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Johan Gort, Teamleader Safety TNO & Ministry of VROM Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states.

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Presentation on theme: "Johan Gort, Teamleader Safety TNO & Ministry of VROM Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states."— Presentation transcript:

1 Johan Gort, Teamleader Safety TNO & Ministry of VROM Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states

2 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states2 Content Introduction TNO Implementation of Seveso II Research in new EU member states Results Conclusions How to go further...

3 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states3 Introduction TNO Mission: To apply scientific knowledge with the aim of strengthening the innovative power of industry and government.

4 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states4 The five core areas in which TNO is active Quality of LifeDefence, Security and Safety Built Environment and Geosciences Science and Industry Information and Communication Technology

5 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states5 Some features of TNO TNO is: … an independent governing body … established in 1932 … not striving for maximum profit … an organisation with about 5000 employees TNO provides: contract research specialist consultancy licenses for patents specialist software tests and certificates independent quality evaluation.

6 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states6 Implementation of Seveso II New EU member states have implemented the Seveso II guideline Seveso II is inherent complicated legislation: - involvement of different juridical fields - involvement of national / regional / local government levels - involvement of different inspectorates. New ways of dealing with implementation difficulties?

7 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states7 Number of Seveso II facilties CountryLower tierUpper tier Hungary6046 Latvia2419 Poland181146 Slovakia3138 Cyprus114 Estonia1613 Lithuania1214 Malta49 Slovenia2824 Tsjech Rep.7674

8 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states8 Research Questions: 1.How far are the new EU member states in implementation of the Seveso II guideline? 2.What kind of situations did they have to solve and how did they do this? 3.Is there a need to solve still existing problems? 4.What kind of strategy is best for The Netherlands to transfer existing knowledge on this subject?

9 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states9 Research Part 1 desk research internet scan interviews with Dutch consultants Part 2 questionnaire survey at networks: - Impel network - CCA members - personal contacts telephone survey.

10 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states10 Results Respondents: - 17 persons, not from Lithuania and Tsjech Rep. Responsible for different fields, eg: - Major accident prevention - Assessment of SR - Head of inspection commission - Emergency response plans - Implementation of Seveso II At work in: - Trade licensing office - State Fire Service - Ministry of Environment (& Spatial Planning) - Environmental & Planning Authority - Department of Labour Inspection - Ministry of Defence - Ministry of Interior - General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations

11 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states11 Some results (1): used instruments for analysis Country Accident scenario Management of barriers Risk per location Risk per group HungaryXXXX LatviaXX PolandXXXX SlovakiaXXXX CyprusXXXX EstoniaXX MaltaXXX SloveniaX BulgaryXXX RumaniaX

12 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states12 Results (2): Safety reports

13 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states13 Results (3): number of inspectors

14 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states14 Results (4): % and number of emergency plans

15 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states15 Results (5): Responsibility for emergency plans CountryCentralRegionalLocal HungaryX LatviaXX PolandX SlovakiaXX CyprusX EstoniaX MaltaX SloveniaX BulgaryX RumaniaX

16 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states16 Results (6): Improvement possibilities 1.Qualification of experts: - inspectors & local government officials - HSE managers from companies - consultants 2.Policy & methodology: - risk analysis techniques - calculation methods - external emergency plans 3.Land use planning / Communication & cooperation: - link between major hazards and land use planning - better cooperation between government levels - communication to civilians.

17 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states17 Conclusions Difficult to oversee whole field of External safety for one person All countries transposed the Seveso II guideline in national laws Implementation is specific for each country Similarities are: - mainly focus on (possible) effects of accidents - training of inspectors by representatives of ‘old’ memberstates - lack of expert knowlege Differences are: - more strict interpretation - division of responsibilities - number of inspectors - level of attention to external emergency plans.

18 11 September 2006TNO / VROM – Implementation of Seveso II in new EU member states18 How to go further… Available Dutch methodologies translated in English Enhance level of expertise: - more training programs in new member states - stimulating Twinning projects between two countries Create network of interested experts: - organize a Starting conference - building a website and ‘blackboard’ - organize regular meetings.

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