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This presentation explores the role of pit marshals and flag marshals in the running of the 24 hr HPV race.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation explores the role of pit marshals and flag marshals in the running of the 24 hr HPV race."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation explores the role of pit marshals and flag marshals in the running of the 24 hr HPV race.

2 Firstly, let’s look at the role of PIT MARSHAL What does this role entail and what equipment will you be using?

3 The main function of PIT MARSHALS is controlling speed in the pit lane, to maximise safety of all competitors.

4 SPEED IN PITS Maximum speed in the pit lane is 10 kph Speed Guns may be used to check vehicle speed Speeding vehicles should be waved down by hand movement Verbal warnings should be given

5 STOPPING IN PITS Vehicles must stop in the pit bay under the effect of their own braking system Stopping with the assistance of others is not permitted Offending vehicles may be asked to demonstrate effective braking

6 SEATBELTS Vehicles shall be stationary before seatbelts are unfastened.

7 DIRECTION OF TRAVEL IN PITS Under no circumstances shall a vehicle enter the pits via the pit exit lane. This causes timing issues at the electronic loop

8 VEHICLES LEAVING THE PITS Moving vehicles have right of way over stationary vehicles

9 PITTING DURING A SAFETY CAR During safety car deployment, vehicles may enter pit lane, however, as a safety precaution, vehicles will only be allowed to exit pit lane and join the end of the queue as the field is passing by. If the field is out of sight, pitted vehicles will be held for another lap.

10 PIT LANE YELLOW FLAG This flag is waved at oncoming traffic when there has been an accident near pit lane, or when advised to do so by the Race Director.

11 PIT LANE RED FLAG You will use this flag to stop the race and direct all traffic into the pits when notified by race control.

12 PIT LANE BLACK FLAG Wave this flag at an infringing vehicle and advise COMCEN (this is paramount) Infringing vehicles should be given a verbal warning for the first offence COMCEN will advise if a vehicle has been previously warned, allowing you to decide on penalties

13 One minute penalty stop for a vehicle which has been previously warned All warnings and penalties should be radioed in to COMCEN

14 PIT LANE GREEN FLAG Waved at race start Waved when the track is clear for racing to restart.

15 BREAKDOWNS Advising teams of breakdowns around the track is handled by COMCEN Messages are delivered by Pit Runners. You are left free to continue your marshalling.

16 RADIO USE All marshals should make themselves familiar with the hand-held radios used at the event. If a radio malfunctions, it should be sent to COMCEN for replacement.

17 FLAG MARSHALS ROLE AT CORNERS AND OTHER STATIONS There are 8 stations requiring flag marshals

18 1 – School corner (Ferry and Kent) 2 – Central crossing 3 – Hairpin 4 – Pool corner 5 – Hospital corner 6 – Hill crossing 7 – Man Arts 8 – TRADE corner


20 BLUE OR BLUE AND WHITE STRIPED Vehicle/s close behind. Move left to allow overtaking.

21 YELLOW Danger or track obstruction in this area of the track. No overtaking when a yellow flag is displayed. Pass the point of danger with care, then continue racing.

22 RED FLAG Extreme danger on track. All vehicles come to an immediate stop. Follow the orders of the Race Director. Typical instruction will be: Proceed slowly to your pit and wait for a restart.

23 In addition to your flags, each marshalling station will be equipped with a set of traffic lights with manual switches. Flash each light as shown: Red – Immediate race stop Yellow – Danger Green – Resume racing

24 SAFETY CAR WITH FLASHING LIGHTS, FLAG OR SIGN ON TRACK You will be advised by radio to wave the yellow flag until further notice and report any overtaking infringement No overtaking under yellow!

25 OTHER TASKS FOR FLAG MARSHALS. You should be observing the track conduct of all riders and reporting any of the following infringements:

26 Slow Vehicles Keep Left Vehicles must keep to the left of the track, unless overtaking another vehicle. Slower vehicles must not deliberately block faster vehicles.

27 OVERTAKING Vehicles must overtake to the right of the vehicle being overtaken. Riders must check their mirrors and sound their horns before overtaking. It is the responsibility of the overtaking vehicle to ensure that the overtaking move is carried out without endangering other competitors.

28 EXCEPTION TO OVERTAKING RULE From Hairpin Corner to Pool Corner, overtaking may occur on the left or the right, with care.

29 CLEARANCE An overtaking vehicle must ensure a clearance of at least 2 metres before cutting in front of a slower vehicle.

30 SLIPSTREAMING To ensure safety is not compromised, slipstreaming closer than 1 metre is not allowed.


32 DEVICES Any MP3s or iPODs etc that, in the opinion of race officials, may prevent riders from hearing other competitors warning devices, are not permitted. If you believe a rider does not follow an instruction because they cannot hear you, report it to COMCEN as an infringement.


34 Marshals should radio in incident reports to COMCEN, who will then notify the Race Director.

35 The Race Director may request a written report if any action is required.


37 Penalties for infringement of the event regulations may take the form of: A timed stoppage Disqualification of a rider Disqualification of a team from competition.

38 Unless noted otherwise in the rulebook, a verbal warning will be given for a first offence.

39 A second offence by that team will result in the vehicle being black flagged and required to serve a 1 minute penalty stop, either in pit lane or trackside.

40 No work or driver changes may be undertaken during these stoppages.

41 For subsequent offences, the stoppage time may be increased to 2 minutes at the discretion of the race director.

42 Where the race director finds that a vehicle has lost time due to aggressive or inappropriate riding by another competitor, the offending vehicle may be withdrawn while reasonable repairs are carried out on the affected vehicle.

43 When are you required to be at your marshalling station?

44 Saturday morning race practice marshalling is handled by University and MSHS personnel.

45 Your club or group roster should cover: 11.30 am Saturday til 12.00 noon Sunday

46 CONCLUSION Your role as marshal is vital to the success of our event. Thankyou for taking the time to learn your role. Have a great race and enjoy the action!

47 In 2014 you will be watching this presentation on a DVD. Video vision will be taken during the 2013 event for this purpose. Please co-operate with the students undertaking this task.

48 Marshalling Program for HPVs Saturday 11.40Parade/warm up lap (if time allows) 12.00 noon - START OF RACQ HPV 24 HOUR RACE Sunday 12.00 noon - FINISH OF RACQ HPV 24 HOUR RACE

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