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Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Developing Fisheries Management in Marine Protected Areas.

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Presentation on theme: "Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Developing Fisheries Management in Marine Protected Areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Developing Fisheries Management in Marine Protected Areas

2 Eastern-IFCA District and Vision IFCA Vision “To lead, champion and manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries, by successfully securing the right balance between social, environmental and economic benefits to ensure healthy seas, sustainable fisheries and a viable industry.”

3 The Wash Most important area in EIFCA district for commercial fisheries and nature conservation Key fisheries: cockle, mussel, shrimp, crab & lobster + mussel aquaculture Designated SAC, SPA, Ramsar site; SSSI, NNR

4 Fisheries Legislation and Management Policies Legislation Policies Local Byelaws Wash Fishery Order 1992 Total Allowable Catch (1998) Shellfish Management Policies (2007)

5 Shellfish Management Policy - 2007 Management Measures 23 - Cockle fishery 23 - Inter-tidal mussel fishery 17 - Sub-littoral mussel fishery Sustainable exploitation Fishery protection Fisheries development Environmental protection

6 Achievements Environment Supports important bird, mammal and invertebrate communities Conservation status changed from Declining to Recovering Fisheries targets compatible with Conservation Objectives Fishery Greater certainty in future of The Wash Fisheries Sustainable fisheries Prompt advice from Natural England on fishery appropriate assessments Community Stable employment for fishermen and infrastructure Income from taxes Heritage maintained

7 Lessons Learned Pragmatic and flexible to natural change Initial mistrust No compromise DialogueEducation Prepared to mend fences and compromise Development of suitable management policies

8 Lessons Learned Acceptance that solution will not be 100% perfect Lengthy time frames Changing personnel can influence process External pressures for change

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