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GTA 101: Surviving the First Week Classroom Management.

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1 GTA 101: Surviving the First Week Classroom Management

2 I’m at Auburn. Now what?  Get to know and communicate with your students before you actually meet them.  Look to your department for specific policies.  Find your office and make it a place students will want to go.  Make a smart syllabus.  Set up your course(s) online. Technology is your friend!

3 Course Toolkit  Accessible on Auburn’s home page under “Employees”  View class rolls and see pictures of your students.  Email your students.

4 Departmental Policies  Each department has its own policies regarding absences, assessment, behavior, office hours, etc.  Meet other grad students in your department who can help you.

5 Office Hours  As a GTA, you are required to hold office hours and actually be in your office during those hours.  Set up your office early (NOW!) so that it’s a space in which you and your students can work.  If you share your office with other GTA’s, get to know them.

6 Make a Smart Syllabus  The Biggio Center website has tips and Auburn’s requirements for syllabus creation.  Keep it simple. The more rules you create, the more you have to police.  Understand a syllabus as a contract between you and your students. On the very first day, your classroom should reflect your syllabus.

7 Using Technology  Set up your course(s) on Canvas and explore its features. IMG can help with this. Make sure to publish them.  Using the Toolkit, send a friendly email to your students welcoming them to your class before you have your first meeting together.  Have a plan to incorporate technology in your class beforehand.

8 A Successful First Week….  … in your control!  Questions?

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