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Beth Doenges, Elena Konstantin, Stephanie Mott. Earth Day In 1962, Gaylord Nelson wanted to bring more awareness to the public about the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Beth Doenges, Elena Konstantin, Stephanie Mott. Earth Day In 1962, Gaylord Nelson wanted to bring more awareness to the public about the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beth Doenges, Elena Konstantin, Stephanie Mott

2 Earth Day In 1962, Gaylord Nelson wanted to bring more awareness to the public about the environment. On April 22, 1970, he established the first Earth Day. April 22 was chosen because it is the first official day of Spring in the Northern hemisphere and of Fall in the Southern hemisphere.

3 Earth Day in the Classroom Teachers can find many great ideas to help their children understand what Earth Day is and teach them about an eco-friendly world. Sample Lesson Plans Ideas: Recycling Global Warming Rain Forest Plants and Flowers Weather

4 Eco-friendly ideas to help the Earth  Have students research ideas to become more eco- friendly at home, school, and in the community.  What kind of difference can they make? What do statics say? Sample ideas: Turn off computers at night Use both sides of paper Take a shorter shower Recycle old cell phones Use rechargeable batteries

5 The Earth has four layers: 1.Crust 2.Mantle 3.Outer Core 4.Inner Core

6 The first layer is the crust. Outer layer of the Earth About 25 miles deep under continents About 5 miles deep under oceans

7 The second layer is the mantle. Below the crust About 1,800 miles in thickness Holds the majority of the Earth’s internal heat

8 The third layer is the outer core. Surrounds the inner core Liquid About 1,450 miles in thickness

9 The fourth layer is the inner core. Solid core Made up of mainly iron About 750 miles in thickness

10 Procedure To be completed by teacher before lesson: Step 1: Prepare the gelatin dessert by following the boxes directions. Put in refrigerator to set. To be completed by teacher during lesson: Step 2: Melt the margarine in a small container. The Earth Bowl

11 To be completed by both the teacher and the students during the lesson: Step 3: Crush the graham crackers into a fine crumb mixture. This can be neatly accomplished by placing graham crackers into a zip-lock bag. Then crush the graham crackers while they are inside of the zip-lock bag until they become fine crumbs. Step 4: Mix the graham cracker crumbs with the melted margarine and granulated sugar in a small container. Press this mixture onto the bottom and the sides of the Earth Bowl. Set this bowl aside.

12 In Class Procedure Cont. Step 5: Spoon the gelatin dessert on top of the graham cracker crumb crust. Form the gelatin so there is a small half sphere in the middle of the bowl. Step 6: Spoon the Cool Whip into the empty hole. Step 7: Place one cherry in the center of the Cool Whip. Step 8: ENJOY!!

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