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Region 4 Section Reports 11. Iowa Illinois Section.

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1 Region 4 Section Reports 11. Iowa Illinois Section

2 Iowa Illinois Section Report IEEE Region 4 Meeting Oct 16/17, 2004

3 Agenda Section Map Section Demographics Section Vitality Section Newsletter Sample Section Web Site Home Page Other Section Activities Successes/Best Practices Section Strengths Challenges Lessons Learned Goals for Next Year Goals for Next 5 Years Miscellaneous Region 4 Could Most Help My Section By… Summary

4 Iowa Illinois Section Map

5 Iowa Illinois Section Demographics Total Active Members:263 –Members159 –Student members18 –Senior members12 –Life members29 –Affiliates 30 –Associate15 Meetings –# per year9-10 –Format (lunch, dinner, talk only)dinner –Type (tour, PACE, technical)80/20 Tech/GOLD –Section vs ChapterSection

6 Iowa Illinois Section Demographics Section Leadership for Iowa Illinois Section –Term: Calendar Year 2004 –Chair – Dr. Ali A. Chowdhury, –Vice Chair – Jim Kulaga, –Past Chair – Karen Pedersen, –Treasurer – Bill Serre, –Secretary – Peter Schuster, –Member-at-Large – John D. Johnson, iowa- –Member-at-Large - Jim White, –Member-at-Large - Muhammed B. Rahim,

7 Iowa Illinois Section Demographics Section Organization –Subsections None –Society Chapters None –Affinity Groups GOLD –Student Branches None, but trying to create one

8 Iowa Illinois Section Vitality Meetings during the last year –Jan => Tax Law Changes and Tips –Feb => National Engineer's Week: Joint meeting with QCESC –Mar => Mission to Mars & Recent Discoveries in Astronomy –Apr => Joint Meeting with Cedar Rapids Section on National Advanced Driving Simulator in Iowa City –May (1) => Short Course on Reactive Power Compensation and Voltage Stability Short Course –May 2) => Intelligent Mobile Equipment in the Outdoor Space –June => 50 th Anniversary for Iowa-Illinois Section Celebration and Historical Review of Section –Sept (1) => Tour of John Deere Manufacturing Facility –Sept (2)=> GOLD Meeting on Future Programs and Meetings –Oct => Energy Efficiency for Your Home –Nov (1) => Joint Meeting with ASM International & QC Mallards hockey game –Nov (2) => GOLD Social Event –Dec => Holiday Event: Dinner Theatre and Election

9 National Advanced Driving Simulator

10 Meeting Notice Sample

11 Section Web Site Home Page

12 Other Section Activities PACE – GOLD –The only activities have been the meetings Affinity Groups –None

13 Successes/Best Practices Success/best practice 1 –The Reactive Power & Voltage Stability Course. Success/best practice 2 –Expanding our programs to the computer areas.

14 Section Strengths Strength 1 –Each member of the Executive Committee plans a program Strength 2 –Programs are focused on current issues

15 Challenges Challenge 1 –Maintaining interest in a small section. Challenge 2 –Reaching all members. We are a small section in a large territory.

16 Lessons Learned Lesson learned 1 –It is about the Topic at meetings and workshops. Lesson learned 2 –Keep the meetings affordable and doable driving distance. Lesson learned 3 –Members are busy and matching everyone’s schedule is impossible.

17 Goals for Next Year Goal 1 –Increase overall meeting attendance by 10%. Goal 2 –Have at least one meeting in a new area. Dubuque. Goal 3 –Another joint meeting with an adjacent section (Cedar Rapids). Goal 4 –Establish a Student Branch. Goal 5 –Provide another opportunity such as a workshop for members to get CEUs.

18 Goals for Next 5 Years Goal 1 –Create one or two chapters in areas that have significant number of members Goal 2 –More diversity in topics

19 Misc Misc 1 –Email SPAM to @IEEE Email Addresses IEEE Firewall/SPAM needs to be improved in order to block inappropriate emails, especially to the generic exec committee addresses (e.g. ).

20 Region 4 Could Most Help My Section By… Method 1 –By continuing to communicate what is expected of the sections. Method 2 –By continuing to provide opportunities at the meetings for us to share ideas that work.

21 Summary Take Away Point #1 –It’s all about the program topic. Take Away Point #2 –Keep the travel down as much as possible

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