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10.-12.11.2009.EDUBOSTVE project, Ventspils1 Business Innovation Center of Latvian Electronic Industry (LEBIC) Janis Smilga, chairman of the board.

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Presentation on theme: "10.-12.11.2009.EDUBOSTVE project, Ventspils1 Business Innovation Center of Latvian Electronic Industry (LEBIC) Janis Smilga, chairman of the board."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.-12.11.2009.EDUBOSTVE project, Ventspils1 Business Innovation Center of Latvian Electronic Industry (LEBIC) Janis Smilga, chairman of the board

2 10.-12.11.2009.EDUBOSTVE project, Ventspils2 Business Innovation Center of Latvian Electronic Industry (LEBIC)  Support center for small and medium sized entrepreneurship in the field of electronic and related industries founded in 1997  Since 2005 LEBIC is society that associates 5 universities and research centres, 8 SMEs and 14 physical persons  12 years experience in innovation development/ innovation implementation project organisation/ management

3 10.-12.11.2009.EDUBOSTVE project, Ventspils3 Main activities of LEBIC  Business/technological consultations for new innovative companies  Technology Transfer organisation  Attraction of financing for new technologies/products development/ implementation  Regional development projects

4 10.-12.11.2009.EDUBOSTVE project, Ventspils4 Our experience  Since 2000: Participation in EU projects:  7 FP projects: (REG-ELIN-LAT (FP5, coordinator), PRODESTS (FP6), CEEC IST NET (FP6), ALIPRO (FP6), SUN&SUP (FP6), TACMON (FP7))  2 Leonardo da Vinci projects (INNOSUPPORT, GENEXIS)  2 ERASMUS Thematic Network projects (EUI-NET, EUE-NET)

5 10.-12.11.2009.EDUBOSTVE project, Ventspils5 Our cooperation partners in Latvia  Regional universities and educational institutions  Regional business incubators, innovation centres and technology parks  Regional municipalities  Leading research institutions in the field of electronic and related industries  High-tech companies

6 10.-12.11.2009.EDUBOSTVE project, Ventspils6 Innovation transfer proposals - 1  Health Kardio screening or monitoring systems Kardio screening or monitoring systems Magnet therapy application in the articles of clothing Magnet therapy application in the articles of clothing Ultrasonic Bone Scanner Ultrasonic Bone Scanner Monitoring of ergonomical working conditions Monitoring of ergonomical working conditions Digital water descaler 500 Digital water descaler 500

7 10.-12.11.2009.EDUBOSTVE project, Ventspils7 Innovation transfer proposals - 2  Transport Operative data control system of motor-car exploitation Operative data control system of motor-car exploitation  Education Exercise generation and evaluation system for mathematics, physics, cemistry subjects Exercise generation and evaluation system for mathematics, physics, cemistry subjects

8 10.-12.11.2009.EDUBOSTVE project, Ventspils8 Welcome to LEBIC! Business Innovation Center of Latvian Electronic Industry 140, Ropazu street, Riga, LV-1006, Latvia Phone/fax: +371 67542184 E-mail:

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