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National History Day National website Class website National website Class website.

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National History Day National website National website.

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Presentation on theme: "National History Day National website Class website National website Class website."— Presentation transcript:

1 National History Day National website Class website National website Class website

2 The Individual in History: Actions and Legacies Display board (1-3 people) Media Documentary (1-3 people) Performance (1-3 people) Individual Research Paper Website (1-3 people)

3 The Individual in History: Actions and Legacies Choose a topic that fits the theme

4 Topics – Choose something you are interested in American history Hawaiian history World history European history Sports history Music history Science history Military history Asian history African American history Womens history Labor history Art history

5 Theme Focus on the ACTIONS that made the individual a LEGACY Not just a famous person

6 Topics? Consider: Is the topic historically important? Did the person change or influence attitudes? Did he or she change society? Does the issue have both a positive and negative side? How was it perceived by others?

7 Resources Gathering Information

8 Start with Secondary Sources Used to get an overview of topic Encyclopedias Textbooks Biographies

9 Use Primary Sources to Support Your Thesis First-hand accounts Letters Journals Photos Speeches Documents Court records Interviews

10 How to Use the Sources After you select a topic or to find one,read through lots of secondary sources Check bibliographies Find lots of primary sources Use Internet sparingly

11 Avoid Doing a Biography or a Narrative of Events!! Think Context, Analysis and Selectivity

12 Move beyond the who, what, where, when questions. Ask why and how questions. ANALYSIS

13 Context Investigate events and people surrounding your topic.

14 Create a Thesis Statement A thesis is similar to a hypothesis. It is the foundation of your entire project. The thesis needs to explain how the topic relates to this years theme - time and place, cause and effect, change over time, and impact and significance. A.thesis draws conclusions about how the topic affected individuals, communities, nations or the world.

15 Do I work alone or with a group?

16 Choosing Groups and Formats in November OK for a student to change topic if working in a group. Look at research and decide on a format that fits.

17 Alone Pros Cons Make your own decisions Make your own schedule Saves time Fewer distractions You are responsible for every part of the project. No group support No one to bounce ideas off of

18 Group Pros Cons Support Share work Share costs Share fun Someone is: Too busy Too bossy Too lazy Too playful Too disorganized

19 Most Groups Are Successful

20 When choosing a group consider: Is someone going on vacation you need to know about? Moving? Can you get together on weekends or breaks? Does your partner turn in quality work in other classes?

21 Types of Projects

22 Exhibits Most popular Can be costly and bulky 500 of your own words NHD Photos 2006 How to Make a Great HD Exhibit

23 Individual Research Paper No partners 2500 words Includes an appendix See me for examples and handout

24 Media Documentary Need equipment: video camera, sound, video editing software, tripod Need to create a storyboard No performances 10 minutes How to Make Great Media Documentaries How to Make Great Media Documentaries

25 Performance Be prepared to perform in public Need a script Need costumes and props 10 minutes How to Create Great Performances How to Create Great Performances

26 Website An electronic research paper 2500 of your own words Images and video clips No outside links No advertisements on pages Must put on a CD ROM, not live on the web


28 Competitions School - January District – February State – April National - June

29 Research Collection Bibliography cards for each source (minimum 20 sources) Notecards ( about 100) – Use key words and phrases only. Follow questions on worksheet.

30 Informational Packet Includes: Title Page Process Paper– 500 words (only for students going on) Annotated Bibliography Needed for all projects except Individual Research Paper

31 Timeline August – Overview of project September and October – Topic selection, research, essays November – continue research collection, form groups, select format of project, submit bibliography December– assemble project January – school History Day event

32 Deadlines: Before Winter Break All research papers and web sites Students who are vacationing or dont want to do work over the break

33 Deadlines: After Winter Break Exhibits Media Documentary Performances


35 ADVICE TO PARENTS Check deadlines Discuss topic; ask why questions Check their work,edit Give feedback Provide transportation to libraries and competitions

36 Thank you for attending this evening.

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