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CONSTITUTION Chapter 1 Section 1. Review Section 1 Constitutional Terms Continental Congress - Elected representatives who advised the colonists on policies.

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1 CONSTITUTION Chapter 1 Section 1

2 Review Section 1 Constitutional Terms Continental Congress - Elected representatives who advised the colonists on policies regarding relations with Britain.

3 Terms Cont. Representation - state of being represented, especially in a legislative body Revolutionary - favoring great change Repealed - to revoke or remove by legislative act

4 Terms Cont. Salutary Neglect - policy by which the English monarch allowed the American colonists to rule themselves as long as it benefited the England Unalienable Right - freedom that cannot be taken away or transferred to another

5 Main Ideas Why did the colonists rebel against Britain? - because they had begun to think of themselves more as Americans rather than English citizens. Also, they resented the King and Parliament taxing them and telling them what to do.

6 Main Ideas Cont. What did the Continental Congress do to establish American Independence? - appointed a committee to prepare a document declaring the colonists independence from England and listed the grievances against England.

7 Main Ideas Cont. Two basic human rights stated in the Declaration of Independence. - Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

8 Critical Thinking Why was Britain against American independence? 1. Colonists had supplied Britain with materials for British industry 2. Colonists bought British made goods (with tax) – this supplied revenue

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