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Presentation by Urban Renewal Division Planning Department.

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2 Presentation by Urban Renewal Division Planning Department

3 Urban Renewal in Hong Kong

4 Aims of Urban Regeneration in Hong Kong To improve and enhance the quality of the general living and working environment of the older parts of Hong Kong

5 Metropolitan Areas of Hong Kong Geographic Location


7 old built up areas  poor living environment  poor living environment and overcrowding  hygiene and health problems  inadequate community facilities  inadequate open space provision  narrow streets and inefficient layout  poor land utilization

8 Old dilapidated area in urban area

9 Need for Urban Renewal

10 Dilapidated Buildings Conditions lead to Poor Living Environment

11 Increasing Old Building Stock

12 increase 75% in 15 yearsincrease 75% in 15 years increase 47% in 10 yearsincrease 47% in 10 years Old Building Stock

13 Evolution of urban renewal approach

14 Traditional Approach Traditional Approach market driven little intervention from government piecemeal redevelopment no provision for resumption no provision for rehousing no provision of community facilities

15 Example of ‘Pencil’ Development

16 Taikoo Dockyard redeveloped a commercial/residential estate Taikoo Shing Private Redevelopment Efforts

17 Dockyard redeveloped to a residential estate Whampoa Garden

18 Redevelopment of Public Housing Estates by HKHA Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme

19 Land Development Corporation an independent statutory body operates on prudent commercial principles makes use of private resources through joint venture

20 LDC Achievements completed 16 projects since 1989 completed 16 projects since 1989 3 projects under construction & 9 under active implementation 3 projects under construction & 9 under active implementation provided 1,100 units & 8,700 units to be constructed provided 1,100 units & 8,700 units to be constructed provided approx. 13,000 sqm. open space (21,000 sqm to be provided) provided approx. 13,000 sqm. open space (21,000 sqm to be provided) provided approx. 7,600 sqm of floor areas for G/IC facilities provided approx. 7,600 sqm of floor areas for G/IC facilities (26,000 sqm to be provided) (26,000 sqm to be provided)

21 Difficulties fragmented ownership long lead time for resumption financially not viable lack public support

22 Urban Renewal Strategy A Robust Approach  More Comprehensive Restructuring  Greater Emphasis on Rehabilitation  Preservation of Heritage

23 Urban Renewal Target Areas

24 Urban Renewal Authority A statutory body to : operate under the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance implement projects according to Urban Renewal Strategy Better equipped to : expedite land assembly provide proper rehousing & compensation promote rehabilitation & preservation

25 Restructuring & Redevelopment targeted to complete 225 projects in 20 years approx. 1,800 buildings to be demolished approx. 126,000 people will be affected approx. 27,000 rehousing flats required

26 Community Benefits 7 schools approx. 105,000 sq.m. open space (incl. 7,400 sq.m. reprovision) approx. 116,000 sq.m. floor areas for G/IC facilities approx. 30 historic buildings for preservation

27 Implementation Mechanism

28 Redevelopment Assemble larger areas of land for comprehensive planning restructuring, for example : –local road and transport network –open spaces –better utilisation of land

29 LDC Development Scheme - Jubilee Street/ Queen’s Road Central before

30 after LDC Development Scheme - Jubilee Street/ Queen’s Road Central

31 Comprehensive Redevelopment beforeafter

32 Rehabilitation Building Maintenance beforeafter

33 Revitalization Bring about improvement to the general environment of the run-down districts. through the strengthening of the design and quality of local features To add live to the area

34 Conservation To retain and enhance Hong Kong's unique culture and heritage. To preserve buildings of historical, architectural and cultural value To retain local character of different districts.



37 Preservation - Shanghai Street

38 Rehousing Reserve rehousing land Invite Housing Authority & Hong Kong Housing Society to provide rehousing flats Accommodate socially needy groups e.g. elderly

39 Financial Support possible relaxation of plot ratio controls exemption of G/IC facilities from premium calculation government loan to finance projects direct resumption

40 streamline planning & land resumption procedures streamline planning & land resumption procedures to promote private & other agencies involvement to promote private & other agencies involvement Other Supports

41 A Comprehensive Review of the Urban Renewal Strategy will be conducted to guide future urban renewal efforts of the Urban Renewal Authority.

42 More information available at : More information available at : Planning Department’s web-site Urban Renewal Authority’s web-site

43 Thank you

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