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Florida Conference Strategic Leadership Team Report to the 2012 Annual Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida Conference Strategic Leadership Team Report to the 2012 Annual Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida Conference Strategic Leadership Team Report to the 2012 Annual Conference

2 Strategic Leadership Team Members Dale Locke Chuck Mallue Annette Stiles Pendergrass Jeff Stiggins Alice Williams Bishop Timothy Whitaker Bob Bushong Arlinda Burks Gretchen Hastings Rinaldo Hernandez Elizabeth Knowles Beth Fogle-Miller Russ Graves

3 The Strategic Leadership Team’s Charge (2010) “Clarify the vision of the Annual Conference, ensure this vision is accomplished, and ensure the alignment of all Annual Conference resources and ministries with the vision “Clarify the vision of the Annual Conference, ensure this vision is accomplished, and ensure the alignment of all Annual Conference resources and ministries with the vision.”

4 128 People in the Conference Gave Feedback… Received a 1.9 out of 4 on fulfilling the Conference Vision and Mission Not responsive to local churches Lacked a clear, shared vision and priorities Pastors and church leaders perceived as ineffective Difficulty dealing with gender, generational, and racial diversity issues Poor communications and weak leadership Missing key opportunities for outreach

5 What you are about to see is a Strategic Plan including: Missional Outcomes Goals Action Items

6 What you are about to see is a Strategic Plan including: Missional Outcomes Goals Action Items This plan moves us closer to achieving our Vision, but still needs : –more work, –much more involvement, and –much more prayer.

7 How is This Plan Different? There has never been a Conference Strategic Leadership Team or Strategic Plan before. It reflects a holistic view of our connection: conference, districts, clergy & congregations. It uses cross-functional teams to promote wider participation, best practices & bridging silos. It emphasizes missional accountability at all levels: conference, districts, clergy and congregations. It continues our focus on the Five Practices.





12 Members Facilities Money Programs & Activities Missional Outcomes MinistriesResources Changed Lives & Communities

13 Missional Outcomes Over the Next Quadrenium Disciples who are becoming more like Jesus Congregations where all people are welcome Communities being blessed with Kingdom impact Conference Structures centered on fulfilling our mission

14 Conference Structures Centered on Fulfilling our Mission

15 Conference Structures centered on fulfilling our mission

16 Missionally align our organizational structures & resources

17 Conference Structures centered on fulfilling our mission Missionally align our organizational structures & resources Assess the sustainability of our missions & chartered congregations

18 Conference Structures centered on fulfilling our mission Missionally align our organizational structures & resources Assess the sustainability of our missions & chartered congregations Assess our return on investments for conference ministries & programs

19 Conference Structures centered on fulfilling our mission Missionally align our organizational structures & resources Assess the sustainability of our missions & chartered congregations Assess our return on investments for conference ministries & programs Develop communication strategies that serve our mission

20 Disciples Becoming More Like Jesus


22 Disciples becoming more like Jesus Intentional Discipling

23 Implement clear discipling processes

24 Disciples becoming more like Jesus Intentional Discipling Implement clear discipling processes Clergy will plan for their own life-long spiritual & professional growth

25 Disciples becoming more like Jesus Intentional Discipling Implement clear discipling processes Clergy will plan for their own life-long spiritual & professional growth Strengthen the ministry of laity, including young leaders

26 Congregations Where All People Find Welcome


28 Congregations where all people find welcome Radical Hospitality

29 Increase multi-cultural &multi-ethnic involvement

30 Congregations where all people find welcome Radical Hospitality Increase multi-cultural & multi-ethnic involvement Increase multi-generational involvement, focusing on 18-30 year olds

31 Congregations where all people find welcome Radical Hospitality Increase multi-cultural & multi-ethnic involvement Increase multi-generational involvement, focusing on 18-30 year olds Strategically plant new congregations

32 Communities Being Blessed with Kingdom Impact


34 Communities Being Blessed with Kingdom Impact Salty Service

35 Develop resources for congregations increasing their outward focus

36 Communities Being Blessed with Kingdom Impact Salty Service Develop resources for congregations increasing their outward focus Track the outward focus of congregations through MVS & life- change stories

37 Communities Being Blessed with Kingdom Impact Salty Service Develop resources for congregations increasing their outward focus Track the outward focus of congregations through MVS & life- change stories Increase the involvement of congregations in global missions

38 Missional Outcomes Over the Next Quadrenium Disciples who are becoming more like Jesus Congregations where all people are welcome Communities being blessed with Kingdom impact Conference Structures centered on fulfilling our mission

39 Text Questions to: 863-797-4147

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