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March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 20141 MSBA Leadership Conference January 13-14, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 20141 MSBA Leadership Conference January 13-14, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 20141 MSBA Leadership Conference January 13-14, 2011

2 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 20142 Four-Day School Week: Two Years Later – What Weve Learned

3 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 20143 Location of MACCRAY X

4 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 20144 Communities

5 5 MACCRAYs Budget Total Budget (all funds) = $8,000,000 General fund reduced by $800,000 from 2006- 07 to 2007-08 = 11% General fund reduced by another $300,000 from 2007-08 to 2008-09 General fund reduced by another $300,000 from 2008-09 to 2009-10 General fund reduced by $100,000 in 2010-11

6 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 20146 Staff Demographics Approximately 100 total staff members – bus drivers are not MACCRAYs employees 31 of 58 individuals on our districts seniority list are 50 years of age or more and have served the district for 20 or more years Another 7 certified staff members are over 50, but havent served in the district for 20 or more years

7 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 20147 Reduce expenses Minimize staff reductions Maintain electives Reasons for Transition to a Four-Day Week

8 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 20148 Research

9 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 20149 Research Suggested These Benefits More environmentally friendly Potential to increase enrollment Improved attendance of students and staff Improved student morale Decreased discipline referrals Saved money

10 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201410 Research - Effects on Students Students reported having better attitudes toward school Academic achievement and standardized test scores reported to be the same or higher More instructional time available Longer class periods allowed for more material to be covered Greater likelihood of student appointments being scheduled on days off More family time available

11 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201411 Research - Effects on Teachers Fewer absences – teachers can schedule appointments on days off Less need for substitute teachers Increased staff development time

12 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201412 MACCRAYs Estimated Savings Substitute Teacher Costs $9,023 Transportation Costs$65,201 Energy Savings$16,374 Maintenance Costs $3,611 Faculty Mileage Reimbursement $994 Total $95,203

13 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201413 Snapshot of MACCRAYs 4-Day Week

14 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201414 4-Day Schedule Monday is the off day. Staff in-service days were moved from Fridays to Mondays. School was scheduled on nine (9) Mondays in 2008-09. School is scheduled on eight (8) Mondays in 2009-10.

15 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201415 4-Day Schedule (continued…) In 2008-09 there were four (4) five-day weeks throughout the year. There were three (3) five-day weeks scheduled in 2009-10. There were no five-day weeks scheduled in 2010-11, although as a result of snow days, two have been added to our calendar in mid-April and early May.

16 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201416 Complete homework Work on projects Work at a part-time job Complete MACCRAYs 20 hours per year service learning requirement Participate in community education offerings Mondays have be used to:

17 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201417 Student Day Before 1 st bell8:12 a.m. Period 18:15 – 9:02 Period 2 9:05 – 9:52 Period 39:55 – 10:42 Period 410:45 – 11:32 1 st Lunch 11:32 – 11:57 Period 5A11:35 – 12:22 Period 5B11:57 – 12:44 2 nd Lunch12:22 – 12:47 Period 612:47 – 1:34 Period 71:37 – 2:24 Period 82:27 – 3:14 47 minute class periods After 1 st Bell7:57 a.m. Period 18:00 – 8:55 Period 2 8:58 – 9:53 Period 39:56 – 10:51 Period 410:54 – 11:49 1 st Lunch 11:49 – 12:14 Period 5A11:52 – 12:47 Period 5B12:14 – 1:09 2 nd Lunch12:47 – 1:12 Period 61:12 – 2:07 Period 72:10 – 3:05 Period 83:09 - 4:04 55 minute class periods Additional 65 minutes per day

18 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201418 2007-08 419 min/day x 172 days: 72,068 minutes Excluding lunch (25 min.) & passing time (18 min.) Excluding lunch (25 min.) & passing time (18 min.) 376 min/day x 172 days = 64,672 minutes 2010-11 484 min/day x 149 days: 72,116 minutes Excluding lunch (25 min.) & passing time (18 min.) Excluding lunch (25 min.) & passing time (18 min.) 441 min/day x 149 days = 65,709 minutes Actual Gain in Instructional Time: Actual Gain in Instructional Time: 1,037minutes (17.28 hours) annually 1,037minutes (17.28 hours) annually Instructional Time

19 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201419 Teacher Day 2007-08 7:45 a.m.–3:44 p.m. 172 student days 7 in-service days 2 conference days 181 contract days Today 7:30 a.m. – 4:34 p.m. 149 student days 8.5 in-service days 2 conference days 159.4 contract days

20 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201420 Extracurricular Activities Practices end later (6:15), except on Wednesday - Community Night (5:45). Events and activities occur on Monday evenings as usual. Some events rescheduled. Thermostats are not turned up for Monday practices, games, activities No junior high practices on days off

21 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201421 Our Communities With the extended school day T-F, many students schedules better align with parents work schedules Child care – Families needed to make adjustments due to change in schedule –It appears that many daycare providers charge a flat fee –Many family members pitched in –MACCRAY Community Education (in partnership with 4-H) trained students as babysitters –Fun Day Mondays @ Willmar YMCA –Many community education classes and special events are scheduled on Mondays

22 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201422 Evaluation

23 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201423 –Parents, students, staff surveys –Community members surveys –Assess test scores, failure rates, behavior data, and absentee rates for students and staff –Compare annual expenses from year to year MACCRAYs Evaluation Plan

24 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201424 What Weve Learned… Days are longer for students –A few students are picked up as early as 6:44 compared to 6:50 a.m. before the new schedule –Elementary-age students get home as late as 5:00 p.m. –Some high school students dont get home from extra- curricular practices until 6:30 or 7:00 p.m. Extra-curricular practices –Coaches in many cases have been more organized and practices more intentional and efficient – less down time or transition time during practice –Go later into the evening than in the past

25 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201425 What Weve Learned (continued…) Practices are only 90 minutes long on Wednesdays Evenings are noticeably shorter for students and staff members – sometimes getting homework done is a challenge Most students enjoy having Mondays off Most staff members enjoy having Mondays off A few staff members prefer the former schedule

26 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201426 Academic Impact No negative academic impact has been identified at the K-7 level with either grades or test scores. Failure rates have decreased. No issues with information retention in our special education population have been identified by the staff. MACCRAY students made AYP in all areas in 2009-10.

27 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201427 Contracts/TRA The teachers currently represent the only unionized group in our district 181 duty days vs. 159.4 duty days –Addressed through a Memorandum of Understanding between the Board and the MACCRAY Education Association TRA credit is earned like before – teachers just work fewer, longer days

28 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201428 Other Issues Schedules of all hourly employees had to be adjusted Many IEPs needed to be adjusted Sharing staff with another district Daycare A single absence has a bigger impact than it used to (1/149 compared to 1/172)

29 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201429 Transportation Savings Type172 Days149 Days Rural routes$394,595.52$361,542.28 Shuttle buses$60,728.04$45,309.41 Town route$18,674.04$17,798.56 Special Education $89,120.08$73,266.28 Total$563,117.68$497,916.53 *8.84% savings

30 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201430 Electricity XCEL Energy Usage - Comparison (kWh) School2007-082008-092009-10 West Elementary191,739183,023173,123 East Elementary231,349184,857201,543 Junior High29,87427,847DNA High School401,824341,924384,946 Total kWh Used854,786737,651759,612

31 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201431 Water/Sewer Water/Sewer Comparison (Gallons) School2007-082008-092009-10 West Elementary 412,572466,706418,268 East Elementary 346,720289,520328,721 Junior High 27,40024,100DNA High School 1,216,0001,045,700863,000 TOTAL2,002,6921,826,0261,609,989

32 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201432 Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Comparison (Gallons) School2007-082008-092009-10 West Elementary24,39223,88921,385 East Elementary26,94424,48724,001 Junior High4,4044,051DNA High School25,60421,92020.926 TOTAL81,34474,34766,312

33 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201433 Estimated vs. Actual Savings @ 2007-08 Estimated RatesActual Substitute Teacher Costs $9,023 $22,184** $22,184** Transportation Costs $65,201 $65,201 $65,201 Energy Savings $16,374 $56,495 $93,775 Maintenance Costs $3,611 * * Faculty Mileage $994 * _ *_ Total $95,203 $143,880 $181,159 * Needs further analysis ** Not all savings can be attributed to four-day week

34 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201434 7-12 students report… having a better attitude toward school – the weeks go so fast! Monday is a day to de-stress more time for family activities. longer class periods allow for more work to be completed. improved attendance.

35 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201435 K-6 students report… Theres not enough recess time. I am hungrier during the day. I like having two snack times. I like having less school. The days go fast.

36 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201436 MACCRAY parents report… Nights are very short for elementary aged students Ive been surprised how easy the transition has been. Some parents feel that homework needs to be completed before Monday since most parents work on Monday Im enjoying the extra day for appointments and family time. The new schedule is a disadvantage for those that have to leave early for sports.

37 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201437 Teachers report… K-6 staff The day goes just as fast as before. Were on track with language arts. Im honestly surprised how well it is going. 7-12 staff I love the longer class periods for labs. I am a little ahead of where I was last year.

38 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201438 Adjustments Made for Students SMART program (K-3) Later breakfast time (K-6) Later lunch times (K-6) Adjustments made to daily schedule in fall and spring (7-12)

39 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201439 Thank you for what you do on behalf of children!

40 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201440 Debi Brandt School Board Member MACCRAY Public Schools 711 Wolverine Drive P.O. Box 690 Clara City, MN 56222 320-847-2154 (phone) Website address: Contact Information

41 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201441 Contact Information Greg Schmidt Superintendent MACCRAY Public Schools 711 Wolverine Drive P.O. Box 690 Clara City, MN 56222 320-847-2154 (phone) Website address:

42 March 5, 2014March 5, 2014March 5, 201442 QUESTIONS?

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