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Presentation to Asia-Pacific Coroners Society Inc. Annual Conference 1 November 2007 Coronial Services Unit (CSU) The New Zealand Model.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Asia-Pacific Coroners Society Inc. Annual Conference 1 November 2007 Coronial Services Unit (CSU) The New Zealand Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Asia-Pacific Coroners Society Inc. Annual Conference 1 November 2007 Coronial Services Unit (CSU) The New Zealand Model

2 PRESENTATION AIM DISCUSS old vs new structureDISCUSS old vs new structure EXPLAIN Coronial Services unit structureEXPLAIN Coronial Services unit structure EXPLAIN Coronial Services unit & regional manager’s roleEXPLAIN Coronial Services unit & regional manager’s role

3 OLD vs NEW CORONERS ACT 1988CORONERS ACT 1988 All cases before 1 July 2007 (cont until closed)All cases before 1 July 2007 (cont until closed) 51 Coroners (part time)51 Coroners (part time) 2 full time Coroners2 full time Coroners Ad Hoc (support & case mgmt)Ad Hoc (support & case mgmt) All self inflicted deaths to inquestAll self inflicted deaths to inquest Backlist = all open cases as at 30 June 2007Backlist = all open cases as at 30 June 2007 CORONERS ACT 2006CORONERS ACT 2006 All cases from 1 July 2007All cases from 1 July 2007 1 Chief Coroner1 Chief Coroner 14 Full time Coroners14 Full time Coroners 27 Support staff (C.S.U)27 Support staff (C.S.U) Office of Chief CoronerOffice of Chief Coroner Not all self inflicted deaths to inquestNot all self inflicted deaths to inquest


5 NORTHERN REGION CENTRAL REGION SOUTHERN REGION The population in the three regions is serviced by 9 Coronial Services Units (CSU’s) 4 Northern regional CSU’s 3 Central regional CSU’s 2 Southern regional CSU’s

6 REGIONAL MANAGERS NORTHERN REGION CENTRAL REGION SOUTHERN REGION The 3 regions each have a manager The 3 regions each have a manager

7 CORONIAL SERVICES UNITS Support for 14 fulltime coronersSupport for 14 fulltime coroners Split into 3 regions = Northern, Central, SouthernSplit into 3 regions = Northern, Central, Southern CSU staff = MoJ employees = Regional managers, coronial co-ordinators, research officers, office administrators.CSU staff = MoJ employees = Regional managers, coronial co-ordinators, research officers, office administrators. Co-ordinators = Case managers/Court takers, admin & logistical support Co-ordinators = Case managers/Court takers, admin & logistical support Dedicated CSU meeting/board roomsDedicated CSU meeting/board rooms Coronial inquest hearing circuitsCoronial inquest hearing circuits - Mobile evidence recording equip (digital) -Managed by demand

8 REGIONAL MANAGERS ROLE Operational management and technical oversightOperational management and technical oversight Foster effective relationshipsFoster effective relationships Provide leadership to maximise regional team performanceProvide leadership to maximise regional team performance Develop and implement best practice administration processesDevelop and implement best practice administration processes Implement and review CSU strategies, policies etcImplement and review CSU strategies, policies etc Service, service, serviceService, service, service Communication, Communication, Communication!Communication, Communication, Communication!

9 RELATIONSHIPS INTERNAL: CSU managers CSU Business manager CSU staff MoJ managers/staff JUDICIAL: Chief Coroner Coroners EXTERNAL: NZ Police (incl iwi & other liaison officers)NZ Police (incl iwi & other liaison officers) PathologistsPathologists Local community groups (iwi/cultural/religious)Local community groups (iwi/cultural/religious) Funeral directorsFuneral directors District Health BoardsDistrict Health Boards Service providersService providers Investigating authoritiesInvestigating authorities

10 SOUTHERN CSU VISION & VALUES VISION :Working with families, related agencies & our community in providing an effective, compassionate and valuable service.VISION :Working with families, related agencies & our community in providing an effective, compassionate and valuable service. VALUES:PeopleVALUES:PeopleIntegrityRespectCommunicationProfessionalismCompassion Consultation & collaboration Perseverance

11 WHAT THE PUBLIC WILL SEE / EXPERIENCE 9 fully equipped offices - professional layout, corporate signage, a specific person to assist.9 fully equipped offices - professional layout, corporate signage, a specific person to assist. 24/7 coronial support24/7 coronial support Website with contacts and brochuresWebsite with contacts and brochures Brochures and leaflets in all Police stations/V.SBrochures and leaflets in all Police stations/V.S Increased efficiency through staff access to technical support, laptops, intranet etcIncreased efficiency through staff access to technical support, laptops, intranet etc Other agencies (ACC, Work & Income etc) prepared for new systemOther agencies (ACC, Work & Income etc) prepared for new system Service, consistency, communicationService, consistency, communication Ongoing consultation and engagementOngoing consultation and engagement

12 NEW SERVICE = Efficiency/Timeliness = Education = Cultural sensitivity = Consistency = Ability to use data to affect change - access to NCIS - introduce New Zealand CIS

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