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Marine Pollution. Human Effects on the Marine Environment Alteration of bottom by dredging; shoreline alteration and filling Alteration of bottom by dredging;

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Pollution. Human Effects on the Marine Environment Alteration of bottom by dredging; shoreline alteration and filling Alteration of bottom by dredging;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Pollution

2 Human Effects on the Marine Environment Alteration of bottom by dredging; shoreline alteration and filling Alteration of bottom by dredging; shoreline alteration and filling Introduction of toxic substances Introduction of toxic substances Eutrophication through nutrient enrichment Eutrophication through nutrient enrichment Thermal pollution from power plants Thermal pollution from power plants Invasive or nonindigenous species Invasive or nonindigenous species Important Marine Legislative Acts Important Marine Legislative Acts

3 Characteristics of Pollution

4 Acute vs. Chronic Pollution Acute (short term) – ex. is an oil spill, the effects of which diminish with time Acute (short term) – ex. is an oil spill, the effects of which diminish with time Chronic (long term) – ex. is nutrient input Chronic (long term) – ex. is nutrient input

5 Pollution – Point and Non-Point Point source – from a single sewer pipe or factory waste-water outfall Point source – from a single sewer pipe or factory waste-water outfall Non-point source – effects cannot be attributed to any single spot and thus harder to control; exs. Runoff of toxic substances or fertilizer after a rain; Non-point source – effects cannot be attributed to any single spot and thus harder to control; exs. Runoff of toxic substances or fertilizer after a rain;

6 Using Organisms to Monitor Pollution Determining species diversity – diversity usually declines in strongly polluted habitats Determining species diversity – diversity usually declines in strongly polluted habitats Bioassay species; exposure of certain species to varying concentrations of toxic materials; crabs and mussels often used Bioassay species; exposure of certain species to varying concentrations of toxic materials; crabs and mussels often used Degree of evolved resistance Degree of evolved resistance

7 Biodegradeable vs. Inert Toxic Substances Inert toxic substances biomagnify up the food chain whereas biodegradeable materials do not; Inert toxic substances biomagnify up the food chain whereas biodegradeable materials do not; Substances that biomagnify Substances that biomagnify –heavy metals - cadmium, mercury and lead –Pesticides made of chlorinated hydrocarbons – kepone, DDT, dieldrin, chlordane, dioxin –PCB’s - used as lubricants

8 Biomagnification of Inert Materials

9 Important Toxic Substances Sources- mines, sewage, insecticides, fungicides and industry Sources- mines, sewage, insecticides, fungicides and industry Oil Oil Mercury (methylmercury) – see the story in the text on “Minamata disease” Mercury (methylmercury) – see the story in the text on “Minamata disease” Cadmium – from electroplating and battery manufacturing plants Cadmium – from electroplating and battery manufacturing plants Lead Lead Chlorinated hydrocarbons Chlorinated hydrocarbons PCB’s PCB’s

10 Oil Pollution - Sources Leaks from marine terminals and in harbors Leaks from marine terminals and in harbors Leaks from offshore drilling Leaks from offshore drilling Leaks from breakup of oil tankers and barges Leaks from breakup of oil tankers and barges Washout of oil into storm drains Washout of oil into storm drains

11 Sources of Oil Pollution

12 Some Major Oil Spill Catastrophies

13 The Components and Effects of Oil

14 Minamata Disease – see lecture text

15 Potential Results of Pollution Potential Results of Pollution A reduction in biodiversity A reduction in biodiversity Stress on populations that are already threatened or endangered Stress on populations that are already threatened or endangered

16 Endangered or Threatened Marine Species

17 Radioactive Wastes

18 Waste Radionucleotides - Deep- Sea Disposal Sites

19 Nutrient Input and Eutrophication

20 Eutrophication Leads to Dead Zones

21 Human Activity and Dead Zones

22 Nutrient Enrichment Leads To … Algal blooms which can lead to … Algal blooms which can lead to … –High antiherbivory toxin production such as  red tides (Dinoflagllates) which effect shellfish and vertebrates  Populations of Pfisteria

23 Green Brown Yellow Too! Dinoflagellates cause



26 24 recognizable life stages! Did these protists evolve in 1997? Opportunistic Highly adaptable Cysts Free-swimming Parasitic to fish Toxins

27 Dinoflagellates “Toxic Tides” Are these “new” species of protists? Are they opportunistic protists?

28 What is common among algal blooms?

29 Dinoflagellates “Toxic Tides” What environmental stimuli promote their growth?

30 Thermal Pollution

31 Invasive Species Sources of invasive species Sources of invasive species –Ship ballast –Aquaculture –Academia and public aquaria –Pet and aquarium stores –Recreational boating and fishing –Special activities – transporting dry docks, oil rigs and barges

32 Invasive Species in Coastal Regions – Questions Asked Questions related to Species Richness Questions related to Species Richness –What species are in our estuaries? –How many are non-native in each estuary? –How is species composition changing over time? –Which regions have the highest rate of new invasions? –Which taxa have the highest proportion of non-native to native species?

33 Questions Cont’d. Questions on Impact Questions on Impact –Impacts on ecosystem productivity, biodiversity, community structure, and ecologically sensitive habitats? –Which non-native species are a particular threat to native communities? –How does human-mediated habitat disturbance and hydrological alteration modify the impact of non-native species?

34 Factors That Mediate Invasion Success How is propagule pressure related to invasion success? How is propagule pressure related to invasion success? Which vectors are responsible for the most invasions, or those of the most high- impact invaders? Which vectors are responsible for the most invasions, or those of the most high- impact invaders? Are different taxa more likely to be introduced by different vectors? Are different taxa more likely to be introduced by different vectors? ????????????????? ?????????????????

35 Invaders – Intrinsic Traits How does the live history stage or genetics of a species affect its invasive abilities? How does the live history stage or genetics of a species affect its invasive abilities? How does the ecological role of a species affect the rate and pattern of its spread? How does the ecological role of a species affect the rate and pattern of its spread? Are populations of selected introductions genetically isolated from other populations? Are populations of selected introductions genetically isolated from other populations?

36 Marine Legislation Six Important Acts

37 Important Legislation National Marine Sanctuaries Act - (1972) (NMSA) National Marine Sanctuaries Act - (1972) (NMSA) Fisheries Management and Conservation Act (1976) Fisheries Management and Conservation Act (1976) Clean Water Act – (1977) Clean Water Act – (1977) Endangered Species Act Endangered Species Act Estuaries and Clean Water Act (2000) Estuaries and Clean Water Act (2000) The Oceans Act (2000) The Oceans Act (2000)

38 National Marine Sanctuaries Act of 1972 Authorizes the Sec. of Commerce to designate and manage areas of the marine environment with nationally significant aesthetic, ecological, historical or recreational values as National Marine Sanctuaries. Authorizes the Sec. of Commerce to designate and manage areas of the marine environment with nationally significant aesthetic, ecological, historical or recreational values as National Marine Sanctuaries. The primary objective is to protect marine resources while facilitating “compatible” public and private uses of those resources. The primary objective is to protect marine resources while facilitating “compatible” public and private uses of those resources.

39 Fisheries Management and Conservation Act - 1976 The primary law dealing with fisheries resources and fishing activities in federal waters (extends from edge of State waters out to the 200 mile limit). The primary law dealing with fisheries resources and fishing activities in federal waters (extends from edge of State waters out to the 200 mile limit). Primary goals include conservation and management of fisheries resources, development of U./S. domestic fisheries and phasing out foreign fishing activities within the 200 mile conservation zone adjacent to the U.S. coastline. Primary goals include conservation and management of fisheries resources, development of U./S. domestic fisheries and phasing out foreign fishing activities within the 200 mile conservation zone adjacent to the U.S. coastline.

40 Clean Water Act of 1977 Unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters unless a permit (NPDES) is obtained Unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters unless a permit (NPDES) is obtained EPA has authority to set effluent standards EPA has authority to set effluent standards Also unlawful to discharge dredged or fill materials into wetlands without a permit Also unlawful to discharge dredged or fill materials into wetlands without a permit

41 Endangered Species Act Provides for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals and the habitats in which they are found. Provides for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals and the habitats in which they are found. The law prohibits any action, administrative or real, that results in a “taking” of a listed species, or adversely affects habitat. The law prohibits any action, administrative or real, that results in a “taking” of a listed species, or adversely affects habitat.

42 Estuaries and Clean Waters Act of 2000 Encourages the restoration of estuary habitat through more efficient project financing and enhanced coordination of Fed. And non-Fed. restoration programs Encourages the restoration of estuary habitat through more efficient project financing and enhanced coordination of Fed. And non-Fed. restoration programs Establishes a Estuary Habitat Restoration Council to develop a comprehensive approach Establishes a Estuary Habitat Restoration Council to develop a comprehensive approach

43 Oceans Act of 2000 Establishes a commission to make recs. for coordinated and comprehensive national ocean policy. Establishes a commission to make recs. for coordinated and comprehensive national ocean policy. Issues will include coastal hazards, stewardship, marine pollution prevention, enhancing marine- related commerce and transportation, research and education and the use of technology to address coastal issues. Issues will include coastal hazards, stewardship, marine pollution prevention, enhancing marine- related commerce and transportation, research and education and the use of technology to address coastal issues.


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