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Silently and Individually…. Annotation Tips  Annotation = a dialog with the text  Annotation = notes about the text  Annotation = an analysis of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Silently and Individually…. Annotation Tips  Annotation = a dialog with the text  Annotation = notes about the text  Annotation = an analysis of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silently and Individually…

2 Annotation Tips  Annotation = a dialog with the text  Annotation = notes about the text  Annotation = an analysis of the text  NOTE: Annotation can and should be an active process when reading critically

3 “The Knife”  Give annotation a try  Using the annotation tips as a guidelines: Highlight/mark/underline words and phrases Make notes (analytical responses) in the margins Be prepared to discuss

4 Analyzing Style  Diction Word Choice The Knife: Medical Terms, Religious References  Imagery (and Figurative Language) Descriptions that appeal to the five senses The Knife: Religious imagery, color imagery, personification, simile  Syntax Sentence Structure  Tone The author’s or speaker’s attitude

5 The Knife Syntax Analysis 1. Number the sentences. 2. Determine sentence length (count words) 3. Determine sentence type:  Fragment (missing subject, predicate, or complete thought)  Simple (one subject, one verb)  Compound (two independent clauses)  Complex (one or more dependent clauses, one independent clause)  Compound-Complex (one or more dependent clauses, at least two independent clauses)

6 The Knife Syntax Analysis (Length) 1. 12 2. 9 3. 19 4. 21 5. 32 6. 49 7. 4 8. 17 9. 13 10. 12 11. 9 12. 5 13. 18 14. 2 15. 11 16. 7 17. 13 18. 4 19. 10 20. 24 21. 12 22. 15 23. 36 24. 7 25. 5 26. 6 27. 15

7 “The Knife” Sentence Types 1. A stillness settles in my heart and is carried to my hand. 2. It is the quietude of resolve layered over fear. 3. And it is this resolve that lowers us, my knife and me, deeper and deeper into the person beneath. Key: Subject Verb Coordinating Conjunction Subordinate Conjunction S S CX

8 “The Knife” Sentence Types 4. It is an entry into the body that is nothing like a caress; still, it is among the gentlest of acts. 5. Then strong and strong again, and we are joined by other instruments, hemostats and forceps, until the wound blooms with strange flowers whose looped handles fall to the sides in a steely array. Key: Subject Verb Coordinating Conjunction Subordinate Conjunction CMCX CX

9 “The Knife” Sentence Types 6. There is sound, the tight click of clamps fixing teeth into severed blood vessels, the snuffle and gargle of the suction machine clearing the field of blood for the next stroke, the litany of monosyllables with which one prays his way down and in: clamp, sponge, suture, tie, cut. 7. And there is color. 8. The green of the cloth, the white of the sponges, the red and yellow of the body. Key: Subject Verb Coordinating Conjunction Subordinate Conjunction CX S F

10 Author’s Style  The way the author uses WORDS  Think of FASHION formal or dressy informal or casual trendy, preppy sporty or athletic  Authors “dress up” their message through their LITERARY STYLE

11 Analyzing STYLE METHOD: Building Materials MEANING: The House  Diction (word choice)  Syntax (sentence structure)  Imagery (sensory details)  Figurative Language  Tone author’s or speaker’s attitude about a subject or character  Theme universal truth or message conveyed through the literature

12 Short Story Unit Thematic Focus: REVENGE 1. An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. -Gandhi 2. Don’t get mad; get even. -Robert F. Kennedy 3. She got even in a way that was almost cruel. She forgave them. -Ralph McGill 4. Success is the sweetest revenge. -Vanessa Williams 5. Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you. -Austin O’Malley

13 Revenge Quotes Quotation:Interpretation of Quote: Agree/ Disagree Reason for Agreement or Disagreement: “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” “Don’t get mad, get even.” “She got even in a what that was almost cruel. She forgave them.” “Success is the sweetest revenge.” “Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you.”

14 Personal Response  Draft a response in which you express your feelings about revenge. Include a personal reflection about a time when you had a choice about taking revenge or when you were the recipient of someone’s vengeful attitude. Use one of the quotes in your response as textual evidence.  Requirement: 5 Sentences

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