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Chapter 3 Section 3 Norms and Values.

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1 Chapter 3 Section 3 Norms and Values

2 Norms: The Rules We Live By
Norms- are rules defining appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Norms are learned and society uses them to guide behavior. Norms are so ingrained that our behavior is affected with out our awareness.

3 3 Basic Norms: Folkways, Mores and Laws.
Folkways: Norms that lack moral significance. Ex. Certain ways of dress, removing your hat when you eat. Not considered vital to group welfare. Not too big of deal if broken. Mores: Norms that have moral dimensions and that should be followed by members of the society. Norms with great moral significance. Vital to well-being of a society.

4 Mores continued… Difference between Folkways and Mores?
Folkways: personal choice. (supporting sports) Mores: social requirement. (able bodied men work) Taboo- A rule of behavior, the violation of which calls for strong punishment. Ex. Hindu’s- killing of cows. Incest taboos-sexual contact with relatives.

5 Laws Laws: a norm that is formally defined and enforced by officials.
Consciously created and enforced. Mores are important sources for laws. Can folkways become laws? Yes Example: smoking

6 Enforcing the Rules Sanctions- are rewards and punishments used to encourage people to follow norms. Two Different types: Formal & Informal Formal Sanctions- sanctions imposed by persons given special authority. ex. Medals for Soldiers, Grading by Teachers.

7 Sanctions continued… Informal Sanctions- Rewards or punishments that can be applied by most members of a group. Can be positive or negative. Used for a reason, not random. Ex. Positive- Helping someone Negative- Shushing someone in a theatre

8 Values- The Basis for Norms
What are Values? Values: are broad ideas about what is good or desirable shared by people in a society. Very general, do not dictate precise ways of thinking, feeling, or behaving. Different societies or groups in a societies can have different norms based on the same value. What are the importance of Values? -Influence human social behavior. -Forms the basis for norms.

9 Basic Values in the United States
Sociologist Robin Williams (1970) - List of values that guides daily lives of people: Achievement and success Activity and work Efficiency and practicality Equality Democracy Group Superiority

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