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How GoVernments make policy. Platforms and policies Policy: is the plan of action of a political party or government to achieve certain goals.Policy:

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Presentation on theme: "How GoVernments make policy. Platforms and policies Policy: is the plan of action of a political party or government to achieve certain goals.Policy:"— Presentation transcript:

1 How GoVernments make policy

2 Platforms and policies Policy: is the plan of action of a political party or government to achieve certain goals.Policy: is the plan of action of a political party or government to achieve certain goals. During democratic elections, each party promotes its platform to the public.During democratic elections, each party promotes its platform to the public. Platform: The group of policies it promises to pursue if elected.Platform: The group of policies it promises to pursue if elected. Do people vote for a candidate because of their policies?Do people vote for a candidate because of their policies?

3 Is Style More effective than Substance? Trudeaumania: was the nickname given in early 1968 to the buzz and excitement of Pierre Trudeau’s entry into the leadership for the Liberal Party of Canada.Trudeaumania: was the nickname given in early 1968 to the buzz and excitement of Pierre Trudeau’s entry into the leadership for the Liberal Party of Canada.

4 Charismatics Charismatic: A speaker who has the ability to attract and influence people by the force of their personality. Germany is swept away in a tide of nationalism largely due charismatic influence of Adolf Hitler.Germany is swept away in a tide of nationalism largely due charismatic influence of Adolf Hitler. Winston Churchill inspires a generation of British to defend their homeland.Winston Churchill inspires a generation of British to defend their homeland. Charismatics, despite their power, don’t necessarily last. Ex: Hitler called for 1000 year Reich. Ex: Churchill “the savior of Britain” lost the election following the war.

5 Major Influences on Policy Governments and parties create policy around their core beliefs.Governments and parties create policy around their core beliefs. Other influencesOther influences Political Party MembershipPolitical Party Membership Civil Service Advice: experts who advise the governmentCivil Service Advice: experts who advise the government Judicial Opinions: government legislation must comply with the Charter, which is enforced by the courtsJudicial Opinions: government legislation must comply with the Charter, which is enforced by the courts Economic realities.Economic realities. International Pressures.International Pressures.

6 Interest Groups and Policy makers In a democracy, many individuals and interest groups try and influence political parties and governments.In a democracy, many individuals and interest groups try and influence political parties and governments. Individuals or groups that have something to gain or lose from a policy or law are called stakeholders.Individuals or groups that have something to gain or lose from a policy or law are called stakeholders. Interest groups can also be called lobby groups and pressure groups.Interest groups can also be called lobby groups and pressure groups. Ex: superpacs in the U.S. election, big oil, M.A.D.D (Mother’s against drunk drivers) Canadian Coalition of Bottlers, really anything.Ex: superpacs in the U.S. election, big oil, M.A.D.D (Mother’s against drunk drivers) Canadian Coalition of Bottlers, really anything. Lobbyists: There job is to exert pressure on politicians.Lobbyists: There job is to exert pressure on politicians. Unions (huge political pressure)Unions (huge political pressure)

7 How You can effect Policy: Polls To win elections parties like to know what citizens want. One way is through surveys, or public opinion polls. poll: a survey of public opinion.poll: a survey of public opinion. Polls are often done through polling companies. Ex: Ipsos-Reid, Compas By contacting as few as 1,000 people, polsters can get an accurate snapshot of how Canadians feel on an issue. This sample (the people being interview) must be selected at random (not biased or skewed).

8 Polls cont... To ensure that each individual in a population has an equal chance of being selected polsters use Random sampling.To ensure that each individual in a population has an equal chance of being selected polsters use Random sampling. Random Sampling: the method by which people questioned in a poll are selected to ensure that everyone in the population has an equal opportunity of being interviewed. Random Sampling: the method by which people questioned in a poll are selected to ensure that everyone in the population has an equal opportunity of being interviewed. Poll questions must be carefully designed: they must not be leading. Ex: Leading question: “How much do you dislike Mitt Romney?” Ex: Rather: “How would you rate Mitt Romney’s effectiveness as a potential President.”

9 Polls part 3 Polls have a margin of error: an indication fo how much a poll’s findings may differ from the results if all people were surveyed rather than the “sample” of people.Polls have a margin of error: an indication fo how much a poll’s findings may differ from the results if all people were surveyed rather than the “sample” of people. Ex: poll shows that Obama has 52% and Romney at 48%. The margin of error is plus or minus 5%. So Obama might actually have 47% to Romney’s 53%.Ex: poll shows that Obama has 52% and Romney at 48%. The margin of error is plus or minus 5%. So Obama might actually have 47% to Romney’s 53%. We have to be careful how we interpret polls.We have to be careful how we interpret polls. A poll is different from an election or referendum (a direct vote on an issue or policy). Ex: the 1995 Quebec referendum.

10 Do polls make our government work better? Would a government based on polls be a good government?Would a government based on polls be a good government? Reasons why polls help our government:Reasons why polls help our government: Reasons why polls are not helpful:Reasons why polls are not helpful:

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