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Chapter 7 Crime in America. The Nature of Crimes Crime- to do or fail to do something that violates law criminal and noncriminal Crime defined by leg.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Crime in America. The Nature of Crimes Crime- to do or fail to do something that violates law criminal and noncriminal Crime defined by leg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Crime in America

2 The Nature of Crimes Crime- to do or fail to do something that violates law criminal and noncriminal Crime defined by leg. Trying to protect the public and will of the people Protect life, property, freedom, maintain Gov. Goal to live in harmony Crime victims are victims of civil rights

3 Crime Look at crime index on p. 72 36% of people report their violent crime / from that 20% led to an arrest Crime - more urban, 15-24, males 4 times more likely Monetary cost of crime - $100 billion a year Family of 4 (not a crime victim) $1500 per year increase in taxes

4 Can we solve crime? Causes and solutions of crime are highly disputed Suggested reasons for crime: poverty, permissive courts, unemployment, lack of ed., breakdown of the family, abuse of drugs and alcohol, increasing population, breakdown in morals, little chance of being caught or punished, inadequate juvenile system

5 Examining the causes 1. Economics? 1990 we did see a decrease in crime with a good economy but not always is history More important than poverty is stability of the family Hard to maintain in poverty areas with lack of ed.

6 Tougher penalties Do they work? U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world More important than length of incarceration is certainty of it Police presence is important but doesnt necessarily decrease crime - community policing (ownership in the neighborhood)

7 Crime / college Slight increase with significant increase in availability of drugs 7.2 (p. 74) Crime clock 1 violent crime every 19 seconds 1 property crime every 3 seconds 1 crime index offense (broad) every 2 seconds

8 Gangs and Crime Gangs are no longer an urban problem only They are more organized More males (females on the rise) Relatives/friends Poverty Substance abuse Low self - esteem Little adult supervision

9 Solving the gang problem 1. Outreach programs 2. More opportunities for young 3. Increase awareness 4. Organize prevention 5. Prosecution 6. Watch groups

10 Guns and law Many look at the 2nd amendment as their right, others say that is the right of the Gov. to have a militia 1968 Fed. Gun control law - prohibits certain people from buying a gun (felons, illegals, minors) Serial numbers on all guns Fee No mail order guns

11 Gun control Brady Act - white house press sec. that was shot during the attempt on Reagan Requires background checks other laws and regulations are determined by the states 1998 - most states you can conceal and carry Vermont is the only state with no regulation

12 Substance Abuse and Crime Chemicals that people abuse - drugs and alcohol Alcohol - most widely abused substance in the U.S. Widely accepted in our society Alcohol - involved in a large % of crime 40% of violent crimes involve alcohol - 65% of victims Annual cost of alcohol abuse - $100 billion

13 Sub. Abuse Drunk driving (DUI / DWI) - BAC (blood alcohol content)- grams per deciliter of alcohol in the body Can be determined through - breath, urine or blood Alcohol is mind altering and can impair reactions Intoxicated.10 / impaired.01 to.09

14 Penalties Penalties vary from state to state Fine DWI school Community service License suspended MADD impact panel Non - legal impact - financial insurance

15 Sub. Abuse Implied consent law - all must submit to BAC test in exchange for the privilege of driving

16 Drugs Drugs directly impact the rate of crime As high as 75% of prisoners test positive for illegal drugs Controlled Substance Act - drugs classified into 5 groups Failure of war on drugs has gotten some thinking about legalization

17 Victims of Crime 36 million victims a year 1996 - 1 in 20 males are victims of violent crime / 1 in 29 females Victim compensation laws - medical bills, lost salary, funeral costs Restitution - criminals pay back

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