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Export opportunities of the agri-food sector of the Republic of Moldova 24 June 2010, Chişinău.

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Presentation on theme: "Export opportunities of the agri-food sector of the Republic of Moldova 24 June 2010, Chişinău."— Presentation transcript:

1 Export opportunities of the agri-food sector of the Republic of Moldova 24 June 2010, Chişinău

2  Agri-food sector in GDP – 15 %;  Export of the agri-food products consists – about 50 % from the total export;  Population involved in agri-food sector – 33%. What means agri-food sector for Moldova

3 What do we export  Wines and spirits;  Fruits;  Vegetables;  Processed food.

4 Structure of agriculture production (%)

5 Structure of processing industry production

6 Production versus export 2009 (th.tones/mil. dal.)

7 Real potential of the Republic of Moldova (th.tones/mil. dal.)

8 Export of the alcoholic products About 95% of the alcoholic products are exported on the foreign markets. Alcoholic products are exported to around 55 countries Alcoholic products are exported to around 55 countries Main markets: Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Russian Federation – 39,7%Russian Federation – 39,7% Belorussia – 32,6 %Belorussia – 32,6 % Ukraine – 11,7 %Ukraine – 11,7 % Kazahstan – 11,4 %Kazahstan – 11,4 % European Union (EU) Poland – 38,3 %Poland – 38,3 % Germany – 19,1 %Germany – 19,1 % Czech Republic – 14,2 %Czech Republic – 14,2 % Romania – 12,6 %Romania – 12,6 % Latvia – 3,2 %Latvia – 3,2 % UK – 2,0 %.UK – 2,0 %. Other countries US – 14,2 %US – 14,2 % Israel – 51,4 %Israel – 51,4 %

9 Fruit exports, mil. USD

10 Vegetables export, mil. USD

11 Trade regime of the Republic of Moldova  Export and import activities are fully liberalized, without some other quantitative restrictions;  There is not a custom tariffs for the exported goods and services;  Moldova benefits from Autonomous Trade Preferences in the bilateral trade with EU from January 2008;  We are part to different international and regional agreements which facilitate the trade between our major commercial partners. (Ex. CEFTA agreement, CIS agreements, ATP with EU)

12 Export partners 2009 Top 9 trading partners for exports:  Russian Federation (30%),  Belorussia (11,6%),  Ukraine (9,1%),  Romania (9,1%),  Germany (5,6%),  France (4,5%),  Kazakhstan (3,5%),  Switzerland (3,1%),  Austria (1,1%),

13 Export structure by geographical areas

14 Quality systems implemented in the Republic of Moldova HACCP 10 Entreprises GlobalGap 7 Enterprises ISO 54 Industrial enterprises

15 Analysis of the export with the agri-food products OpportunitiesConstraints Fertile soil, good climate conditions and high productivity Existing quotas in the export with the agri-food products to the EU market Ecologic and healthy agri-food products High costs for producers to comply with EU standards of production of animal and plant products High demand for Moldovan agri-food products on the foreign markets Vulnerable to international economic and political environment (Russian case from 2006) Reliable producers and exportersLack of promotion for agri-food products Suitable pricesLow transfer of new technologies in the sector

16 How the Ministry will contribute to the diminishing and eliminating existing constraints  Negotiation of the Free Trade Agreement with EU;  Elaboration and discussion of a new marketing concept and strategy for the exports of the agri-food products;  Create necessary infrastructure for businesses to perform the export to foreign markets;  Organization of local and international promotional events;  Attract foreign assistance and investments for compliance with European norms and standards of production;  Stimulate the production and export of the High Value Agriculture Products

17 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova Tel: +(373 22) 233 427; +(373 22) 232 384 Email: Website:

18 Thank you for your atention!

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