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Workplace Health Promotion in the Czech Republic – Status Quo Analysis Ludmila Kozena Jarmila Vavrinova National Institute of Public Health, Centre of.

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1 Workplace Health Promotion in the Czech Republic – Status Quo Analysis Ludmila Kozena Jarmila Vavrinova National Institute of Public Health, Centre of Occupational Health, Prague

2 Historical background Beginning of the 20th century - enterpreneur Baťa - Baťa works Communism era –Health care for workers provided by the company physician –Special care for some professions (soldiers, policemen, miners) nineties – many new enterprises, changes in attitudes towards health promotion –1998 – founded the Czech National Network for Workplace Health Promotion –2002 – founded the Forum of Health Promoting Organizations

3 Current concept of the WHP Traditional occupational health and safety activities (risk assessment, occupational health system,…) + activities for introducing healthy lifestyles + development of internal strategies in enterprises

4 Duties of the employer Labour Code Public Health Protection Act (2000) –To ensure the safety and protect the health of employees at work –To establish the risk factors and monitor their level –To minimize and prevent job risks –To ensure the availability of the first aid Categorization of jobs (2001) –According to a degree of workload and possible effect on health –Health check-ups contingent on a job category and special health risks

5 Workplace Health Promotion Not obligatory (not based on legal regulations) Activities beyond the standard Government resolution no. 1046/2002 (Health 21): „by 2015 10% of enterprises will be involved in observing the principles of healthy organizations“

6 WHP network in the CR State level –Ministry of Health National Institute of Public Health Prague – Centre of Occupational Health - NCO ENWHP Regional Centres of Health Promotion Regional Centres of Occupational Health –Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Occupational safety and health inspectorates Trade unions Private level Private health protection and health promotion services Enterprises Insurance companies

7 Centre of Occupational Health of the NIPH Prague Activities in the field of occupational health (reference activities, development of new methods, education, counselling,…) Activities in the field of WHP –NCO of ENWHP –Coordination of regional efforts –Education, courses for prevention specialists –Assessment and evaluation

8 Competition for the Title of „Health Promoting Organization of the Year “ Quality Criteria of Workplace Health Promotion 2005, 2006,… 17 enterprises with 200 – 9 000 employees were awarded the title Predominantly production plants (light industry)

9 Competition for the Title of „Health Promoting Organization of the Year “

10 Future perspectives Increasing of interest of enterprises in WHP Key challenge: involvement of SME´s in WHP Built up of an operational network of regional cooperating centres Incorporation of WHP concept in educational system Motivation of health insurance companies Project Move Europe – employ for meeting our goals

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