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Florida's Forest Stewardship Program Developed by Chris Demers University of Florida School of Forest Resources and Conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida's Forest Stewardship Program Developed by Chris Demers University of Florida School of Forest Resources and Conservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida's Forest Stewardship Program Developed by Chris Demers University of Florida School of Forest Resources and Conservation

2 What is Forest Stewardship ? n The wise use and management of forest resources that maintains and enhances the value of those resources for present and future generations

3 Program Objective: n Encourage forest landowners to actively manage their renewable natural resources

4 Landowners Use Their Properties For: n Additional income n Leisure - hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing, etc. n Contributing to long-term conservation of forests in the region

5 How Does the Program Assist Landowners? n Technical assistance (DOF, FWC, IFAS) n Opportunities to learn about forest management strategies n Increased economic opportunity n Documentation of active management n Recognition as a leader in wise management with sign, certificate and publicity (if desired)

6 Who is Eligible for the Program? n Any private landowner with a minimum of 25 acres

7 Becoming a Forest Steward n Nomination by agency professionals, other landowner, or self n Development of a management plan n Approval of completed practices n Forest Steward Certification

8 What are Your Objectives? n Timber n Wildlife n Recreation / Aesthetics n Soil and Water Conservation n Grazing

9 Multiple Use Forest Management n Forest Stewards have multi- resource management plans based on primary and secondary objectives

10 To Get Started in the Program n Call your Florida Division of Forestry county forester, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Stewardship Biologist, or the University of Florida Stewardship Coordinator

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