN TOTAL274 (29%)934 (100%)

7 Latvian Building Workers Trade Union activities in international companies ActivityCompany name Collective agreements signed NCC Konstrukcija CEMEX KNAUF Collective agreements under negotiation CONSOLIS LATVIJA SVR TERBELAT YIT CELTNIECIBA Workers participation in TU education activities SVR TERBELAT NCC Konstrukcija YIT CELTNIECĪBA CEMEX KNAUF Consolis Latvija Wisiting construction sites and factories, meeting workers SVR TERBELAT NCC Konstrukcija YIT CELTNIECĪBA CEMEX KNAUF Consolis Latvija

8 European Works Council representatives in Baltic states LithuaniaEstoniaLatvia Consolis--- Gerb.Knauf Gipswerke -No operation in country - Heidelberg Cement Group --- NCCNo operation in country - YIT-Huber--- Skanska- + - Paroc + --

9 Social dialogue in intermational companies (Consolis Latvia)

10 Social dialogue in intermational companies (Knauf)

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