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Your Health and Fitness Your Physical Fitness. #1#2#3 #4#5 #6 1.Number your paper 1 – 15 2.Write ONE word to describe each of these pictures.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Health and Fitness Your Physical Fitness. #1#2#3 #4#5 #6 1.Number your paper 1 – 15 2.Write ONE word to describe each of these pictures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Health and Fitness Your Physical Fitness

2 #1#2#3 #4#5 #6 1.Number your paper 1 – 15 2.Write ONE word to describe each of these pictures

3 #7#8#9 #10#11 #12 #13#14#15

4 Current Health Trends What are the current health trends in news, media, society?

5 Careers What are some careers in Health and Wellness and Fitness?

6 Your Physical Fitness Vocabulary 0 Wellness – describes a desired state of health 0 Physical wellness – state of health in which body is able to fight illness and infection and repair damage 0 Physical Fitness – condition of your body 0 Aerobic Capacity – is a measure of the condition of your heart and lungs. 0 Insomnia – is the inability to get the amount of sleep you need when you need it.

7 Your Physical Fitness 0 What you will learn in this unit… 0 Explain why good health is important 0 Describe two areas on which physical activity should focus 0 Use suggestions for getting adequate sleep

8 Your Physical Fitness 0 Wellness 0 Physical Wellness 0 High level of vitality 0 What’s vitality? 0 Because of this increased vitality, how does that change your lifestyle? 0 Look and feel better 0 More energy 0 Small % of people enjoy this level of good health

9 How do you achieve physical wellness? 0 Professional medical care 0 What does that include? 0 Good Self-care 0 What’s that?

10 Your Physical Fitness 0 What is physical fitness? 0 What’s that look like? 0 Seen 0 Unseen 0 Fitness and Wellness 0 What’s the connection? 0 What are the key factor (s) impacting both fitness and wellness?

11 YOU

12 Importance of Good Health 0 How does your health affect you? 0 How does poor health affect you more significantly in some jobs/careers? 0 What are some examples?

13 Being Physically Active 0 KEY to building and maintaining physical fitness 0 Daily 0 How does physical activity help? 0 PLUS, it’s FUN!

14 Being Physically Active 0 What’s it look like? 0 What are some examples? 0 Do you have to have a gym? 0 Vigorous activity 0 Examples 0 Moderate physical activity 0 Examples

15 Being Physically Active 0 How much is enough? 0 What should you do before starting a exercise/activity program, if you have NOT been active? 0 Why? 0 What can the doctor do to help? 0 As a rule of thumb 0 Start with short simple workouts and build-up from there 0 STICK WITH IT!

16 Being Physically Active 0 Making physical activity worth it… 0 HOW? 0 Component One 0 Aerobic capacity 0 How do you measure this? 0 What are examples of activities that increase aerobic capacity?

17 Muscle Strength and Flexibility 0 Component two 0 Muscular strength - your muscles ability to do work. 0 Do you have to lift weights to build muscle strength? 0 Activities that build strength

18 Muscle Strength and Flexibility 0 Flexibility – your body’s range of motion. 0 Why is it important? 0 What are activities to help improve flexibility?

19 Activity 12.1 0 Handout

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