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By Pipat Lowatcharasonti Chanunya Bandhukul Thailand Trade and Environment: Tools to promote sustainable development.

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Presentation on theme: "By Pipat Lowatcharasonti Chanunya Bandhukul Thailand Trade and Environment: Tools to promote sustainable development."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Pipat Lowatcharasonti Chanunya Bandhukul Thailand Trade and Environment: Tools to promote sustainable development

2 WTO and Environment Importance of Environment GATT Article 20 Doha Declaration Thailand as developing country Environmental concerns at the expense of International Trade Increased market access of Developing countries + capacity building Trade and Environment Coordination to be enhanced what is important to developing countries

3 Art. XX (b): Protect human, animal or plant life or health Principles No unjustifiable Discrimination Principles that are relevant Art. XX (g) conservation of exhaustible natural resources Elimination in Quantitative Restrictions National Treatment Most Favoured Nation (MFN) The General Agreement on Services The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade The Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Non- Discrimination General Exceptions

4 Thailand’s experiences: Shrimp Shrimp-Turtle case United States: requires shrimp exporting countries to use TEDs in order to export shrimp and shrimp products to the US market Status : The Appellate Body justified the US measures but not justified with its discriminatory practices. Shrimp products Thailand is the major exporter of shrimp products Our major export destinations are US. EU and Japan The export value in 3- year period is US Its measures are qualified for provisional justification under Art. 20(g) Fail the requirement of the chapeau of Art. 20 - the US practiced discriminatorily such measures between some countries. Some Central-South American countries have received technical assistance from the US a few years ago.

5 To ensure social and environmental Responsibility food safety and traceability Throughout the production chain Starting date for Farm: 1 January 2007 for processing plant: from 1 Cctober 2006 Environment measures and market access not to weaken environmental standards to increase market access BAPUS: Walmart Thailand Best Aquaculture Practices To apply best management practices is Major US retailer will sell only shrimp and shrimp products that has mark of BAP certified by ACC, inc. (Aquaculture Certification Council) Why : technical assistance : capacity building Are important! Costs adjustment cost expenses Thailand’s experience: Shrimp

6 Thank you

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