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MASTER TRAINERS/ Facilitators A Presentation by Dr. Bhagbanprakash 1.

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Presentation on theme: "MASTER TRAINERS/ Facilitators A Presentation by Dr. Bhagbanprakash 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 MASTER TRAINERS/ Facilitators A Presentation by Dr. Bhagbanprakash 1

2 Preparation for Training Training Need Analysis Organizational analysis, Task analysis, Individual analysis, 2

3 Checklist:  Black/White board and chalks or markers and thick markers.  Display board.  cello tape, scissors, chart papers, felt pens, stapler, paper and other such stationery items must be kept handy.  Projection screen  Television and video cassette player, computer, wherever available.  Drinking water for trainees and trainers.  A question box, where trainees could put their questions which they do not feel free enough to ask or have no time to ask. 3

4 IMPLEMENTATION  Schedule classes, facilities and participants.  Physical conditions and environment.  Seating arrangement for interface.  Schedule and note for trainers. 4

5 A Master Trainer is not A lecturer More important than everyone else Necessarily an expert The centre of attention An arbiter 5

6 Master Trainer Characteristics Sensitive Friendly, articulate Sense of humour Good listener Tactful, Watchful Good sense of timing Flexible, open minded Resourceful and creative Motivating 6

7 7 Teacher Student Trainer Trainee Facilitator Participant THREE DIFFERENT STYLES Know when to use which time (teacher/trainer/facilitator)

8 Trainer Credibility 8

9 9

10 Credibility The quality or power of inspiring belief 10

11 Trainer Credibility Competence DynamismTrustworthiness Informed Experienced Skilled Qualified Just Kind Friendly Honest Emphatic Bold Active Energetic 11

12 Learning Styles 12

13 13

14 Learning Styles Visual Auditory Tactile/Kinaesthetic 14

15 How People Learn National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) See only = 30% Hear and See = 50% Hear, See and Talk = 70% Hear, See, Talk and Do = 90% Hear only = 20%

16 We Learn, We Remember We Learn:We Remember: 1% through taste10% of what we read 1.5% through touch20% of what we hear 3.5% through smell30% of what we see 11% through hearing50% of what we see and hear 83% through sight80% of what we say 90% of what we say as we act Alternative Research indicates: 75% discussing things 85% from doing something yourself 95% from teaching someone else the work

17 17

18 Different Styles of Communication















33 33

34 34

35 "Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Gandhi

36 "I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn." Albert Einstein

37 "I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." Socrates 37

38 Thank You

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