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Barry Cable Director Transport and Tourism Division UN ESCAP 1 st Expert Group Meeting on Developing Euro-Asian Transport Linkages 9 – 11 March 2004 Almaty,

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Presentation on theme: "Barry Cable Director Transport and Tourism Division UN ESCAP 1 st Expert Group Meeting on Developing Euro-Asian Transport Linkages 9 – 11 March 2004 Almaty,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Barry Cable Director Transport and Tourism Division UN ESCAP 1 st Expert Group Meeting on Developing Euro-Asian Transport Linkages 9 – 11 March 2004 Almaty, Kazakhstan 9 – 11 March 2004 Almaty, Kazakhstan Developing Regional Transport Networks in the ESCAP Region: Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway

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3 3 Three Theme Areas of UNESCAP  Emerging social issues  Reducing poverty  Managing globalization  Emerging social issues  Reducing poverty  Managing globalization Transport Trade Environment Information, communications and space technologies

4 4 Asian Land Transport Infrastructure Project (ALTID) Began in 1992 Designed as an “umbrella project” with three integrated components: Asian Highway Trans-Asian Railway Land Transport Facilitation Goal of the project was to establish an integrated regional transport system to facilitate trade and tourism in the ESCAP region.

5 5 ALTID Approach (“Step-by-Step”) In-depth studies Asian Highway: subregional studies Trans-Asian Railway: corridor studies Criteria for identification of networks were links between: capitals industrial and agricultural centres air, sea and river ports container terminals & depots Emphasis on maximising use of existing infrastructure

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7 7 Asian Highway Network identification (seminars, missions to countries, studies) Consolidation of data (AH Database) Awareness raising activities (Public information) Formalization of network: Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network Subregional seminars to review draft agreement Advice from UNECE, UN Office of Legal Affairs Continuous communication with member governments

8 8 Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network was unanimously adopted by 32 member states in November 2003 Signing ceremony will be held at the 60 th session of the ESCAP Commission (April 26 2004) Obligation of Contracting Parties to promote and improve international transport through AH routes adopt AH network bring in conformity with AH design standards AH Signage Asian Highway

9 9 Promote and facilitate development of the priority sections of the Asian Highway network and related intermodal connections Preparation of a subregional overview of investment needs and development priorities Organization of a subregional seminar/workshop with participation of donors Review the status of current investment in the road sector Identify the Asian Highway priority investment projects of common national and subregional importance Promote the development of identified priority projects Identifying investment needs and priorities

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11 11  South-East Asia – 12,600 km  North-east Asia – 32,500 km  Central Asia and Caucasus – 13,200 km  South-Asia + IR of Iran & Turkey – 22,100 km Trans-Asian Railway

12 12 TAR in Central Asia and Caucasus

13 13 To Europe To East Asia and beyond Trans-Asian Railway Northern Corridor TAR Northern Corridor

14 14 Steering Committee Meetings 1 st SCM: Vladivostok, 3-5 June 2002 2 nd SCM: Ulaanbaatar, 6-8 October 2003 - Assessed progress in individual countries as regards the operationalization of container block-trains - Acknowledged the potential of Asia-Europe container trade as an opportunity for growth - Decided on a schedule for Demonstration runs of container block-trains along key segments of TARNC TAR Northern Corridor

15 15 Demonstration Runs - Identify physical / non-physical bottlenecks - Give particular attention to capability of rail transport to provide access to ports for landlocked countries, - Raise awareness of freight forwarders on new services offered by railways to develop containers landbridges - Develop interconnectivity between railways and between railways and other modes TAR Northern Corridor

16 16 Zamyn Uud 1000 km Average speed 22.4 km/h Tianjin, 0 km 75 hrs 31 min. Results – Tianjin to Ulaanbaatar 500 km1000 km2000 km1500 km Day 4 Distance Time 1,691 km 33.7 km/h 27.5 km/h 04.18 a.m. Day 3 Day 2 Day 1 29 hrs 12 min. Erenhot, 983 km 02.30 a.m. 05.59 a.m. 20 hrs 31 min. Ulaanbaatar 1700 km Shunting + train formation: 3 hrs. 35 min. Transshipment: (3.5 min. per box) 3 hrs. 20 min. 4 hrs. 50 min.Mongolia, China,3 hrs. 00 min.Customs:

17 17 For more information visit Thank you for your attention

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