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Data and Data Applications Helen Cheung Motorola.

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Presentation on theme: "Data and Data Applications Helen Cheung Motorola."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data and Data Applications Helen Cheung Motorola

2 Agenda Market requirements Why a dedicated TETRA Network? How is TETRA addressing current market requirements? Evolution and future vision Data on TETRA case story

3 Agenda Market requirements Why a dedicated TETRA Network? How is TETRA addressing current market requirements? Evolution and future vision Data on TETRA - case story

4 What are customers’ requirements? Improve operating efficiency, productivity –Flexible coordination –Constant communication Improve employee safety Improve operations security Enhance ease of public access to services –Facilitate data sharing –Integrate new applications with existing systems –Enable secure access to information from anywhere Simple, cost effective system expansion and enhancements

5 What are the data requirements? Centralised resource management & operations safety: –Automatic Vehicle Location –Automatic Person Location Improved Productivity: –Report Writing –Email Improved Communications: –Texting –Paging –File/image transfer Information Exchange: –Image (point to point) –Finger Print System (AFIS) –Video –Biometrics Database Enquiries: –Directory services (internal) –Vehicle plate register –Voter register –Quick address service (external) –Criminal intelligence system –Operational information systems –Property (lost & found) –Building layouts –Medical records

6 Improve Operational Efficiency Improve response times –Ability to make right and fast decision based on facts Improve effectiveness –Ability to prioritise decisions & task Improve resource management –Ability to track and protect staff –Ability to control fleet for better results Improve productivity –Automated work flow –Improve cost effectiveness Data Information Knowledge Wisdom “Moving information to the point of decision” Sir Edmund Burton, Head of PITO

7 Data Applications Back OfficeInformation sources Vehicle/Person Incident Dispatch Database Enquiry Mobile Messaging Field Report Writing Radio Control Mug shots AVL/Mapping Server Database Inquiries Records Management Console Dispatch/Switch Message Switch GPS tracking Fleet management Control room Accounts Receivable Personnel/Administration Payroll Parking Tickets Fingerprinting Passenger Information Video surveillance National/Regional Criminal Database Prison Database Justice/Courts Database Local Crimes Database Telemetry Medical journals TETRA Network

8 Agenda Market requirements Why a dedicated TETRA Network? How is TETRA addressing current market requirements? Evolution and future vision Data on TETRA - case story

9 Operational challenges between Commercial & Dedicated networks Commercial networks by definition cater for the mass market – consumers & business users – often many millions of users Mission critical organisations operating on a commercial network would compete with ordinary users for capacity A dedicated network allow organisations to control & manage the network and resource allocation Secure communications are increasingly needed for mission critical operations End-User Empowerment

10 Developed by ETSI EU Emergency Services involved Specific Choice vs. GSM or proprietary solutions Open digital standard Multiple Vendor Sourcing High Pace of Innovation Protection of Purchase Decision Intersystem roaming (ISI) TETRA feature set Wide Area Coverage Dispatch Operation Fast Call Set-Up Encryption Services Mobile Data Spectrum efficiency User-Driven Standard for Integrated Mission Critical Communications Packet Data Cellular Telephony Workgroup Management Mobile Telephony (Full Duplex Voice) Fast, Efficient Data Delivery (Group, Individual, Priority Emergency, DMO) SECURE TETRA Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), represents 100 organizations from 30 countries Additionally, 200 companies are involved in the development of applications

11 Agenda Market requirements Why a dedicated TETRA Network? How is TETRA addressing current market requirements? Evolution and future vision Data on TETRA - case story

12 Evolution: Applications over TETRA TETRA 1 Circuit Data TETRA 1 Short Data Services TETRA 1 Single Slot Packet Data TETRA 1 Multi-slot Packet Data TETRA 2 High Speed Data Database search AVL Email File transfer e.g Still images Slow scan video QoS managed video Not suitable SuitableEffective today

13 TETRA IP Packet Data Partitions to allow multiple organisations to share the TETRA network Hospital Journals Fire Voice Communications IP over TETRA & TETRA over IP Voice Data –Each agency operate their closed network–Individual user groups cannot “see” into each others’ networks –Data tunnel across the network, creating a private & confidential link –Functionality is available for both voice & data services –Data can be encrypted by the application

14 Multi-slot Packet Data TETRA single-slot packet data –fulfilling much of today’s data transmission requirements such as sending and receiving files and images Multi slot packet data (MSPD): up to four times faster MSPD will enable mission critical services to respond quicker and be more efficient MSPD is part of the TETRA open standard

15 Service Interaction - Pre-emption Multi slot packet data offers the capability of pre-emption Allocated as dynamic single slot channels –Multi slot channels can be partially or completely resource pre-empted The channels are pre-empted & expanded “on the fly” –No service interruption Pre-emption of dynamic single slot channel

16 Pre-emption Example Multi slot MCCHVVSS

17 Pre-emption Example Multi slot MCCHVVSS V Voice channels are full and another radio is requesting voice communication

18 Pre-emption Example MCCHVVSS VVVV

19 Agenda Market requirements Why a dedicated TETRA Network? How is TETRA addressing current market requirements? Evolution and future vision Data on TETRA - case story

20 Data evolution history in TETRA TETRA 1MSPDTETRA 2Future SDS Telemetry - Messaging Database search AVL File & still images E-mails PDS MSPD Slow scan video QoS managed video TETRA2 MSPD With Pre- emption Years/ Technology Complexity

21 High Speed Data on TETRA Legend: Circle size = coverage area Circle height = data speed Several future alternatives: TETRA 2, WLAN, Wideband, more ? TETRA 3? Although MSPD is a big step forward for media-rich applications, it is not the end of the evolution

22 The future of communications … Technology maturation will result in applications explosion A much more user centric content that is device and context sensitive will rule Privacy, safety and security for any mission critical market will preside “Moving information to the point of decision” Sir Edmund Burton, Head of PITO

23 Agenda Market requirements Why a dedicated TETRA Network? How is TETRA addressing current market requirements? Evolution and future vision Data on TETRA - case story

24 Data on TETRA Real In use Appreciated An example from the real life

25 Hereford and Worcester Ambulance Part of the AIRWAVE digital radio network Xxx vehicles Direct communication with 6 hospitals Population: more than 720.000 Geographical coverage: close to 4 000 square Km

26 TETRA IP data which saves lives Automatic vehicle location –enables control centre to appropriately direct and monitor fleet location Remote programming of in-vehicle satellite navigation systems –helps crew to identify most efficient route In-vehicle data terminals –alert crews to emergencies –if the alert is not 'accepted' within 30 seconds the system automatically pages the health professional

27 TETRA IP data which saves lives Status messaging –ability for crews to send status messages to control centre eg. notifying arrival at scene IP data solution to transmit live biometrics information from patient’s side to Consultant at hospital –electrocardiogram, blood gas and blood pressure data to facilitate remote prescription of powerful drugs complete –system automatically generates patient record forms enabling prompt attention when the ambulance arrives at hospital –supports audit trail

28 Hereford and Worcester Ambulance Launch Mobile Data and Automatic Vehicle Location Press statement 9 February 2004 Saving lives The Ambulance Services Project Manager, Dominic Robertson, said “This system will greatly enhance our ability to get to patients as quickly as possible and, just as importantly, to ensure that life- saving, clot busting drugs can be administered to the patient by the Paramedics as soon as possible.”

29 What Users Says about TETRA Data Jeff Parris Vice President Airwave mmO2

30 Any questions? TETRA MOU - TETRA the Mission Critical Communications Solution Now, Tomorrow and in the Future

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