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The Most Versatile Building Material on the Planet

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1 The Most Versatile Building Material on the Planet
CONCRETE The Most Versatile Building Material on the Planet

2 What Building Material:
Can be formed into any shape or size imaginable; Is Disaster Resistant; Fire Resistant; Able to span huge areas; Can be colored, stamped, stained; Is an integral part of constructing Energy Efficient Buildings; Is made from abundant, readily available natural resources; Is Recyclable

3 The Most Versatile Building Material in the World:

4 Concrete Uses Sidewalks Residential foundations Hollow Core Floors
Commercial Buildings

5 Concrete Uses Highway Pavements Highway Barriers Parking Areas Dams
Airport Runways

6 Concrete Uses Driveways Patios & Pools Buildings Bridges Dormitories

7 Concrete Uses Residential Homes Parking Garages Nuclear Power Plants
Sound/Retaining Walls Pipes/Catch Basins Burial Vaults Canoes?

8 Market Segments Bridges Residential foundations Parking Garages
Commercial Buildings Decorative Concrete Parking Areas Pervious Concrete Precast Floors Architectural Block Multi-family, Multi-Story Landscaping Sound Walls/Barriers Burial Vaults Tilt-Up Construction Pipe/Catch Basins Retaining Walls Dormitories

9 Concrete.....It’s at the Foundation of modern day lives.....

10 Why Promote Concrete? So many USES, So little Awareness!
Misconceptions, lack of understanding limits use. Steel, Wood and Plastic Industries are aggressively Promoting themselves. New applications offer exciting opportunities for growth in today’s Environmentally conscience marketplace.

11 Take the Opportunity NOW
Your competitors are the Steel, Plastic, Lumber, and Asphalt Industries. Not the Ready Mix Producer, Pre-Caster, or Block Producer down the street. Use the Cost Study as another TOOL. Concrete Construction makes a: Safer Building More Energy Efficient Building More Durable Building Higher Quality Facility

12 We are at or near capacity now!
Building Awareness of your products Superiority Highly Engineered Products Produced under Strict Specifications Delivered in Specialized, expensive vehicles Often dangerous jobsite conditions Offers a SUPERIOR Finished Product Concrete is NOT a commodity

13 The Army of Promoters Ready Mix Producers Block Producers
Pre-Cast Concrete Manufacturers Cement Manufacturers Chemical Admixture Suppliers Mineral Admixture Suppliers Fiber Reinforcement Admixtures Contractors Affiliated Companies

14 Environmental Benefits
CONCRETE IS: Made from readily available, abundant Natural Resources Takes a lesser toll on the environment than other construction materials Quarries can be easily reclaimed for recreational, residential or commercial use An ideal medium for recycling waste or other industrial byproducts Fly Ash, Silica Fume, GGBF Slag Uses regional and local materials Fuel requirements are minimized for handling and transportation Durable Reduced maintenance and the need for reconstruction Energy Efficient Buildings consume less energy Pavements cost less to illuminate Heavy Trucks use less fuel on rigid concrete pavements Recyclable Old concrete can be crushed up and reused Environmental Benefits

15 LEED® and Concrete A point system designed to evaluate the environmental performance of a building during construction and use. Stormwater Management Landscape and Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands Optimizing Energy Performance Building Reuse Construction Waste Management Recycled Content Local/Regional Materials

16 It’s time to STOP and tell people what we sell !!
CONCRETE It’s not just for shoes anymore!

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