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Strategic Plan 2009 – 2014 Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) Marine and Coastal Management (MCM) PRESENTATION TO THE SELECT COMMITTEE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Plan 2009 – 2014 Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) Marine and Coastal Management (MCM) PRESENTATION TO THE SELECT COMMITTEE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Plan 2009 – 2014 Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) Marine and Coastal Management (MCM) PRESENTATION TO THE SELECT COMMITTEE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS JUNE 2009

2 CONTENTS 1.Vision 2.Strategy: Key Deliverables (focusing on core business or Goal No. 1 – Delivering our Mandate) 3.Finances

3 VISION A prosperous and equitable society living in harmony with our marine and coastal resources.

4 GOALS AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2009/10 - 2013/14 GOALSTRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Delivering our mandate Promote the conservation and sustainable utilization of natural (marine and coastal) resources Sustainably grow the marine fisheries sector Intensification of compliance and enforcement efforts Protect and Improve the Quality and Safety of the Environment Facilitate an Effective National Mitigation and Adaptation Response to Climate Change Promote a Global Sustainable Development Agenda Facilitate Transformation and Job Creation within the Sector

5 KPITarget 2009/10 Policy and regulatory framework in place for the allocation and management of rights in the Subsistence, Large Pelagics, Recreational and non-consumptive sectors (BBWW and WSCD). Finalised Subsistence and Small- scale fisheries policy and rights allocated. Additional fishing rights on account of available TAE allocated in Large Pelagics Fishery and appeals finalised. Rights allocated in BBWW and WSCD sectors, and appeals process initiated. Socio-economic study on selected species in the recreational fishery Strategic Objective 1: Promote the conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources KPA: Promote the equitable and sustainable use of natural resources. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate

6 KPITarget 2009/10 % of commercial fishing right holders per cluster who have had their performance reviewed. 70% of Fisheries reviewed by cluster. 100% of commercial rights transfer applications processed within specified service standards. Finalised Policy on Commercial Rights Transfer and applications processed Implementation of Ecosystem approaches to fisheries management (EAF) NPOA for sharks finalised & implementation of NPOA for Seabirds. EAF approaches initiated in 7 fisheries. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 1: Promote the conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources KPA: Promote the equitable and sustainable use of natural resources (cont)

7 KPITarget 2009/10 Annual assessments conducted to determine the state of the resources in 21 fishery sectors and other potential species. Research on catch and/or effort limit for 21 fishery sectors and other potential species. Number of research projects on non- consumptive resources. Research on optimal non- consumptive use of 3 resources (sharks, seals & seabirds + sharks research proposal) Strategic Objective 1: Promote the conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources KPA: Scientific research that informs and guides the sustainable utilisation and conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate

8 KPITarget 2009/10 Extent of recovery of abalone and protection of Hake (and linefish). Continuous review of strategy for hake and abalone in respect of research, management and compliance. % implementation of linefish rebuilding strategy.Develop a traditional linefish rebuilding strategy. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 2: Sustainably grow the marine fisheries sector KPA: Rebuild depleted fish stocks.

9 KPITarget 2009/10 Two new exploratory / experimental fisheries identified. Feasibility assessment of 2 fisheries (octopus and white mussels) New Fisheries Policy approved and implemented. Finalisation of New Fisheries Policy. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 2: Sustainably grow the marine fisheries sector KPA: Feasibility of new fisheries.

10 KPITarget 2009/10 Marine aquaculture research, regulatory and management framework in place. Conduct environmental studies on 4 sites leading to the development of zones – DoA?. Marine aquaculture Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in place. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan developed. EU accreditation of shellfishReview of EU accreditation criteria and development of shellfish Sanitation Programme. Number of research projects on feasibility of SA aquaculture species conducted. Research into 2 SA aquaculture species (finfish and scallops). GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 2: Sustainably grow the marine fisheries sector KPA: Enabling environment for the growth and development of marine aquaculture.

11 KPITarget 2009/10 % of landings in 5 key fisheries (hake; abalone; squid; linefish and rock lobster) inspected and spot checks conducted in other sectors. 40% of landings in 5 key sectors monitored and spot checks in other sectors. % of Fish Processing Establishments inspected. 40% % of rights holders investigated in 5 key fisheries sectors. 10% % of vessels inspected in the 5 key fisheries sectors. 15% % of cases and tip-offs investigated according to Service Standards 75% Number of joint partnerships with law enforcement and conservation agencies established. Maintain and strengthen 5 partnerships. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 3: Intensification of compliance and enforcement efforts KPA: Compliance and enforcement of marine and coastal legislation.

12 KPITarget 2009/10 Number of MPAs declared and MPA Management Plans in place. Declare 1 new MPA (offshore) and 80% management plans in place for existing 20 declared MPAs Number of estuarine management plans in place. Monitoring of 6 and development of 4 additional estuarine management plans. Tools for the implementation of the Integrated Coastal Management Act in place. Implementation Framework finalised and priority activities implemented. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 4: Protect and improve the quality and safety of the environment. KPA: Conserve and mitigate threats to marine and coastal ecosystems.

13 KPITarget 2009/10 Number of measures in place to control and reduce marine and coastal pollution and related degradation. Implementation of 4 of the priority areas identified in the NPOA for land- based sources of marine pollution. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 4: Protect and improve the quality and safety of the environment. KPA: Prevent and reduce marine pollution and improve environmental quality.

14 KPITarget 2009/10 Number of studies conducted to understand the impacts of climate change. Development of collaborative marine and coastal research proposals through DST’s Global Climate Change Programme. Management framework for vulnerable coastal areas and infrastructure in response to climate change (mitigation and adaptation) in place. Expert review of likely impacts of climate change on the coast. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 5: Facilitate an effective national mitigation and adaptation response to climate change. KPA : Mitigation and adaptation responses to climate change.

15 KPITarget 2009/10 Number of International multilateral and bilateral marine and fisheries agreements negotiated and/or implemented and/or reviewed. Review and develop a co-ordinated strategy for international engagements. Co-ordinated approach with regional and sub-regional countries and programmes. Maintain and strengthen annual engagements. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 6: Promote a global sustainable development agenda KPA : International multilateral and bilateral marine and fisheries agreements.

16 KPITarget 2009/10 Polar ship replaced.Tender awarded. % completion of new Marion Island Base.90% completion. Relief voyage to each of the remote stations to support SANAP. Annual relief voyages to Marion and Gough Islands and SANAE base. Number of international partnerships.Maintain 3 partnerships. % implementation of decisions of the ATCM. 100% GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 6: Promote a global sustainable development agenda KPA: SA Strategic research presence in Antarctica and Islands

17 KPITarget 2009/10 % implementation of key recommendations of the fishing harbours study. 25% implementation of accepted recommendations. GOAL 1: Delivering our Mandate Strategic Objective 7 : Facilitate marine fisheries sector transformation and job creation KPA : Increased marine and coastal economic opportunities


19 MLRF BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2009/10 AS APPROVED BY THE MINISTER Estimated Income for 2009/2010Estimated Expenditure for 2009/2010 Own Revenue MTEF Allocation (excluding Personnel costs) TOTALOperation al Budget Allocation (excluding Personnel) Capital Budget Allocation TOTAL R’000 148 995205 005354 000338 21015 790354 000


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