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Flipping the classroom in Psychology Alex Mussap Psychology.

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1 Flipping the classroom in Psychology Alex Mussap Psychology

2 Structure All ULOs as online CCs Lectures converted to Seminars content ‘download’ v value-adding Seminars replace lectures – contextualise (GLOs), demonstrate, apply, challenge, and otherwise support the ULOs Tutorials/labs continue to develop practical skills and support assessments (eLives always offered)

3 Strengths and Opportunities structural v process-driven COURSE renewal off-campus becomes the standard (not add-on) minimizes cross-campus disparities drives investment in high-quality CCs makes efficient use of staff time and talent encourages genuine team teaching shifts the focus… active and student-centred learning

4 Best practice do’s and don’ts Keep the CCs brief (and interactive!) Do this at the course level (consistency/expectations) Don’t skimp on face-to-face time! Seminars should be rich and varied – highlight ULOs (ignore these at your peril!) – assess learning as you go (clickers)! – invite experts / workers in the field – review clinical cases – reduce time-pressures in class – help prepare for exam/assessments (keep ‘em keen!) – host debates, Q&As… Tailor seminars ‘ratios’ to different year levels

5 Weaknesses and Rookie mistakes It’s only as good as the CCs and Seminars! CCs that are too long Seminars that are unrelated to ULOs (self-indulgent?) Failing to explain the flipped structure to students Failing to manage students’ perceptions and expectations Not listening to / surveying students during roll-out Allowing too much disparity between units Being limited by traditional teaching spaces Teachers who can’t/won’t go beyond ULOs Students feeling overworked Using same model for Level 1 and 3 students! Failing to workload it!

6 Our experience? course level change achieved / staff engaged revised ULOs, curricula and readings! improved vertical and horizontal integration strengthened and better utilized unit teams freed-up staff in subsequent trimesters (esp.T3) assessed learning on the fly utilized new interactive tech (Storyboard; clickers; live streaming so off-c can participate…) BUT… we also had our share of problems!

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