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Published byDana Gibbs Modified over 9 years ago
Joint Faculty Education Conference J-8 Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Directorate Col M. D. Mulhern Capabilities and Acquisition Division 5 September 2003
UNCLASSIFIED 3Overview J-8 Role CJCS 3170 JROC Process MID 913 CPA/CPR
UNCLASSIFIED 4 Title 10 Responsibilities Chairman’s Functions : (1) Strategic Direction (2) Strategic Planning (3) Contingency Planning (4) Advice on Requirements, Programs, and Budgets - Compliance with Combatant Commanders’ priorities - Alternative program recommendations - Assessing military requirements for defense acquisition programs (5) Doctrine, Training, and Education Joint Staff Role J-8’s Role
UNCLASSIFIED 5 A Problem Statement March 2002: The Secretary of Defense tasked General Pace (as the Chairman of the Joint Requirements Oversight Council): – –The current Requirements Generation System is broken – – It allows us to buy things we do not need – – We need to fix the system
UNCLASSIFIED 6 Frequently produced stove-piped system solutions Requirements were Service rather than Joint focused Lacked construct for objective analysis Systems not necessarily integrated Duplication existed particularly in smaller programs Evolutionary acquisition not well institutionalized Joint warfighting needs not prioritized Previous Requirements and Acquisition Process
UNCLASSIFIED 7 Symptoms of a Sick Process Ability to influence a business process Time Personal time devoted to the process by leadership Source: McKinsey & Company
UNCLASSIFIED 8 ORD MissionNeedsStatement Symptoms of a Sick Process Ability to influence a business process Time Personal time devoted to the process by leadership Source: McKinsey & Company
UNCLASSIFIED 9 CPD ICD CDD JCIDS Process Ability to influence a business process Time Source: McKinsey & Company
UNCLASSIFIED 10 Putting the Pieces Together in CJCSI 3170.01 Moving From Strategy to Task Guidance Concepts Scenarios MOEs Capabilities Joint Operations Concepts Strategic Direction Strategic Direction Strategic Direction Strategic Direction Strategic Direction Strategic Direction Strategic Direction Strategic Direction Joint CapabilitiesJoint/Service Operating Concepts Yesterday Today Capabilities-based process Focuses leadership on key decision points early and continuously. Rigorous, up-front analysis by functionally-focused teams Engages Acquisition Community early and continuously Visibility on all ACAT programs
UNCLASSIFIED 11 Strategy & Overarching Concepts Joint Operations Concepts Guidance Joint Operating Concepts Joint Functional Concepts OPLANS and CONPLANS Defense Planning Scenarios Integrated Architectures Overlay what we have with what we need to do COCOM IPLs Gap Analysis Risk Assessment Task Analyses Capability Assessments Assessment and Analysis Reconciliation & Recommendations Decision and Action Acquisition Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System Science & Technology Experimentation Capabilities-based identification of needs combines joint concepts and integrated architectures with analysis National Security Strategy JCIDS Recommendations Capability Needs DOTMLPF Changes Future Capabilities Needs Identification JCIDS Analysis
UNCLASSIFIED 12 Functional Area Analysis ICD CDD CPD JCIDS Analysis Joint Operating Concepts Joint Functional Concepts Integrated Architectures Strategic Policy Guidance Joint Operations Concepts DOTMLPF Changes CJCSI 3180 Process Functional Solution Analysis DOTMLPF Analysis Materiel Changes CJCSI 3170 process Ideas for Materiel Approaches Analysis of Materiel Approaches Alternative N Alternative 2 Alternative 1 Post Independent Analysis DOTMLPF Change Recommendation Functional Needs Analysis
UNCLASSIFIED 13 JCIDS Ties to the DOD 5000 Series IOC DAB/ ITAB MS-A JCIDS Analysis REFINE ANALYSIS JROC Strategic Policy Guidance Joint Operating Concepts Joint Functional Concepts Integrated Architectures MS-C MS-B DAB/ ITAB DAB/ ITAB ICD – Initial Capabilities Document CDD – Capability Development Document CPD – Capability Production Document DAB – Defense Acquisition Board ITAB – Information Technology Acquisition Board
UNCLASSIFIED 14 JCIDS Documents Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) –Identifies a capability gap or other deficiency –Describes evaluation of DOTMLPF approaches –Support AoA, Concept Refinement and Milestone A –Not updated once approved Capability Development Document (CDD) –Identifies operational performance attributes of proposed system –System specific, applies to single increment (in an evolutionary program) –Results from Technology Development and supports Milestone B –Updated or rewritten for subsequent increments
UNCLASSIFIED 15 JCIDS Documents (cont’d) Capability Production Document (CPD) –Identifies production attributes for a single increment of a program –Prepared during System Development and Demonstration –Rewritten for each increment in a evolutionary program Capstone Requirements Document (CRD) –Describes overarching thresholds/goals and standards in functional areas –Especially for family-of-systems or system-of-systems approaches –Developed only at JROC direction –Eventually to be replaced by integrated architectures
UNCLASSIFIED 16 JCIDS Documents GateKeeper JROC Interest All ACAT 1/1A programs and programs designated as JROC Interest Joint Impact ACAT 11 and below programs where concepts and/or systems affect the joint force Joint Integration ACAT 11 ands below that need interoperability/intel/munitions certification Independent No joint force affect or need for certification Sponsor Validates & Approves O-6 & Flag Staffing Functional Capability Boards Services CoCom Reps USD (AT&L) USD (I) USecAF (Space) ASD NII/ DOD CIO D, PA&E DIA Rep (Intel Supportability) MRB Executive Secretary Other DoD Agencies as necessary Joint Capabilities Board & JROC Joint Capabilities Board & JROC Sponsor Approves FCB Validates JROC Interest Joint Impact Appropriat e MDA Co-Chairs FCB JCIDS Process
UNCLASSIFIED 17 JCIDS Gatekeeper Perform an initial review of all JCIDS proposals Support provided by JFCOM, J6, J7, J8, JWCAs The Gatekeeper will determine: Joint Potential Designator Lead and supporting Functional Capabilities Boards Lead and supporting Joint Warfighting Capability Assessment Teams
UNCLASSIFIED 18 Chartered FCBs JROC: –Charters FCBs –Assigns functional area(s) of responsibility –Identifies the lead organization to chair Command & Control Force Protection Focused Logistics Battlespace Awareness Force Application BGen Rodgers JFCOM J-8 RDML Murrett JS J-2 BGen Taylor JS J-4 RADM Mathis JS J-8 BGen Scott JS J-8
UNCLASSIFIED 19 Responsibilities : Ensure Joint Forces conceive and develop new capabilities in joint warfighting context Ensure JCIDS proposals are consistent with integrated joint force Validate Joint Impact proposals Organize, analyze & prioritize capabilities proposals Oversee development and update of Functional Concept(s) Ensure integrated architectures (as available) reflect the functional area Leverage full resources of the Department Functional Capabilities Board
UNCLASSIFIED 20 Responsibilities : Coordinate and assist sponsors during JCIDS analysis and document development Coordinate with the sponsor, as a resource of broadly-based knowledge, to resolve issues prior to or as a result of formal staffing Lead JWCA – –Analyze capabilities documents, with supporting JWCAs, to ensure joint warfighting aspects have been considered – –Provide a summary analysis and recommendation to the FCB/JCB/ JROC on validation and/or approval of JCIDS documents Supporting JWCA. Support the Lead JWCA analysis Continually review the assigned functional area to identify capability shortfalls Develop/maintain prioritized lists of capability shortfalls and current JCIDS proposals across the assigned functional area Support the Gatekeeper process for each JCIDS document JWCA Responsibilities
UNCLASSIFIED 22 JCB (JRB) JROC CJCS JWCA FCB (JRP) ADVICE TO SECDEF RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL/ FINAL DECISION AUTHORITY TOP LEVEL GUIDANCE ISSUE DEVELOPMENT ANALYTIC FOUNDATION INITIAL ISSUE REVIEW JROC DECISION CHAIN JROC: Joint Requirements Oversight Council JCB/JRB: Joint Capabilities/Requirements Board FCB/JRP: Functional Capabilities Board/Joint Requirements Panel JWCA: Joint Warfighting Capability Assessment Teams JROC MEMBERSHIP Chair: VCJCS Council Members: Vice Chief of Staff, Army Vice Chief of Naval Operations Vice Chief of Staff, Air Force Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps COCOMs have a standing invitation to attend all JROC sessions JROC Organization
UNCLASSIFIED 23 JROC Review for: – – Military Utility – – Interoperability – – Joint Solutions Output Oriented Requirements Validation Army Mission Need System Requirement Navy / USMC Air Force Mission Need Mission Need System Requirement System Requirement ? Maritime Ground Air Past: Joint battlespace constrained by Procedural controls Target ID Sensor limitations Lack of interoperabilityPast: Joint battlespace constrained by Procedural controls Target ID Sensor limitations Lack of interoperability ? JROC -- Past
UNCLASSIFIED 24 Needs Validation & Compliance Army Capability Need Capability Development Navy / USMC Air Force Capability Need Capability Need Capability Development Capability Development Operational Concepts & Architectures Joint Experimentation Up-Front Guidance Future: Joint Warfighting Capabilities Seamless command and control “Born Joint” systems Identification of legacy systems requiring integrationFuture: Joint Warfighting Capabilities Seamless command and control “Born Joint” systems Identification of legacy systems requiring integration JROC JROC -- Now
UNCLASSIFIED 25 Advisory Council to assist the Chairman in fulfilling his Title 10 responsibilities Advisory Council to assist the Chairman in fulfilling his Title 10 responsibilities Vice Chairman, JCS JROC CHAIRMAN General Pace Director, J-8 JROC SECRETARY LtGen Cartwright Vice Chief, USA GEN Keane Vice Chief, USN ADM Fallon Vice Chief, USAF Gen Moseley ACMC, USMC Gen Nyland Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC)
UNCLASSIFIED 26 Joint Capabilities Board (JCB) JCB CHAIRMAN DIRECTOR, J-8 LtGen Cartwright Director, Force Development, USA MG Grazioplene Director, Assessment Division, USN RDML Myers Dir of Joint Matters, USAF Maj Gen (S) Gould ADC, Combat Development, USMC Maj Gen Williams COL Haines JRB SECRETARY Chief, Jt Capab Div, J-8 Assists the JROC in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities
UNCLASSIFIED 27 The Chairman’s vehicle for obtaining a systematic view of future Joint Warfighting Capabilities – –The JROC directs FCB efforts – –Currently 5 FCBs – –Assessments conducted by warfighting & functional area experts Use Analysis to – –Influence requirement, program, and budget recommendations to advance joint and combined warfighting – –Assist the JROC develop strategic guidance to influence transformation Present FCB/JWCA Process Force Application Battlespace Awareness Focused Logistics Protection Force Application Battlespace Awareness Command & Control Protection Battlespace Awareness Focused Logistics Protection Joint Staff Services Cbt Cmds Cbt Cmds OSD DOD Agencies Others Sponsors Participants Sponsors Participants J-8 J-6 J-4 J-8 J-2
UNCLASSIFIED 28 FCBs RDML Murrette Battlespace Awareness Portfolio – –All source Intel collection – –Environmental data collection – –Own force info collection – –Predictive analysis – –Knowledge management Brig Gen Rogers Command and Control Portfolio – –COP – –JFC2 – –Comms and computer environment Brig Gen Scott Force Application Portfolio – –Land, maritime, air and space ops – –Joint targeting – –Conventional attack – –Nuclear attack – –CNA – –Electronic attack – –PSYOPS – –Special ops – –Joint fires – –SEAD – –Military deception RADM MathisProtection Portfolio – –Personnel and infrastructure protection – –CND – –Counter- proliferation – –Non- proliferation – –Consequence management Brig Gen Taylor Focused Logistics Portfolio – –Deployment distribution – –Sustainment – –Medical – –Mobility – –Logistics C2
UNCLASSIFIED Management Initiative Decision 913 (MID 913)
UNCLASSIFIED 30 Management Initiative Decision 913 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) moved to second year of administration’s tenure Re-establishes the two-year budget cycle Off-year efforts focus on: –‘Small and discrete’ programmatic changes Components submit Program/Budget Change Proposals (PCP/BCP) PCPs: Limited to single items that exceed $250M (no roll-ups) or have serious programmatic impacts BCPs: Limited to ‘fact-of-life’ changes; includes off-sets
UNCLASSIFIED 31 FY04 PB FY05-09 Program Eval Congressional Review of the PB Testimony Prep/Rev/QFR Auth Conf Appn Conf SASC HASC HAC SAC CPR PDMPDM FY05 Budget Eval Budget Execution Issues Dev DPG DPG/PDM Studies FY04 PDM FY04 Budget FY05-09 FY03 Budget PCPPCP Issues Dev Cbt Cmd Conf IPLs PDM Studies MBIMBI Final PBDs Today Cbt Cmd Conf Budget Review BCPBCP PBDs PB-04 Baselin e Prog/Budget Changes PDA FY05-09 PR/BR Tentative Schedule & Process Flow CPA Build Program Review
UNCLASSIFIED 32 Chairman’s Program Assessment (CPA) Unpublished, Personal Correspondence between the CJCS and the SECDEF Intended to convey the Chairman’s assessment of Service programs (POMs) Compliance with current guidance, current priorities OSD mechanism for changing Service programs is the Program Decision Memorandum (PDM) and Program Budget Decisions (PBDs) Adjusted Service Programs are the basis for the Budget Estimate Submission and eventually, the DOD component of the President’s Budget. CPA 05 CPA 05 PDM BUDGET 05 BUDGET 05 PBDs 17 Oct 03 1 Nov 03 Jan 04
UNCLASSIFIED 33 Chairman’s Program Recommendations (CPR) Unpublished, Personal Correspondence between the CJCS and the SECDEF Intended to convey the Chairman’s priorities for the upcoming program build Provides CoCom and joint warfighting perspective to Defense Planning Guidance priorities Recommendations designed to influence “out years” CPR 06 CPR 06 DPG 06-11 DPG 06-11 POM 06-11 POM 06-11 This Year’s CPR will follow on the heels of the CPA 21 Nov 03 Dec 03/Jan 04 Aug 04
UNCLASSIFIED 36 What is a Capability? Capability definitions should be broad and satisfy two rules Rule 1 –Describes the required attributes –Measures of effectiveness (time, distance, effect, obstacles, etc.) Rule 2 –General enough to not prejudice decisions –Specific enough to evaluate alternative approaches Good –Kill an enemy tank within 4 kilometers of the FEBA, within 5 minutes of detection, even when the target is in defilade Bad –The M1A1 needs the capability to kill an enemy tank at 4 km
UNCLASSIFIED 37 Chartered FCBs Five FCBs chartered: –Battlespace Awareness – RDML Murrett (VDJ2) –Command and Control – Brig Gen Rogers (JFCOM) Supported by RDML Brown (VDJ6) –Force Application – Brig Gen Scott (DDFA, J8) –Force Protection – RADM Mathis (DDFP, J8) –Focused Logistics – Brig Gen Rogers (VDJ4)
UNCLASSIFIED 38 Principal Members Services Combatant Commanders USD for Acquisition Technology and Logistics USD for Intelligence ASD for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief Information Officer USecAF (Space) Defense Intelligence Agency Director, Program Analysis & Evaluation Mission Requirements Board Executive Secretary Advisory Membership JWCA leads J-6E/I (interoperability advisor) J-8 Warfighting Concepts and Architectures Integration Division DOD laboratories & industry Typical FCB Membership
UNCLASSIFIED 39 Portfolios All source intelligence collection Environmental data collection Predictive analysis Knowledge management BATTLESPACEAWARENESS BATTLESPACE AWARENESS COMMAND AND CONTROL Common operational picture Joint force command and control Communications and computer environment Own force information collection
UNCLASSIFIED 40 Land operations Maritime Operations Air Operations Space Operations Joint targeting Conventional attack Nuclear attack FORCE APPLICATION Computer network attack Electronic attack Psychological Operations Special Operations Joint fire support Suppression of enemy air defense Military deception Portfolios
UNCLASSIFIED 41 Portfolios Personnel and infrastructure protection - -OPSEC - -Missile defense - -Electronic protection Computer network defense Counter-proliferation Non-proliferation Consequence management FORCE PROTECTION Deployment distribution Sustain Medical Mobility Logistics C2 FOCUSED LOGISTICS
UNCLASSIFIED 42 Legacy Documents DocumentCurrent StatusRequested Action JCIDS Action Effective Date MNS Approved (> 2 years old) UpdateConvert to an ICD Upon signature MNS Approved (> 2 years old) Use to support MS A Convert to an ICD Upon signature MNS Approved (< 2 years old) UpdateConvert to an ICD Upon signature MNS Approved (< 2 years old) Use to support a CDD/ MS B Allowed Upon signature
UNCLASSIFIED 43 Legacy Documents (cont’d) DocumentCurrent Status Requested ActionJCIDS Action Effective Date ORD DraftValidation/ Approval AllowedUp to six months after signature ORD ApprovedUse to support MS B or C AllowedUp to 2 years after signature ORD ApprovedUpdate or AnnexAllowedUpon signature CRD NewApprovalAt JROC direction Upon signature CRD ApprovedUpdateAt JROC direction Upon signature CRD ApprovedRetirementAt JROC direction Upon incorporation into Integrated Architecture
UNCLASSIFIED 44 Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) Purpose of the ICD: Describes capability gaps as determined by the functional analysis Summarizes the DOTMLPF analysis –Describes why such changes are inadequate Documents the evaluation of possible materiel approaches –Describes how the recommended approach(es) best provide the desired capability When is an ICD required? All new programs when a MNS is greater that 2 years old Programs proceeding directly to Milestone B or C
UNCLASSIFIED 45 Capability Development Document (CDD) Purpose of the CDD: Support System Definition and Development Define authoritative, measurable capabilities –Objective desired attributes –Current evolution/increment attributes When is an CDD required? For family of systems – CDD for each system For system of systems – CDD for each system –Except when waived by the validation authority All programs proceeding to Milestone B –Unless an approved ORD exists Updated for each subsequent increment Milestone B
UNCLASSIFIED 46 CDD (cont’d) CDD Development Prior to Milestone B Supports SDD and refinement of integrated architectures Uses lessons learned from Technology Development Certifications –Systems will receive intelligence, munitions, and interoperability and supportability certifications as required System Capabilities Defined attributes that contribute to the desired capability –Threshold – Objective format –KPPs and non-KPPs –Used to guide performance tradeoffs –Linked to applicable CRDs
UNCLASSIFIED 47 CDD (cont’d) CDD Revalidation in subsequent increments Update previous CDD –If follow-on consistent with previous strategy Submit a new revised CDD –If significant revisions to strategy, capabilities, etc are made Who writes an CDD? The sponsor All approved CDDs will be posted to KM/DS for future reference
UNCLASSIFIED 48 Capability Production Document (CPD) Purpose of the CPD: Support Production, IOT&E and Deployment Define authoritative, measurable capabilities –Objective desired attributes –Current evolution/increment attributes When is an CPD required? For family of systems – CPD for each system For system of systems – CPD for each system –Except when waived by the validation authority All programs proceeding to Milestone C –Unless an approved ORD exists For each increment Milestone C
UNCLASSIFIED 49 CPD (cont’d) CPD Development Prior to Milestone C Uses lessons learned from SDD Certifications –Systems will receive intelligence, munitions, and interoperability and supportability certifications as required System Capabilities Based on attributes defined in the CDD –Threshold – Objective format –KPPs and non-KPPs –Thresholds may be adjusted based on lessons learned in SDD
UNCLASSIFIED 50 CPD (cont’d) CPD is rewritten for each increment Identifies capability delivered by this increment Justifies changes in threshold values Who writes a CPD? The sponsor All approved CPDs will be posted to KM/DS for future reference
UNCLASSIFIED 51 JCIDS Instruction and Manual Developed in conjunction with DoD 5000 Series CJCSI 3170.01C Top-level description Organizational responsibilities CJCSM 3170.01 JCIDS Analysis Process Define performance attributes & key performance parameters Validation & approval process Document content
UNCLASSIFIED 52 Functional-Operational Relationships Major Combat Operations (JFCOM) Homeland Security (NORTHCOM) Stability Operations (JFCOM) Strategic Deterrence (STRATCOM) Battlespace Awareness Command and Control Force Application Protection Focused Logistics
UNCLASSIFIED 53 Principal Members Services Combatant Commanders USD for Acquisition Technology and Logistics USD for Intelligence ASD for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief Information Officer USecAF (Space) Defense Intelligence Agency Director, Program Analysis & Evaluation Mission Requirements Board Executive Secretary Advisory Membership JWCA leads J-6E/I (interoperability advisor) J-8 Warfighting Concepts and Architectures Integration Division DOD laboratories & industry FCB Membership
UNCLASSIFIED 54 Revised Chairman’s Instruction and companion Manual are effective immediately New CJCSI 3170.01C and CJCSM 3170.01 are posted on the DTIC web site: Resident and Distance learning available through the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil Joint Staff POC: J-8/CAD (703)-697-7525 Additional Information
UNCLASSIFIED 55 Gatekeeping Process KM/DS - Knowledge Management/Decision Support Tool KM/DS JPD Decision JROC Interest Joint Impact Joint Integration Independent GATEKEEPER 5 DAY GOAL Developed by the Sponsor JCIDS Documents
UNCLASSIFIED 56 Joint Integration and Independent Final Document To Database Joint Integration Intel Cert/Threat Validation (J2) Interoperability Certification (J6) Sponsor Validation/ Approval Acquisition Activity Independent KM/DS Munitions Certification (J4)
UNCLASSIFIED 58 JROC Interest And Joint Impact Approval Final Document To Database FCB Review Sponsor Approval Acquisition Activity JROC Interest Joint Impact KM/DS FCB Validation JCB/JROC Approval/ Validation
UNCLASSIFIED 59 JCIDS Analysis Functional Area Analysis (FAA) –Identify operational task, conditions, and standards needed to accomplish military objectives –Result: Tasks to be accomplished Functional Needs Analysis (FNA) –Assess ability of current and programmed capabilities to accomplish the tasks –Result: List of capability gaps Functional Solutions Analysis (FSA) –Operational based assessment of DOTMLPF approaches to solving capability gaps –Result: Potential DOTMLPF approaches to capability gaps Post Independent Analysis –Independent analysis of approaches to determine best fit –Result: Initial Capabilities Document
UNCLASSIFIED 60 Joint Potential Designators (JPD) JROC Interest –All ACAT I/IA, CRDs, and DOTMLPF change proposals –Any other program so designated –JROC validates and approves Joint Impact –Any ACAT II and below program with significant impact on joint warfighting –FCB validates, Sponsor approves Joint Integration –Any ACAT II and below program without significant joint impact –Requires intelligence, munitions or interoperability certification –Sponsor validates and approves Independent –Any program not meeting the above criteria –Sponsor validates and approves
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