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Integrated Management Planning / Governance Workpackage 4 - Harmonised Management of Estuaries Institute.

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1 Integrated Management Planning / Governance Workpackage 4 - Harmonised Management of Estuaries; Institute of Estuarine & Coastal Studies, University of Hull (TiDe pre-project get-together, Hamburg, Sept. 09)

2 Work Package 4 Comparative Analysis of Management Structures, Governance Principles and Communication Identify Best Practice Derive Holistic Management Framework Estuary management principles underlying WP4:

3 DPSIR Approach (NB cyclical to helical) Pressures (suite from each driver) State changes (environmental/natural variables) Impact (on human uses and on users) Response (economic, governance actions, etc) Drivers (human activities responsible) Fulfil ‘The Ecosystem Approach’

4 Environmentally/ecologically sustainable 7 tenets for sustainable and successful environmental management – that actions must be: Technologically feasible Economically viable Socially desirable/tolerable Legally permissible Administratively achievable Politically expedient

5 MANAGE - Who: Fisheries committees Industry departments Nature conservation bodies Environment protection agencies Amenity committees Recreation access Energy ministries Local authorities How: Access controls Traffic movement Abstraction licences Permits, consents, authorisations (Effluent & dredge material disposal/run-off) Dredging/seabed extraction Planning applications Recreation access Fishing permits What: Industry Agriculture Navigation/ports Mineral extraction Infrastructure Recreation Fisheries Wildlife Why: “social and ecological well- being”

6 Legislative Drivers Decide SMART objectives Ecological & economic goods & services Ecosystem Approach Decide conservation goals Decide quantitative standards Check AQC/QA Produce Management Plan! Create/agree methods Perform compliance monitoring Report to EU/OSPAR Check compliance with standards Pass Fail Investigative monitoring Remedial work Agree licences/permits/consents Surveillance monitoring

7 Reasons for Management: to protect critical processes to protect critical areas and species for the delivery of economic goods and services for the protection of ecological goods and services And? to prevent prosecution and to look after shareholders

8 Hence we need: Drivers for management Tools for management Endpoints/Outcomes of management Therefore: Manage for both ecology and economy (reason) Using both technology and administrative bodies (tools) Within both laws and governance (drivers) For both society and politics (drivers)

9 Aim (economic & ecological goods & services) Determine habitat use (in ecological terms - survey, modelling, analysis - especially ‘charismatic megafauna’!) Determine habitat loss (coastal squeeze, historical loss, hindcasting) Determine habitat gain (quantify G&S from re-created sites) Determine habitat status (what it is like, where are the pressures) Fulfil ‘The Ecosystem Approach’ Lessons learned for management

10 Things to be managed (and by whom): Habitats (nature conservation agencies) Environmental quality (EPA-type organisations) Water space usage (port authorities) Navigation (port authorities) Infrastructure (municipalities/federal state) Energy extraction (private companies) Biological extractions (fisheries bodies) Estuarine water extraction (private energy companies) Upstream water abstraction (water supply companies) Land space usage (municipalities/federal state) Erosion and flooding control (EPA, municipalities etc) Industry (EPA and private companies) Recreation and tourism (agencies)

11 Types of Estuary and Coastal Plan (e.g. on the Humber) Shoreline Management Plans Estuary Management Plan Structure Plans Port Development Plans CHaMPS – Habitat Management Plans European Marine Sites Management Plan Fish and Shellfisheries Management Etc...


13 Human needs for/uses and abuses of the Humber: fisheries (potting, trawling, etc.) telecommunications cables urban areas, infrastructure alternative energy generation (wind, tidal, wave) conventional energy generation (nuclear, coal, oil, gas) land claim coastal defence military uses navigation/shipping recreation/tourism safety (lifeboats/coastguards) water abstraction ports/harbours aquaculture  dredging/spoil disposal agriculture aggregate extraction waste discharge industry (petrochemical, food, etc.) education, research oil and gas exploration/extraction barrages (amenity, safety) wildlife, conservation

14 Types of Stakeholders (statutory bodies; voluntary organisations, NGOs, Government Departments): EPA-type agency Nature Conservation Body Ministries of Defence, Environment, Transport, etc Port Authorities Local Municipalities Infrastructure Authorities (bridges, tunnels) Industry Nature Conservation Body...........

15 Types of Legal Instruments & Agreements: International (binding or possibly non-binding) (UNCLOS, IMO) International Regional (OSPAR, HELCOM) European Union (directives, regulations) Multinational regional (e.g. Scheldt Commission) National National regional

16 The Estuary & Coast - Harmonising Major European Union Legislative /Administrative/Policy Drivers From the Sectoral: Urban Waste-water Treatment Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control Titanium Dioxide Shellfish Growing Waters & Health Shellfish Harvesting Bathing Waters Dangerous Substances + Daughters Freshwater Fishes To the Holistic: Environmental Impact Assessment Habitats & Species Wild Birds Nitrates Strategic Environmental Assessment Water Framework Environmental Liability Integrated Coastal Zone Management Marine Framework

17 Limits of Jurisdiction: from the land along the river/freshwater within the tidal river estuary/transitional water to the tidal limit along the coastal belt inshore (1, 3, 6, 12 nm) territorial waters (200 nm)

18 Hence to get sustainable and successful management we need to harmonise within and between: sectors stakeholders Regulators mediums estuaries regions countries outcomes implementation

19 Aim (economic & ecological goods & services) Set indicators (birds/fishes; tonnage/ wealth creation, quality of life/non-infraction) Perform monitoring (surveillance, condition, compliance, investigative) Measure status (EII, habitat mapping) Action required (defined in advance) Set objectives (ecological, economic, societal, legislative) Fulfil ‘The Ecosystem Approach’ Action not required Tool! Outcome!

20 Work Package 4 AIM: To develop holistic management planning framework for estuaries using a multi-manager sectoral framework. Do not necessarily want to re-invent the wheel Do not want to alienate legitimate sectoral planning bodies Want to build on existing expertise and linkages Want to have an inclusive system involving stakeholders (expertise and understanding). Regional Working Groups set- up involving partners and key stakeholders Ultimately want to develop estuary specific integrated plan (SSIEMP) and implement toolbox for management

21 Work Package 4 PROCESS: Regional Estuary Working Groups Need to develop a range of ‘good practices’ based on a synthesis governance structures from each estuary. Matrix approach – develop for individual estuaries and address management issues (mostly cross-cutting?) statutory and non-statutory instruments, and the management structures used to apply them...for good examples and bad. Involve stakeholders in process to identify perception of success and compliance. Identify a suite of good practices for a range of management needs.

22 Work Package 4 PROCESS: Benchmarking & ToRs for Governance Analysis Assessment of individual estuarine management practices against other techniques. SWOT analysis for estuaries & topics. Devise a common set of questions (goals, structure, communication etc) and produce a generic Integrated Estuarine Management Plan. Test the plan on each estuary (RWGs). Refine the generic plan based on RWG findings.

23 Work Package 4 PROCESS: Refinement & Implementation Devise Site Specific Integrated Estuarine Management Plans (SSIEMPs) for each estuary. This will be undertaken in dialogue with key stakeholders via RWGs. Synthesis of WP3 and WP5 findings into RWG discussion fora, and integration, if needed, into relevant SSIEMPs during revision period. Identification of a series of good practice methods for estuarine management, including specific tools on a sectoral basis and activities to promote better integration.

24 Work Package 4 PROCESS SUMMARY: INVOLVEMENT: Primarily IECS & WP4 partners, but with spin-out to regional working groups which will include partners and key stakeholders.

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