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The 2015 NEP Annual Members Meeting 10 September 2015 Weston Homes Community Stadium Colchester.

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Presentation on theme: "The 2015 NEP Annual Members Meeting 10 September 2015 Weston Homes Community Stadium Colchester."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2015 NEP Annual Members Meeting 10 September 2015 Weston Homes Community Stadium Colchester

2 We began with our Market Place

3 The Formal Meeting Chris Paveley, Chairman, opened the Annual Members Meeting and introduced Andrew Geldard, Chief Executive, who summarised the past year and showed our main highlights in a presentation

4 Some of our highlights CQC says: NEP provides dedicated ‘place of safety’ for young people Trusts join forces to tackle drug and alcohol misuse Dementia Awareness Party in the Park Partnership working with Samaritans Veterans First wins Nursing Standard Award Dame Carol Black came to our Mental Health Works Conference

5 Some more presentations Chris then introduced James Thirgood from Grant Thornton who gave an auditors view of the Trust. James was followed by Clive White, Lead Governor who did a round up of the governors year. After Clive came Susannah Howard from Enable East who gave a review on the WellBeing in the East Portfolio.

6 Highlights of the results of our work: Unqualified opinion on the 2014/15 annual accounts Unqualified conclusion on your value for money arrangements Annual Governance Statement prepared in line with requirements Annual Report consistent with our knowledge of the Trust Quality Report prepared in line with guidance and quicker than in previous year

7 Our keynote speaker: David Playfoot from Samaritans Followed by Trust’s Dr Otun talking about NEP’s Trust Suicide Prevention Strategies

8 What percentage of NHS monies go to mental health? Is it a correct balance? 8% although that figure is falling. Government policy of parity of esteem not filtering down. Government policy say more emphasis should be on mental health. No, I don’t believe it is a correct balance. (Answered by CEO) So far as the Trust is aware has suicide – actual or attempted – increased since their patients are now in the community as opposed to in a safe controlled environment? Historically there had always been more suicides -actual or attempted- in the community in comparison to inpatient settings. This trend does not appear to have changed. Suicide data has to be evaluated over a few years to make sense of it as numbers are generally low in the presence of several variables. There is some evidence that the fall in suicide rate has plateaued and reports of increases in certain areas which will need to be analysed. (Answered by Consultant Psychiatrist) Are there sub groups in Colchester area to support mentally ill in the community (not Mind)? No. (Answered by CEO) Why is gambling never acknowledged when drink/drugs are mentioned? Role of gambling in suicide? Research has been done on addiction. (Answered by Consultant Psychiatrist) How can you help Trust members raise awareness with local employers? Go out there and talk to them. (Answered by Samaritans) When is the Trust going to appoint more consultant psychiatrists and stop a succession of locums to improve continuity of care? Locums used only when a staff member resigns and there is a vacancy until the replacement starts. (Answered by Consultant Psychiatrist) Questions raised and answered

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