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MARK 3030.  Context: Discuss ‘Community’  YouTube  Creating a video  Creative Commons  Windows Movie Maker ▪ iMovie ▪ Other Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "MARK 3030.  Context: Discuss ‘Community’  YouTube  Creating a video  Creative Commons  Windows Movie Maker ▪ iMovie ▪ Other Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARK 3030

2  Context: Discuss ‘Community’  YouTube  Creating a video  Creative Commons  Windows Movie Maker ▪ iMovie ▪ Other Technologies

3 Academics at the Community, Journalism & Communication Research group at the University of Texas at Austin in the USA are proposing a four-part definition of a podcast:University of Texas at Austin  A podcast is a digital audio or video file that is episodic; downloadable; program-driven, mainly with a host and/or theme; and convenient, usually via an automated feed with computer software.

4  According to IPSOS – Reid  Agencies ▪ 60% very familiar, 47% use frequently or very frequently  Marketers ▪ 47% very familiar, 38% use frequently or very frequently  Amongst the public: AwareUse 26%1%March 09 90%5%October 09 94%8%October 10

5  According to Graham Moysey, General Manager of AOL Canada  At the moment, Rich Media is 5% of the media blend for an advertising buy – AOL believes this will rapidly shift to 80%

6  According to IPSOS-Reid  Agencies ▪ 40% very familiar, 23% use frequently  Marketers ▪ 42% very familiar, 25% use frequently

7  How do you find it?  Do you share it? Why? How? To Whom?

8  Have you seen a company use online video in a way that was  Compelling  Viral  Memorable  True to their brand?

9  The online video audience  Watches 147 videos per viewer per month  Uploads 15 hours of videos to YouTube every minute  57% share videos with others ▪ Only 3% find something worth sharing everyday  19% rate videos and post feedback  20% of young adults have uploaded videos Jarboe, Greg. YouTube and Video Marketing: An Hour A Day. Sybex. 2010.

10 


12  YouTube and Videomaker magazine provide a large number of how-to demos and instructions for free   Windows Movie Maker  Audacity  Creative Commons License

13 Where have you seen video incorporated into retail spaces? "A Day Made of Glass" and take a look at Corning's vision for the future with specialty glass at the heart of it.

14  Let’s learn to make a video!  Sign up for a free account at 

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