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Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences Abraham Haileamlak, MD Associate professor of Pediatrics Editor-In-Chief of Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences Vice.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences Abraham Haileamlak, MD Associate professor of Pediatrics Editor-In-Chief of Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences Vice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences Abraham Haileamlak, MD Associate professor of Pediatrics Editor-In-Chief of Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences Vice President for Local Training Facilities and Health Services, Jimma University, Ethiopia May, 2009

2 Ethiopia

3 Ethiopia…  One of the oldest state in the world  Cradle of humankind ???  Has own alphabet GKN S...  …own different calendar Lucy/Dinknesh

4 Ethiopia …  Rich history  2 nd populous in Africa (80,000,000)  Economically poor Recurrent draughtRecurrent draught WarWar PovertyPoverty

5 Ethiopia …  But now changing Economic development is getting fastEconomic development is getting fast Infrastructure …Infrastructure … Health serviceHealth service EducationEducation - Primary education for all - More than 200 colleges - 32 universities – 11 medical schools

6 Location of Hosting University

7 King Abajifar Palace Location …


9 Background of JU  Jimma University: Established in December 1999 (JCA, 1952 & JIHS, 1983)  JU has one college and 8 faculties  Has over 32,000 students and over 1000 teaching staff  Known for its innovative teaching approach, Community Based Education (CBE)

10 Existed since 1983 Has 26 departments Trains in BSc, MD, DMD, MSc, MPH and Specialty Medical and Public Health Faculty

11 Serves as a training and research center. The only referral Hospital in the south-west Has 450 bed capacity Additional Modern Hospital with 530 bed capacity under construction Teaching hospital Medical …

12 THE PHILOSOPHY OF JIMMA UNIVERSITY - COMMUNITY BASED EDUCATION (CBE)  CBE is a means of achieving educational relevance to community needs.  Uses the community extensively as a learning environment  Students but also teachers, members of the community, and representatives of other sectors are actively engaged throughout the educational experience.  Benefits both the students and the community.

13 Three Core strategies; 1.Community Based Training Programme (CBTP) 2. Team Training Program (TTP) →→ DTTP (Being Piloted) 3. Student Research Program (SRP) Cbe…

14 Research and Publications AT JU  Research undertaking is among the mandates of JU  Coordinated by Research and Publication Office  Research priority has been given to problem solving and community-based and applied  Currently, over 50 different research projects are underway by the medical/health science staff  The main areas of research are malnutrition, child health, HIV/Aids, Malaria, Chronic Diseases and Tuberculosis

15 Research and … Health Science Research Institute  Established in 2006 with the aim of; Enhance research culture in JU Enhance research culture in JU Establish field research center Establish field research center Integrate and make a concerted effort on health sciences research undertakings to address national priority problems Integrate and make a concerted effort on health sciences research undertakings to address national priority problems Contribute to JU’s attempt to be center of excellence in health sciences Contribute to JU’s attempt to be center of excellence in health sciences Disseminate research findings through different means Disseminate research findings through different means

16 Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences (EJHS)  A peer reviewed journal of JU appearing since 1991  Used to appear twice a year until July 2007  Since then it is appearing trice a year  Publish editorial, original articles, brief communications and case reports,  Has no website yet, Not indexed

17 EJHS … Mission  in order to Contribute for the professional development and/or education of the manuscript contributors and readers by publishing peer-reviewed articles.  Contribute for dissemination and technology transfer of research outputs.

18 EJHS … Mission …  Facilitate research undertakings on in Ethiopia in general and southwest Ethiopia in particular.  Advance the professional development of authors, reviewers and members of the editorial board.

19 EJHS …  Staffing Two fulltime editorial staff [secretary and editorial manager (on the pipeline)] Two fulltime editorial staff [secretary and editorial manager (on the pipeline)] Seven (including EIC) volunteer editorial board members Seven (including EIC) volunteer editorial board members Six editorial consultants Six editorial consultants More than 50 volunteer reviewers More than 50 volunteer reviewers

20 EJHS …  Editorial process Submission to the secretary Submission to the secretary After registration and removal of identifiers by the secretary After registration and removal of identifiers by the secretary pre-review by the Editor-in-Chief (1-2 days) pre-review by the Editor-in-Chief (1-2 days) To two reviewers for comment is in 4 weeks time, but usually longer To two reviewers for comment is in 4 weeks time, but usually longer

21 EJHS …  Editorial process … Accepted manuscripts, to author/s for accommodation (in 2weeks time) Accepted manuscripts, to author/s for accommodation (in 2weeks time) Then to reviewers  Authors Then to reviewers  Authors Accepted manuscripts will then undergo detail review by editorial board. Accepted manuscripts will then undergo detail review by editorial board. The whole process will take 3-4 months on average The whole process will take 3-4 months on average

22 EJHS …  Distribution Over 200 institutions and individuals locally for free Over 200 institutions and individuals locally for free Distributed to all libraries in JU and all public medical schools in Ethiopia Distributed to all libraries in JU and all public medical schools in Ethiopia Few international customers Few international customers  Financing Fully funded by JU Fully funded by JU Selling not yet started Selling not yet started

23 EJHS …  Manuscripts 35-40 manuscripts are submitted yearly 35-40 manuscripts are submitted yearly 20-25 articles published per year 20-25 articles published per year Rejection rate is about 15% Rejection rate is about 15%

24 EJHS…  Medical library Librarians support researchers, authors and reviewers in searching database when they are asked for. Librarians support researchers, authors and reviewers in searching database when they are asked for. Are not involved in training Are not involved in training

25 EJHS…  Improvements JU is in transformation and so the EJHS JU is in transformation and so the EJHS Research undertaking is becoming easier Research undertaking is becoming easier More manuscripts are coming More manuscripts are coming Group review of manuscripts by editorial board and experts started Group review of manuscripts by editorial board and experts started Electronic submission started Electronic submission started

26 EJHS …  Desirable Interaction with our International partner are, Capacity building Capacity building Advise in establishing sound publication systemAdvise in establishing sound publication system Share good practicesShare good practices Expertise support in training of;Expertise support in training of; editors, editors, reviewers, reviewers, authors and authors and researchers researchers

27 EJHS …  Difficulties Reviewers Reviewers ShortageShortage Poor skillPoor skill UncooperativeUncooperative Editorial board members Editorial board members StretchedStretched Limited KnowhowLimited Knowhow Technology supported Technology supported No websiteNo website Authors Authors Poor writing skillPoor writing skill Do not follow the journal formatDo not follow the journal format


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