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1 A Plan to Implement Standards in the Classroom Mandatory World Languages Department Chairpersons Training October 19, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 A Plan to Implement Standards in the Classroom Mandatory World Languages Department Chairpersons Training October 19, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A Plan to Implement Standards in the Classroom Mandatory World Languages Department Chairpersons Training October 19, 2006

2 2 Desired Outcomes Participants will: Create sample assessment tasks and rubrics Increase understanding of HCPS III Implementation Process Model

3 3 Desired Outcomes Increase understanding of articulation of curriculum for HCPS III through Benchmark and curriculum maps

4 4 Sometimes, It Seems Like This….

5 5 The Goal… Proficiency for ALL Students

6 6 AP Vertical Teams An AP Vertical Team is a group of of educators from different grade levels (elementary to college) in a given discipline who work cooperatively to develop and implement a vertically aligned program aimed at helping students acquire the academic skills necessary for success in the Advanced Placement Program ®.

7 7 HCPS III Implementation Process Model 1. Identify relevant benchmarks. Which benchmark(s) will be the central focus of the lesson/unit? 2. Determine acceptable evidence and criteria. What evidence will show that the student has met the benchmarks at the appropriate taxonomic level? 3. Determine learning experiences that will enable students to learn what they need to know and to do. What strategies or learning experiences will build understanding and help all students meet proficiency? How can the General Learner Outcomes and Process Standards enhance the learning experience? 4. Teach and collect evidence of student learning. 5. Assess student work to inform instruction or use data to provide feedback. What does the evidence indicate about the students progress? Other evidence: reflections, observations, interviews. Is there enough work to make a judgment about the students level of proficiency? What further support is needed? 6. Evaluate student work and make judgment on learning results and communicate findings. What is the level of proficiency most recently demonstrated by the student? Reteach or repeat the process with the next set of benchmarks.

8 8 HCPS III Implementation Process Model 1. Identify relevant benchmarks. HCPS III Standards Benchmark Maps Curriculum Maps 2. Determine acceptable evidence and criteria. HCPS III Standards Instructional Maps (in development) Curriculum Maps 3. Determine learning experiences that will enable students to learn what they need to know and to do. Instructional Maps (in development) Individual teacher lesson plans 4. Teach and collect evidence of student learning. 5. Assess student work to inform instruction or use data to provide feedback. Formative Assessments Summative assessments 6. Evaluate student work and make judgment on learning results and communicate findings. Standards-based grading and reporting (Resources)

9 9 HCPS III Implementation Process Model 1. Identify relevant benchmarks. Which benchmark(s) will be the central focus of the lesson/unit? State Resource: HCPS III Standards Currently available on DOE website Available in hardcopy at schools State Resource: Benchmark Maps Revised/Final maps on DOE website for all areas School Resource: Curriculum Maps Developed at the school level by teachers Aligned with Benchmark Maps

10 10 HCPS III: Grade 3 Example World Languages

11 11 HCPS III: Organization Strand organizes the standards into big ideas Content Standard a broad statement of what a student needs to know or be able to do at the end of K-12 schooling Topic organizes the benchmarks into related ideas Grade-Level Benchmark a specific statement of what a student should know or be able to do at a specific grade level or course Sample Performance Assessment a generalized description of how a student can demonstrate significant aspects of the benchmark Rubric tool to assess the quality of students achievement of the standards at the specified taxonomic level

12 12 HCPS II vs. III Comparison: Major Differences HCPS III: establishes the taxonomic level at which students need to demonstrate proficiency provides a rubric for each benchmark provides a sample performance assessment for each benchmark provides benchmarks by grade levels or courses

13 13 6 Standards Communication 1. Interpersonal 2. Interpretive 3. Presentational 4. Cultures 5. Comparisons 6.Connections&Communities 81 Benchmarks / 158 Performance Indicators 5 Standards Communication 1. Interpersonal Topic: Verbal Communication 2. Interpretive Topic: Critical Listening/Reading 3. Presentational Topic: Oral Presentation Topic: Written Presentation 4. Cultures Topic: Cultural Knowledge Topic: Cultural Comparisons 5. Comparisons Topic: Linguistic and Grammatical Concepts *6. Integrated into communication 76 Benchmarks/76 Sample Performance Assessments HCPS II Standards vs. HCPS III Standards

14 14 Benchmark Maps DEFINITION: The state benchmark maps are a quarterly sequence of clustered benchmarks to be covered within a grade or course. PURPOSE: Benchmark maps provide consistency in identifying when benchmarks will be addressed as schools develop curriculum maps.

15 15 Benchmark Map (Sample)

16 16 HCPS III Implementation Process Model 2. Determine acceptable evidence and criteria. How will you know that the student has met the benchmarks? State Resource: HCPS III Use the Sample Performance Assessment to guide the development/selection of specific assessment tasks State Resource: States Instructional Map Will contain assessment tasks with accompanying rubrics Will contain student work exemplars Whats Needed? Assessment Tasks & Rubrics

17 17 Understanding the Benchmarks via Taxonomic Levels Blooms Taxonomy Depth of Knowledge Marzanos Taxonomy All three provide a hierarchical structure to understand different levels of cognitive demand.

18 18 Understanding the Benchmarks via Taxonomic Levels Marzanos Taxonomy is used by all content areas because it addresses more than the levels of critical thinking… Cognitive System Metacognitive System Self System Marzanos Taxonomy Levels of thinking (RIGOR) Self-directed, reflective learner (RELEVANCE) Attitudes and beliefs(RELATIONSHIPS)

19 19 Marzanos Taxonomic Levels (Cognitive System) Level IVLevel IIILevel IILevel I Knowledge Utilization AnalysisComprehension Knowledge Retrieval Use ___ to determine ___ Judge the validity of ___ Use___ to solve Generate/Test hypotheses Analyze using evidence Investigate Compare/ contrast Differentiate Categorize Find what is common among Categorize Determine reasonableness of information Predict Determine what comes next/later Describe and explain Explain the concept Demonstrate and explain Diagram Illustrate/ describe how ___ is related to ___ Represent Recognize Select from a list Recall Give/Provide examples List Name Read Perform mathematical operation (by following a set algorithm) see yellow handout

20 20 What is the student expected to know and be able to do? At what taxonomic level? Using Marzanos Taxonomic Levels WL.IS.Y1.1.2:Ask and answer transactional questions to provide and obtain goods, services, or information

21 21 Using Marzanos Taxonomic Levels WL.IE.3.3.1 Use simple words and phrases to present about familiar topics What is the student expected to know and be able to do? At what taxonomic level?

22 22 Using Marzanos Taxonomic Levels WL.Y1.5.1 Use oral language skills to make simple presentations. What is the student expected to know and be able to do? At what taxonomic level?

23 23 Evaluating Assessment Tasks Does the task align to the targeted benchmark? At the appropriate taxonomic level? Task: The student will give an oral presentation about a well- known person. WL.IS.Y1.3.1 Use oral language skills to make simple presentations

24 24 Evaluating Assessment Tasks WL.IIS.Y3.1.1 Use appropriate vocabulary to exchange opinions and personal perspectives Does the task align to the targeted benchmark? At the appropriate taxonomic level? Task : A pair of students need to decide which DVD to borrow. Student shares opinion with partner about a favorite movie and supports own ideas through elaboration and supporting details.

25 25 Turn and Talk: NOUNS or VERBS? Which words in the benchmark are most useful in determining the benchmarks taxonomic level? What are the implications of a mismatch between the taxonomic level of the benchmark and the assessment task?

26 26 HCPS III Implementation Process Model The first three steps involve PRE-PLANNING. How do the DOE resources support these stages in the planning model? How does the complex staff support teachers in these planning steps? 2. Determine acceptable evidence and criteria. 1. Identify relevant benchmarks. 3. Determine learning experiences that will enable students to learn what they need to know and to do.

27 27 HCPS III Implementation Process Model 4. Teach and collect evidence of student learning. 5. Assess student work to inform instruction or use data to provide feedback. What does the evidence indicate about the students progress? Is there enough work to make a judgment about the students level of proficiency? What further support is needed? Evidence of learning: Student work: tests, projects, problems, reflections, homework, classwork (LEARNING PORTFOLIO) Observations, interviews

28 28 HCPS III Implementation Process Model 6. Evaluate student work and make judgment on learning results and communicate findings. What is the level of proficiency most recently demonstrated by the student? Grades based on: Recent work; variety of assessments Communicate results via: Standards-Based Report Card Phone calls, conferences, portfolio, notes home

29 29 Constructive Collaboration to Implement HCPS III SCHOOLS COMPLEX AREA TEAM OCISS/ISB Schools: Communicate needs to Complex Area Team Complex Area Team: Works with schools in collaboration with school- level leaders (tap into the strengths that already exist within the school) OCISS/ISB: Provide training and support for school-level leaders; develop support tools for HCPS III implementation Teachers: Provide input and feedback on support tools Complex Area Team: Communicate needs to OCISS/ISB OCISS/ISB: Provide training and support for Complex Area Team

30 30 Small group task(4 per group, same language): Create an assessment task and rubric for year 1 or year 2 for the second quarter, Standard 3 - Presentational. All members of the group must agree to bring back 5-10 random pieces of student work from agreed upon task to next meeting.

31 31 Resources: 1. Sample assessment task 2. Benchmark maps 3. HCPS III 4. Marzanos Taxonomic Levels 5. Sample Presentational Rubric 6. Criteria for performance task - zesty scale

32 32 Lynette and Danile will collect all tasks and rubrics today, compile them, and email them back to all by November 30.

33 33 Curriculum Maps Content- subject matter, key concepts, facts, topics Skills - targeted proficiencies, actions and strategies, seeable and measureable verbs, precise, action verbs Assessment- demonstration of learning, products and performances, evidence

34 34 Curriculum Maps (Pair work) Pair up with same language, same level Share process, questions, issues, ah has, with partner Identify commonalities between maps Come back to large language group, each pair share something they learned

35 35 Large Group Discussion: Sharing What was the value in sharing of individual curriculum maps with peers? Is there a need or desire to continue this process with quarter 2 maps?

36 36 What are classrooms, departments, schools, or complexes doing to increase student achievement?

37 37 Arigato Mahalo Gracias Go mop sam nee dah SalamatGrazie Gratias ago Merci Xie xie Dankeschoen Shukra Spasiba

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