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Educational Jeopardy Tracy Bibbs Created by Stacy Royster & Suzanne Culbreth.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Jeopardy Tracy Bibbs Created by Stacy Royster & Suzanne Culbreth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Jeopardy Tracy Bibbs Created by Stacy Royster & Suzanne Culbreth

2 Parts of Speech Name the Capital Animal Classification Roman Numerals Synonyms or Antonym Multipication Facts 100 200 300 400 500

3 Describes the noun

4 Adjective

5 Express emotion as an interruption

6 Interjection

7 Names people, place, things, and animals

8 Noun

9 Shows action

10 Verb

11 A substitute for a noun

12 Pronoun

13 Florida

14 Miami

15 Mississippi

16 Jackson

17 Tennessee

18 Nashville

19 Louisiana

20 Baton Rouge

21 Texas

22 Austin

23 frogs and toads

24 amphibians

25 Cats and dogs

26 mammals

27 Snakes and lizards

28 reptiles

29 Clown fish and dolphin

30 fish

31 Ducks and chickens

32 birds

33 XIX

34 19

35 IV

36 4

37 XII

38 12

39 XVI

40 16

41 V

42 5

43 Cold-freezing

44 Synonym

45 Noisy-quiet

46 Antonym

47 Huge-gigantic

48 Synonym

49 Guess-estimate

50 Synonym

51 Windy-calm

52 Antonym

53 8 X 8=

54 64

55 3 X 6 =

56 18

57 7 X 4 =

58 28

59 11 X 11 =

60 121

61 12 X 12 =

62 144

63 Content Standards Language Arts Recognizing parts of speech Recognize and distinguish synonyms and antonyms. Geography Recognize and name the capital of states Science Classify animals in categories Math Recognize and change Roman Numerals to standard numbers Recognize multiplication facts.

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