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GO Airport Shuttle Don Eames The GO Group, LLC Board Member President/CEO GO The Airport Shuttle AGTA Meeting Ft. Myers, FL.

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Presentation on theme: "GO Airport Shuttle Don Eames The GO Group, LLC Board Member President/CEO GO The Airport Shuttle AGTA Meeting Ft. Myers, FL."— Presentation transcript:

1 GO Airport Shuttle Don Eames The GO Group, LLC Board Member President/CEO GO The Airport Shuttle AGTA Meeting Ft. Myers, FL

2 The Air Travel Market

3 Air Travel Will Continue to Grow

4 The Air Travel Market Higher fuel and labor costs will shrink airline margins. Economics will constrain airport expansion – forcing more efficient use of existing facilities. -Shared ride vans can optimize facility use. Higher air fares will put pressure on other travel related costs. Increased packaging of all travel components will create added value.

5 Marketing Ground Transportation

6 Point of Purchase Moving from purchase of services at airports to purchase of services further back the distribution channel

7 Point of Purchase Emphasis moves from airport ticket counters to websites, travel sites and travel partners such as hotels and airlines

8 Customer Recognition What % of flyers know what an airport shuttle is?

9 Reaching Out to the Market Emphasis moves from airport signage to:  Search Engine Optimization  Email Marketing  Social Network Marketing

10 Reaching Out to the Market Creating added value with airline mileage programs and other reward programs

11 Reaching Out to the Market Quality service through passenger surveys and travel site feedback

12 Technology Requirements

13 Customer Outreach State-of-the art website

14 Customer Outreach Mobile Device Applications

15 Customer Outreach Ticket Kiosks at Hotels, Convention Centers and Airports

16 Customer Service State-of-the-art reservation system State-of-the-art Credit Card Processing; Online In vehicles At ticket counters At kiosks Maintaining PCI Compliance

17 Quality Control of Service State-of-the-art dispatch system GPS Mobile Data Terminals in all Vehicles

18 Environment

19 Fuel Cost Will Rise Alternative fuel use will increase requiring greater investment in vehicles. Environmentally friendly vehicles

20 Need for Lowering Emissions at Airport Curb Will Increase in Importance Use of high occupancy vehicles will grow. More economical fares Private transportation generates taxes and fees

21 Environment Increase the use of buses to nearby communities – Point to Point Service Evaluate the financial viability of light rail services Publicly owned and operated transportation creates the need for subsidies and takes revenue away from tax and fee generating services.

22 Business Environment - Challenges Employee Drivers Healthcare Costs Status of Independent Contractors

23 Need to Create a Return on Investment Investment Required: Vehicles, Technology, Training and Marketing

24 Number of Years Business Will Be Sustained Term of agreement -The shorter the term the higher the costs to cover monthly. e.g. the fewer years you finance a new car – the larger the payments 3yrs= $500/mo 4yrs=$400/mo 5yrs=$300/mo

25 A Model of Planning Success The GO Group, LLC achieves national prominence in 4 years.

26 The GO Group, LLC A franchise network created from a strategic plan developed by a group of ground transportation company owners.

27 The GO Group, LLC Provides a national and international system of operators

28 The GO Group, LLC Has a large customer base buying services for city of origin and city of destination.

29 The GO Group, LLC Creates Brand Awareness, while maintaining the pride of local ownership and the hands on quality control of service

30 The GO Group, LLC The larger network offers great value to strategic partners such as travel sites, airlines and hotels. Has ability to participate in national and international marketing initiatives. Provides access to state-of-the art technology. Drives down costs through national purchasing programs. Has the talent to meet tomorrow’s challenges

31 The GO Group, LLC Benchmarks operations through measurement of Key Performance indicators. o Revenue per vehicle o Ratios of wages, marketing and sales, maintenance, etc. to revenue Compare different market results and influences 1) Marketing costs as a % of expenses and as a % of sales. Do not include salaries. 2) What % of your marketing expense is spent on print, web, radio 3) Reservation department- a- peak hours- # of calls answered by a res agent per hour b- % of calls answered that are reservations c- average time per call. (Divide # of minutes by # of calls answered) d- average time per reservation (if you can not differentiate then divide # of minutes by # of res made) e- % of abandoned calls f- % of calls answered within 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds 4) your single fare as a % of taxi fare. (If you serve multiple towns/cities, pick the most popular) 5) the average wait time vs the average trip time 6) % of discount for: a- on-line reservation b- round trip c- second person

32 The GO Group, LLC The GO Group, LLC launched in August of ’07 and following a strategic plan has achieved tremendous growth during very difficult economic times. Reservations

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